Is it okay to start at 4.5mg?

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Nov 16, 2012
Southern USA
I FINALLY found someone to prescribe LDN! I really want to try it with E. He is doing good with diet, but I hope that LDN can give some more freedom in his diet for social purposes.

Can we begin with 4.5mg? The person we are looking to prescribe is a PA who is friend's husband. He doesn't know much about LDN and he is just following our lead. I hate to increment up because of the complexity of explaining that to him. I did think we could take half a pill at first to slowly introduce?

Any thoughts?
I did 1.5 mg for 2 weeks 3 mg for 2 weeks and then 4.5 mg. I did not notice any improvement until I started the full 4.5 mg dose.

To be honest I would just start with 4.5. The only problem some people have is a little insomnia. Hardly worth caring about if you've experienced the many lovely side effects of steroids and immunomodulators like most here have.
When I was going to go on LDN I was told I can start on 4.5 but that I might feel it a bit at first in terms of insomnia. I think you can safely go on 4.5 but if you want to ease into it that's ok.
I would suggest you start with 4.5 mg dose. Do not 'split' compounded pills (capsules).

If 4.5 mg causes sleep disruptions, then see about getting 1.5 mg pills in larger numbers and try 1X, then 2X, and finally 3X... OR stick with 4.5 mg and opt for sleep aides if you need to. Remember, addicts are prescribed 150 mg and the drug was initially tested at up to 300 mg...

Or, another way to look at it... in the world of drug side effects... this is the lowest dosed drug you will find for IBD, and it comes with the mildest possible side effects. In Ireland a doctor who prescribes it calls it safer than taking an aspirin. How is that for perspective?
Or, another way to look at it... in the world of drug side effects... this is the lowest dosed drug you will find for IBD, and it comes with the mildest possible side effects. In Ireland a doctor who prescribes it calls it safer than taking an aspirin. How is that for perspective?

Sounds much better than the four pages of side effects for 6-MP :)
Please note it is still an opioid receptor antagonist. If you need opioid based painkillers it will interfere with their function to some degree. Much less then the dose they give addicts to wean them but it is still worth remembering. And if you do stop taking it you are more susceptible to opioid based painkillers for a period of a week (depending on weight) or so. If you have to undergo serious surgery you'll likely need to stop dosage in advance.
Charleigh I can't remember how old E is but Jack was 12 and about 75 lbs and we started and stayed on 4.5mg the whole time
Thanks ya'll. We finally had our appointment and I now have our prescription. I guess he will start taking it tonight. I am a little nervous.
I had to start slow & work up because of my thyroid. Started 4.5 last week and starting to notice bathroom trips are less frequent. Wish I could have started 4.5 two months ago! Every time I moved up I had a little trouble sleeping the first night but that didn't last. Praying for you and your son!