Staying at my sisters.
Ta da!
Hi all,my you have all been busy.I'm trying very hard not to be sarcastic,so I will go and do something useful before I explode.........Oh!!! WINNING,and back soon to win again
Holy smokes it's $20 for a package of 8 razor heads, I think I'll just be a hippy... or a wizard.
Just hone your Bowie Knife,you wimp:ylol:
minus 40 here today with the windchill. bbrrr
Oh ............... you're back
I went to the GI yesterday. I have been having pain in my right side of my abdomen.Also having more and more D. The doc poked around my gut and I shot to the ceiling! He Told me that it could be a bacterial infection, but most likely is active Crohns. He prescribed Flagyl,and scheduled a colonoscopy for Feb. 8th. If not bacterial, then they will change my Humira prescription to probably weekly injections.
Yea, just got in an ordered some food. How u going?
Doug would have one good day and say he has been doing a lot better, and convince himself that he was in remission, and had been for days. He is delusional. I knew better by how many times he runs, and I mean RUNS to the bathroom. At least he tries to be positive, but reality is hitting him a little hard right now. They say opposites attract. I always think I'm dying and once in a while have a moment of reality and know that I'm not. :eek2::rof:
At any rate, team Utah is winning again.
How dies that differ from gin?
Waking up without coffee is like... something I could probably think of if I had my coffee.
Dude seems to be making a living off it, I'd say he's accomplished something, even if at great cost.
Well - seeing how many marshmallows you could stuff into your mouth was always a good game as a kid.
And then say "Flyffy Bunny" :ylol:
Santra, you should've made a little doggie angel!!!
I was thinking about it but could not figure out how I would do it.
Yes, I guess it would be difficult unless you rolled him on his side and waved his paw up and down and then the other side! Just funny to think about!:ylol:
I know what you mean with the caffeine withdrawals, last night I had such a headache, went to bed at about 8pm #studentlife
That said I feel much better today, bit tired but not asleep at 8pm tired! Do you use any supplements when you go the gym InstantCoffee?