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Life after small bowel resection

I’m 8 years post small bowel resection. Diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2000.
A very positive result from my surgery is I have not had a bowel obstruction since...farewell NGT❤ On the other hand, I have to admit I’ve had a decrease in overall quality of life in past 8 years. I began experiencing fatigue & low energy
shortly after surgery then it became progressively worse to the point of occasional total exhaustion. I believe struggling with this has led to considerable depression. 2 years ago my Dr checked my iron levels and they were so low I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia & had to have 3 IV iron infusions. I was actually excited to hear this thinking ahhhhh at long last they’ve found the reason for my constant fatigue. After being so hopeful I didn’t experience anything positive or changes at all after the infusions. I know a resection leads to poor vitamin absorption. I’d like to know if anyone else has had a problem with fatigue, depression post surgery. Thanks for any input!!


Staff member
If it is eight years since your surgery perhaps there are other reasons for the depression.
Have you tried vitamin B Complex it could help with the deficiency and its worth discussing with your doctors.
There could be other reasons such as thyroid deficiency being one
You do need a complete checkup and at the same time you could discuss your problems
and ask for any tests that might be done to correct any problems.
I am 18 months post surgery and recently found that I had very low vitamin B and have had fatigue. One of the functions of the terminal ileum is to absorb B12 and, as mine has been removed, I now have to have B12 injections.

I was given an initial 5 injections spread over two weeks as a ‘loading dose’ and will have a further injection every 12 weeks
How much did they take out? What part of the small intestine?
I agree with the others, get a b12 level checked and if deficient get on monthly shots.