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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 1, 2017
Well, saw the doc today who’s going to do the colonoscopy the 11. He said from all my symptoms, the CT, the continued GI issues, he thought we would likely find Crohns easy enough. Said one or two issues but blood, mucous, pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, weight loss, mouth sores, joint swelling and pain are too many symptoms to really find nothing. It’s definately limiting my enjoyment of life, I can tell you that. He asked me what I do when I go out? I said, I usually don’t eat or I eat in the car on the way home. He asked me, really? Yep. I don’t eat much when I farm because I’m afraid I will start with the diarrhea. I drink, but sometimes that even gets me in trouble. Anyhow, the 11i should have some good ideas.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far.