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MAP and Crohn's



Hello all!

I've been doing alot of reading the past few days and I was curious what you all think about the correlation between MAP and Crohn's. It seems that doctors in both Australia and the UK have used Antibiotics that target MAP as a mainstay treatment for Crohn's. Has anyone else heard about this? What do you all think?


Its pretty common. Its very debatable.

I'm sure you know all the basics of it since you've been reading about it.

To me I dont particulary mind something that is debatable, seems like it will work for some maybe.


Part of the problem seems to be that they can only find MAP in some people, so they are not sure that it is something that can be considered for treating everyone.

I really am not in a position to say if it is either true or not, but I am open to anything being possible :).