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Methotrexate and severe anxiety

Hi All

I have been on MTX (20mg)for approx. 1 year. Initially no side effects though I did notice that after about 6 months ( when the MTX kicked in) I began to experienced problems with sudden increases in my anxiety for no apparent reason. I have been dealing with anxiety issues for a few years now but not to the level I've experienced lately since being on MTX. My GI has said that it is NOT related to MTX, though I don't agree him and feel disappointed in his response. My doctor initially seemed unsure of my GI response, though he tends to agree with my GI now. Ive asked my doctor for a vitamin B12 check but he says that my B12 levels would be high because Ive been taking folate tablets...! Seems strange he isn't prepared to check as it is possible I could have absorption problems and be the reason for the increased anxiety.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar. Im concerned for my mental health while on MTX and have been told biologic drugs (Humira) could be even more complicated to deal with. Don't know what to do? Feeling let down by my doctors at the moment.
Ask your doctor for a B12 again, I'm on MTX for almost 3 years now and I take folic acid and B12 supplements and mine still gets low. I have had more axiety since being on MTX, but I do not think it is related- more about my life and disease. My pshyc doctor put me on L-methofolate which is basically folic acid but already in a form the brain can process because he has seen some people on folic acid getting depression or anxiety because of how it interacts with the blood-brain barrier. MTX is not related to anxiety that I've ever heard of BUT your struggles with your disease and treatment plan may be affecting you more than you realize.

I would schedule another appointment with your doctor and calmly voice your concerns and that you feel that your level of care is not where you want it. B12 test is really simple there is no risk so I do not understand why they might refuse.