Hi Ya chippy,
I'm Happy-- the one Dusty was talking about above.
Well first of all, I recommend that you are supervised by your doctor/dietician so keep working on that-- it is very easy to become malnourished.
You can read the thread that Dusty also suggested above for info about the resources that guided me, but I'll give you a quick intro here and then you can ask me specific questions.
First of all--drink lots of water. Your system is likely to get constipated with solid food. I also suggest having on hand a laxative (Miralax) with POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL (PEG) 3350 in it to use for a short while in case constipation becomes an issue. (There are no other ingredients in it to worry about.)
Then start very slowly; think of eating food as supplementing your EN for the first while. Chew the food thoroughly, eat slowly, and eat very small amounts at first.
Start with one food at a time (per day or even up to four days). Start with watery white rice first, then cooked carrots, cooked pear, poached chicken, soy milk (plain, unsweetened), then small amounts of soy/vegan butter and/or olive oil. Branch out from these foods to include rice cakes, rice crackers, rice flour to coat the chicken, etc.
Stay away from high fibre foods (legumes, skins of fruits and vegetables), those that are irritating to the bowel (nuts, seeds, popcorn), dairy products, high fat foods, spicy foods and other grains.
Then slowly add fish, other lean meats, more fruits and veggies, and test dairy products. Then test various grains, higher fibre foods and higher fat foods. Ask your doctor before you try seeds, nuts popcorn, etc.
Gradually reduce the EN once you are eating well, or continue supplementing with EN if you wish.
Congrats on getting well with EN--it takes a lot of dedication. Good luck with your return to solid food. May it go smoothly for you. :goodluck: