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The day has been strange in ways. I've been sick to the stomach. I'm going to blame that on the antibiotics I've been taking. I have only 3 more pills to take and I'm not entirely sure if I'll take them for fear of making the stomach worse. I'll likely take them though. Best to tame the infected tooth as best as possible.

the good is that despite the sour stomach I have good energy levels. I'm not overly energetic but I would be able to do what ever I wished with this energy. At least for a time. So good fro that. Also the tongue is healing. The healing is happening quicker then I'm thinking. The sore looked rather poorly this morning. this afternoon though it has the appearance of healing. Love it. That's probably what my problem has been, eating red meat and dairy causes poor healing and muscle cramping. Well, I'm guessing there. Grains are being avoided too. As are chicken, eggs and turkey. I'm only eating fish still. It gets old but can get used to the improved energy levels.
Today is the last day of taking antibiotics. Thank god. I'm thinking the antibiotics caused my mini stomach flare yesterday. It has me feeling weak this morning. I have a tongue sore also, though it clearly appears to be healing. The sore and stomach problem was caused either by the dairy free cheese bought from the store, or the antibiotics. That is my thinking. Energy levels this morning as not that bad though. I'm weak, but have decent energy, an odd combination. Skin looks good, though I have one area that is red in color. Imagine that will go away soon. I'm still feeling good about spices, nightshade and carrot family though I'm two weeks into eat those, and naturally with this latest small stomach trouble and sore am having me rethink their safe listing.
I found some possibly troubling information. I've been taking a "natural" B vitamin complex the last few months. Looking at the ingredients though I see the natural B12 is listed as synthetic B12. Something deceptive is going on. I only take this natural b complex vitamin twice a week. When I take it I notice I have less energy and appear less healthy. The negative effects are not that great though. An all synthetic B vitamin bought at the store has me feeling much worse from past experience. But being high in vitamins has me continueing to take it. In light of the listing of synthetic B12 on the label I'll stop taking it. This morning I ordered some other natural B vitamin complexes that appear to be all natural. I'll give them a try and see how I do. Maybe sythetic B12 is the trouble maker.

There is a known B12 allergy to synthetic b12. I read it is an allergy to the metal cobalt used to make synthetic b12. The natural methyl form of B12 doesn't reportedly cause an allergy reaction. Cobalt allergy reactions are similar to mine, with it causing a skin rash, itching and an upset stomach.
Tongue looking good, nearly healed. I'm healing quick. It is a positive sign. I'm not so sure that my problem is with B12 vitamins, but I read further on it today, and will adjust my diet some. At a latter time I'll test the dairy free cheese eating it again to see what happens.

My guess is that anything that upsets the digestive system can bring about a tongue sore. Most likely the antibiotic taken the last 7 days caused the stomach to be mildly upset and a sore formed as a result. The good news, today was the last day of me taking an antibiotic. Tomorrow I'll begin to take the probiotic.

Energy levels were decent today. Muscles feel good. I was a bit tired this morning but nothing terrible. Now I feel better.
I believe I'm feeling better this morning. Still have tht tongue sore but it is healing. Hard to say how long it will stick around. Hope it heals soon. Well, look forward to testing the B12 theory after Nov. 12th. I have my doubts that is the cause ofthe tongue sore but then again multi vitamins are a big problem for me. Maybe they cause tongue sores also. Took the probiotic this morning. So far so good.
The tongue is nearly healed. I love it. It healed quite quick. That's a wonderful sign, I believe. Gut doing well. I had ordered some olive extract. It arrived today. I might take that tomorrow to see if it causes a tongue sore. I doubt it will but worth finding out. Olive extract was added to that dairy free cheese along with synthetic B12. Skin looks good and healthy.

Another hurricane looks to be brewing in the ocean. early next week might be a bit concerning. Hope the storm does not come this way.
I feel rather lousy this morning. It is likely mainly due to over exercising. Yesterday I decided to exercise more, up to 1000 calories burned a day. I started yesterday and today I'm feeling run down, and have a slight upset stomach. I'll make it but it never feels good being like this.

On the postive the tongue sore is gone. Well, if i look closely I can see some of the tongue markings but by and large the sore it no longer there. I'm healing quicker it seems on this diet of avoiding grains and red meats along with dairy.

Naturally when I feel run down like this I begin to think of doing other dietary ideas. I might go back to avioding nightshade, spices, and carrot family. I seemed to do well eating them, but then again it takes a while to have problems with a food I suspect. Hard to say.
For the month of Nov. I am making another dietary change. I'll go back to avoding nightshade, spices, carrot family. that was the last item I added and while it started out safe might over time have upset the stomach. I'm also going to avoid citrus. I've been eating and drinking more citrus of late. I'll see if that caused the tongue sore and upset stomach.

Tough diet but I should be able to make it for 12 days. After the dental procedure I'll test spices and nightshade again.

Doing better this afternoon. The new diet has so far gone down well with lunch.
165lbs. I lost 2 pounds yesterday. Don't know why. Presumably this is after avoiding citrus as I don't recall ever seeing a drop in weight when avoiding spices/nightshade/carrot family. I'll record my weight for a bit while avoiding citrus. I might even fast today. One of the things about avoiding citrus that I do not like if the dry feeling I develop. I figure I likely lose some water weight when avoiding it. Most likely it was water weight loss that resulting in the 2 pounds of weight loss seen this morning.

tongue looks nearly healed. I have more strength this morning. Gut is doing well.
Today is going wonderfully. I have a tremendous amount of energy. My exercise watch has the evidence to prove it also. I've more than doubled the amount of exercise I typically do and it is only 1:00, and I'm fasting also. I'm not feeling all that sore or tired so far either. So far the taking of natural supplements and avoiding citrus along with avoiding spices, nightshade, and carrot family is working out great. I'm off to a wonderful start.

I think tomorrow I'm going to add potatoes and spices to the diet. I'll see how that effects me. I suspect they will be just fine for me to eat. It is likely citrus that is the problem.
I'm still doing quite well with energy and overall how I feel this later afternoon. It is so wonderful. I've over exercised and I'm feeling a little bit sore. I'll be a lot sore tomorrow is my guess. My guess too is that I'll be feeling fine enough. Weighed myself a bit ago and I'm alreay at 163lbs. I might very well be 162lbs or 172lbs in the morning. I'm using the favorite scale now which is likely off by 10lbs but hard to say. I have three scales and they all give a different weight. Tongue ls looking good. Skin is looking healthy.
I'm doing well this morning. I didn't sleep all that well last night but I'm doing well enough. So far no laxative effect from fasting yesterday. Sometimes it is delayed so maybe latter. Hopefully not at all. I forget but when I avoid citrus the runny nose, and sneezing in the morning goes away. I've typically eaten an orange with breakfast. tongue looks great. It is looking nearly perfect. Energy levels are decent. I'm beat up but doing decent.

another tropical storm appears to be coming this directlon. I better return to eating normally. I need to have my strength and good acting stomach. I did eat potatoes and spices this morning as I ate a hashbrown. I suspect it to be safe. Fingers crossed I'm right.
The avoiding citrus and fasting didn't work. The laxative fasting effect happened this morning. It is early I suppose to know for certain if it worked or not. I've only avoided citrus for a day and a half. Once the tropical storm situation is resolved I'll likely try the idea again.

My hair color does appear darker since avoiding citrus. Imagine if I stay on the diet of avoiding citrus within a month my hair color will be dark brown to black.
Well, I'm thinking now I guessed wrong. This morning and afternoon I've been quite sick to my stomach. I'm not thinking spices, nightshade, carrot family is the problem. I'll still avoid citrus. I should give it a long avoidance. I never do but it should be done. So starting tomorrow now more spicy barbecue chips hash browns, etc.
today is an odd day. I was quite sick, scary sick in a way. Imodium was not working. That always causes fear for me. But now later this afternoon the stomach has settled some. And overall I don't feel bad. that is the strange bit, I still have decent energy levels.

So I'll avoid citrus, spices, nightshade, carrot family and grains for the month of Nov. the diet is going to not be much fun, but if I can have decent energy and eventually a better gut I won't mind to much. the diet won't last for ever. I'll eventually look to add new foods.

With spices when i do look to add them, I need to be more careful. I'll want to add a new spice one at a time, and go slowly. At least that is my suspicion. It takes a long while to become well and sick also. The reminds me, that is how nightshade reportedly causes problems, slowly over time with their natural toxins.
Yesterday was a rather frightening day. It is never fun dealing with a big flare. The stomach seems calmer more settled this morning. I'll be on edge fro the day though I can imagine. It doesn't help that a possible hurricane is coming this way though most current forecasts show is moving away from this area.

Well, hope today is better with me now avoiding citrus, nightshade family, spices, and carrot family.

Tongue looks good. Skin looks healthy.
I've done much better today. The stomach has been calm. My energy levels remain good. Fatigue is not really as issue. I suspect avoiding citrus is the cause for that but I'm not entirely sure. No tongue sores. I'll be watching the tongue closely as I'm curious to see if the tongue does better when avoiding citrus this month.
Well shoot, I woke up this morning with a bad upset stomach. I'm thinking this is a continuation of Saturdays flare. As i mentioned this, Imodium was not working, yet I took a lot of Imodium and it did work eventually. The problem I've noticed with Imodium is that while it can help some it also doesn't stop the problem. I believe my body is trying to expel what it considers a poison and stopping that with Imodium only drags the problem out. The pain seems similar to when I would eat lots of nightshade. Those barbecue potato chips are likely the cause. Hard to say with certainty of course.

I'll continue to avoid nightshade, spices, and carrot family. I'll likely also continue to avoid citrus, though I'm less certain that citrus is a problem. It is just that I haven't tested it well. With that said I do notice differences when avoiding citrus. The differences are small though.
Well, the latest citrus avoidance is short lived. I decided to concentrate on avoiding spices, nightshade, and carrot family. At this point I figure I need to go on a very long avoidance with that. 1 year I'm thinking. So if that doesn't workout I'll revert back to citrus. The pain felt this more was unique. I've experienced it before, and only after eating spices, nightshade, carrot foods. The reaction doesn't happen right away. It can take a week or more to cause a problem I suspect. So it is difficult to figure out.

Stomach remains upset this afternoon. After lunch I've found myself in the restroom unfortunately. Hope things get settled down soon. Hope this problem wasn't caused by the antibiotics.

I'll write less. I've always hoped the problem could be solved with relately shorter term diet trials. That isn't turning out to be the case. I'll undoubtably write myself hand holding notes essentially but overall little point as short term trials are not giving me an answer. Only long term options are available now.
I did better today. I was still a bit sick this afternoon, but overall it wasn't much. Famous last words but I believe the worst is over for the latest flare. Kind of looking forward to avoiding spices, nightshade, and carrot family long term. Never thought I'd say that, but confidence it high that this will work out this go around.
I'm doing well today. No illness so far, and I don't feel tere will be any. Tongue is looking better, nearly healed up. Skin is looking quite good.

I'll be looking at how I do with fasting. I won't begin to fast till after Tuesday, the dental appointment. It might explain why sometimes fasting makes me very sick the next day and other times fasting only tires me out and leads to weight loss. My suspicion is that what ever makes me ill, if I'm eating it it will cause the fasting laxative effect.
Got the munchies today. I'm thinking that came from the workout that has me a bit worn down but nothing to problematic. Natural vitamins are a big help I believe that giving me improved energy levels. Tongue is looking great. It isn't perfect but close to it. I'm still believing the tongue sores are signs of nutritional deficiency. I don't always digest my food all that well due to the stomach issues. Stomach is doing well. Avoiding nightshade and spices is doing me well.
Having the munchies wasn't so good for me. Yesterday I basically ate dinner, and eating dinner can upset the stomach. The stomach was ok, but it did hurt and I'm quite tired this morning. I'll be more careful with eating today. Tongue looks great. Energy levels are lousy. Skin looks nice and healthy.
I was a bit ill to the stomach after lunch. It wasn't a problem but was worse than expected. I'm thinking it was caused by yesterdays snacking.

Had an idea on what I'll try next. Not long ago I bought a bunch of nightshade free sauces, such as spaghetti sauce that uses no tomatoes. It has lots of spices. I'll likely try eating those sauces when I decide to add new foods.

tongue looks great. I'm going to say it is now perfect. Energy levels are pretty good. Appearance healthy.
Tongue looks perfect. Not a mark to be seen. It does appear that spicy barbecue chips are responsible for tongue sores and upset stomach. At least it appears that is the case. It might be carrot juice another item I had added at the time.

Gut a little unsettled but nothing terrible. It might be unsettled due to be eating 2 meals a day regularly. I might fast tomorrow in hopes that it helps me out on Tuesday with my dental appointment.
yesterday I had periods of very high energy levels. That is another break through of late, the natural supplements I'm now taking I believe are helping to improve my energy levels. I've not experienced those great fatigue feelings since I began to take the supplements. So 2024 has been a good year in general for me. With a little luck the diet Idea i'm on of avoiding nightshade and spices will give me my answer in 2025.

Yesterday I ate a bunch of cheese. That ws the first time I've done that in awhile. Tongue still looks good. About my only complain is I feel slightly chilled this morning from the cheese ating. On the positive I'm less gassy. Either the antibioitics of those barbecue chips made me slightly more gassy. Hope I can stop that before my tuesday dental appointment.
I remain a little gassier than wished, but figure it is due to the antibiotics or flare experienced one week ago. The gut is doing well enough I suppose though. Hope I do well on Tuesday with the dental work.

I'm looking healthier and others are letting me know so. That is one thing I've noticed about avioding the nightshade family, my appearance is healthier I believe. And others believe also. This isn't my favorite diet but I need to stick with it for at least this month of Nov and beyond that. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the answer.

Also the diet with supplements does have me feeling more energetic. It is so wonderful.
Good news today I thought. yesterday in prepartion for the longish dental appointment tomorrow I starting taking Imodium. Today i was partly well. It seems Imodium is working once again. At least it is working for today. I took some more Imodium this afternoon. Hope it works well. I'm a bit worn out and tired today. it seems over exercising has caught up with him, and possibly that B vitamin I take from time to time has me feeling tired. Imagine I'll feel better tomorrow.
Yesterdays dental work went well. the infected tooth was removed. I feel relieved. I've a bit on the tired side though this morning. Imagine I'll be doing better as the day goes on. The gut did well enough yesterday. Appearance is healthy. Tongue is looking good. Skin looks good and healthy. I'll keep avoiding spices and nightshade and carrot family members. Another hurricane looks to be heading this way next week. My hope was to begin adding new foods today to the diet but I better remain conservative and stick with the current diet. I'll add eggs, chicken and plain refried beans once the storm threat has passed.
Doing well enough today. Took a multi natural vitamin this morning and it had me a little wornout this morning but overall this afternoon doing good. Ate some eggs today. Cooked up some chicken. I'm going to take a chance that the hurricane season is finished with us. On Saturday much cooler temps are to push through the area. Imagine the ocean will finally cool down. I've noticed for awhile now that my personality has changed. Hard to describe and what to believe but overall I feel more settled with talking to others. It is good.
Since avoiding nightshade along with spices I am appearing quite a bit healthier I believe. I'm not all that energetic but imagine that will come with time. I can't wait. I can imagine my appearance being healthier is in part due to the supplements I'm not taking.

Noticed since having that infected tooth removed I've stopped sneezing and having a runny nose, a problem seen in the morning typically. Maybe the tooth infection was the cause of that issue.

Gut doing well. I've been eating eggs of late, and had some chicken today with lunch. No issues I've noticed so far.
Quite encouraging today, as I was partially well using the bathroom. My energy levels were ok. Nothing great with energy levels but I've had worse. I suspect all the healing I'm doing from dental work to exercise has me a bit worn down.

I havn't noted it down earlier but looming large in my mind is avoiding soy. Genetailly modified soy is reportedly modified with a member of the nightshade family/ I've avoided nightshade many times in the past but often times had soy sauce in the diet. That soy sauce very well could have been what prevented me from healing and getting better.

It was cooler today but I handled that well.

I would like to fast but I've decided to not do any fasting at this time out of fear of the laxative effect that sometimes happens. I know fasting can bring about a laxative effect but all to often it results in me being confused and frustrated. I need to avoid that.
It hasn't been the best of mornings, as I've felt tired, weak, worn out. this afternoon has been better though. Just usual fatigue it feels like. I've had worse. Appearance is healthy. tongue sores are nearly gone. Some tongue markings remain. Skin looks good, healthy. I'm going in a good direction with avoiding the nightshade, and spices. I've thought about adding carrots back into the diet but with some more dental work to be done and tropical storms to worry about I'll hold off on the carrots for now.
I might have run into some good luck. The store I go to has run out of oranges to sell. They only have juicing oranges left. This happens from time to time. Typically what I'll do is go to another store to pick up some oranges. This time I'm going to go on a citrus avoidance diet. As noted many times now I do react to eating citrus. The big problem is how bad is the reaction.

Yesterday I was thinking that mornings are typically the worst time of the day for me. That is when I feel the most out of it. It is also when the fasting laxative effect all to often happens. The mornings are also when I typically eat citrus. I'll have an orange with breakfast.

So I've not done a long citrus avoidance diet. I need to change that.

This morning not having my typical orange, I'm feeling quite well . My energy levels are good. I'm more with it. When I became very ill 2 weeks ago I blamed the spicy potato chips I was testing. There was another new food that I added to the diet though. That other food was carrot juice. The problem is that it is not only carrot juice it is also a mix of lemon juice.
Off to a good start with avoiding citrus. this time I have had quite good energy levels this morning. I was never out of it. I've felt decently strong. Hope that continues. the natural vitamins are likely helping out.

Ate some vegan cheese with lunch. It had no obvious nightshade, spices or citrus in it, though it did have some vague ingredient listings such as natural flavors and vegetable juice used for coloring that possibly might have included one of those to be avoided. If it did it was a small amount.

It did have soy protein in it. So far no problems noticed from lunch. the gut is doing well. Energy levels remain good.

I do better when avoiding citrus. Maybe this time it will work since I'm also taking the natural vitamins. Oh, hair color is quickly changing darker this time, at least for today. Typically it takes a week of avoiding citrus to bring about the darker hair color.
The morning has started out very well, maybe to well. I woke up with lots of energy. Rather nice. i ate a very early breakfast and so far am feeling fine. The good energy remains.

Well, I might fast afterall. I found myself at 177lbs. The upper limit I want to see is 175lbs. So I'll fast most likely and suffer the laxative effect tomorrow most likely. Would be nice if I end up passing that effect.

Tongue does have some markings on it. Will be good to see if they go away quickly since avoiding citrus. .

So at the moment I'm avoiding nightshade family, spices, grains, and citrus. No carrots being eaten either. At the moment I'm thinking citrus and grains are my problem but who knows. Lots of further testing and waiting to do.

I can easily get used to this good energy I'm having this morning. It is nice to not be overly fatigued.
That was quick, my hairs grays have pretty gone away. Avoiding citrus does bring about hair color change. I decided to eat lunch as I finally slowed down some and felt worn down. I'm blaming it on a long bike ride this morning. Typically I'd push ahead and fast but it is to important that I keep my strength and energy up. I become to frustrated when I'm overly fatigued, with what ever causes it,, diet or fasting.
Doing well this morning. Im not as energetic as I was yesterday. That might be due to me taking that ultra high natural vitamin every day this week. I'll go back to taking it two times a week and see if that makes a difference. Tongue looks good. It is healing quickly.. that is great to see. Hope the healing is due to me avoiding citrus, grains and nightshade family members. I imagine it is, citrus avoidance in particular.

Cold weather will be arriving for the remainder of the week. Will be interesting to see how well I handle the chill with me now avoiding citrus.

I might fast today. I want to get back to 175lbs and lower. In theory avoiding citrus should help me to lose weight easier.
Doing ok this morning. I fasted yesterday. This morning weight is nearly at goal. That was quick. I might try for 170lbs. Hair remains darker, which I expect it to remain. Avoiding citrus results in darker hair. Probably my hair will become even darker after a week of avoidance. Eyes are more colorful. Maybe the bright blue eyes will finally show up. On the negative yesterday i was very slightly dizzy. This morning though I don't have any dizzy feeling. Working out will bring about the dizzy feeling sometime. Fingers crossed that feeling goes away due to avoiding citrus. .Oh nearly forgot I was well going to the bathroom this morning. Rather surprising as I have been prepared for the fasting laxative effect. I suppose that might come later but for now to my great surprise I was well to the stomach.
It has been a wonderful morning, with me having lots of energy. The stomach still is doing fine. I've been on edge about the fasting laxative effect. Still to my great suprise I've only been well to the gut. Tongue looks nearly perfect. Weight was 175 to 174lbs this morning. I ate lunch but I've cut out the fruit juices. I'll likely fast again tomorrow. I'm aiming for 170lbs and lower. It might be easier to reach now with citrus out of the diet. I have a better theory on why I had the mild dizziness yesterday. It was likely caused by the ultra high natural B vitamin I've been taking. Typically I would take that vitamin twice a week. Here of late I have taken the vitamin every day. Today I didn't take the vitamin and I have no dizziness and feel better. So I'll have to do some testing of the vitamin. I believe it provides some benefit. More is not better though. Hair remains good and dark. I like the new hair color.
I'm pretty worn out this later afternoon. I've been busy and it has zapped my energy levels. Gut still doing well. Rather pleased about that. Thought for sure I'd be experiencing the laxative effect from fasting. I'm starting to get that dry feeling in my mouth when I avoid citrus. It is something I've long noticed when I avoid citrus and don't know if it is good or bad.
Doing well this morning. I didn't even need to use the bathroom. that is a first. The mornings tend to be the ruffest. Nice change. Tongue is looking quite good. The tongue hasn't been the best of items for me to watch but maybe it will be different now that I'm avoiding citrus. I hope so. Energy levels are so so. Strength is so so. nothing great with either.
It is exciting, I've been quite well today. Energy levels are pretty good. Gut is doing great. I'm handling the chilly weather without problem. All is going well with avoiding citrus, grains and nightshade/spices. I'm also fasting today. Weight is already 174lbs or abouts.
Well, I've been pretty much well the last two days with bathroom habits. Hope I make it 3 days. I fasted yesterday so my thinking is I'll be sick later on but maybe I'll continue to surprise myself and be well. Tongue looks great. It is nearly healed up. Energy levels are good. Strength is good. Skin looks good and healthy. Weight I'll say was 172lbs. The scale I'm currently using isn't that good. I'll buy batteris for the good scale this morning and do a better job of weighing myself. It does seem though that losing weight, at least for only 2 days, is easier since avoiding citrus. I'm also avoiding grains, nightshade and spices. I'm probably not far from when I'll begin to experiment with my diet again, adding new foods. .
It has been a really great day today. I had lots of energy, till I did a bunch of pushups. I still have good energy though. Stomach has been good. It is chilly today but I feel just fine, if not a little to warm due to dressing to warmly. All good signs that I found my answer. I stil have a long ways to go with testing I imagine but avoiding citrus and grains is doing me lots of good. Avoiding nightshade and spices might help also. I'll want to test those items soon.
Today is day 4 I believe where the gut is pretty much well. I say that, there is a long ways to go till it is entirely well I'd imagine but I like what is going on for now. It is quite chilly in the house this morning yet so far I feel fine. The cold isn't bothering me. I'm sneazing a lot which I don't like though. Tongue looks good. Energy levels are higher than typical. I think with the current diet I have an answer. Of course more time is needed to make sure, at least a month or more of good days. I'll keep avoiding citrus, grains, along with spices and nightshade. At some point I'll test spices and nightshade. Part of me went to test that right away but I better keep with the current diet and get healthier. Oh, I stopped eating that dairy free cheese a number of days ago. Some of the natural flavor ingredient listings bothered me. I keep thinking it could have citrus juice in it or maybe nightshade.
It is quite remarkable, and I should stress it again in my notes, I'm not feeling cold. It is 71F in the house and typically I'd been feeling chilled and worn out from the cold. I'd be bundled up and having a tough time keeping warm. the cold would also have my stomach feel sour, upset.

This morning it is entirely different. I'm dressed relatively lightly and I feel warm. I've often thought that my difficulty at talking sometimes comes from feeling cold. That seems to be the case as I feel nice and warm despite the chill and am talking well. The diet change of avoiding citrus, grains, and others such as spices and nightshade I attribute to the feeling of warmth. Most likely it is citrus and grain avoidance that is helping me, but I haven't tested spices and nightshade family members yet.
Pretty amazing, I'm starting to once again think I have my answer. The gut is all but well. Energy levels are good today and this comes after doing a bunch of pushups and I've walked and jogged 13 miles today. I'm a bit worn down but overall I'm not worn down by much. I have a ways to go with recovery but I like how this is going.

At the store today I bought some plain potato chips and some hash browns listing a few spices added such as onion spice. I'm not sure when i'll starting eat that but it is on the docket to be tested next once I feel comfortable doing so.
I'm still thinking I finally have my answer for the cause of my stomach problem and fatigue. Now what is left is testing new foods and time. Time has always been the toughest test. I need to remain decently well for a few months. I'm only one week into on this diet of avoiding citrus, grains, along with nightshade and spices. I'm also avoiding beef. I'll be changing that soon as I ordered some grass fed beef jerky. That will be another good test food to try.

Weight was likely 171lbs. Goal will be less than 170lbs. I suspect I'll reach that weight goal this week. I suppose the main goal is to be rid of most of the belly fat. I can see some of it has gone away but have a good amount left to be rid off.

I have a runny nose this morning and I'm sneezing often. Something is in the air. I've seen reports that red tide is in the area. Maybe that is the cause.
today turned out to not be a good of a day, and I have a good explanation why. Yesterday I went over board with exercises. Today I'm tired. My gut is a little sour. So for the day I took an easy, at leasst compared to all the exercises I did yesterday. It wasn't a bad day. My muscles felt good. No muscle fatigue. I simply over exercised. I've also fasted 3 day out of the last 6. That is always tough on the body also. I imagine if I sleep well tonight I'll be more energetic tomorrow. Tongue looks very good. Skin looks healthy.
170lbs. That is my goal weight but I still have more belly fat than wanted so I'll continue with fasting to lose weight. I'm doing better this morning. I'm sore in my legs as I should be. I did leg weight lifting and walked about 20 miles the other day. It is great to have more energy but I need to be more careful about over exercising. tongue looks good. The tongue is not great but it is coming along. I sttll like avoiding citrus, grains, along with nightshade and spices. Bathroom habits are improved compared to normal. Something I'm looking for is the eyes to turn blue, birhgt blue. I imagine though I have a long ways to go before that happens, if it happens on this diet.
I'm doing better today. Energy levels have been good. Stomach has been hanging in there. Overall it has been a positive day. I'm fasting today also and I've had very good energy for the early part of it, now I'm feeling a bit more worn down, but nothing all that troubling.

I saw something surprising. My resting heart rate has declined considerably. It was in the 40 range. When I was younger, and when I rarely consumed juice, or citrus, my resting heart rate was quite low in the 30 range. Then i decided to improve my diet, and eat fresh fruit such as oranges daily. Since wearing my ewatch I'm used to seeing my resting heart rate much higher in the 60 to the 70 range I believe. So maybe now I know what causes a low resting heart rate for me when younger, avoiding citrus.

A low resting heart rate is something my father has. His resting heart rate can be quite low, to the point that doctors can panic. Health wise though it has never seemingly caused dad trouble.

I've read before that a food that one is allergic to can causes a rapid heart rate. Makes me wonder if that is what was going on. Well, anyway, one day of a low heart rate recording doesn't amount to much. I'll have to watch it out of curiosity.

Maybe that is what caused me such fatigue, a higher heart rate than my body likes.
I slept very well last night. I went to bed and woke up when I typically wake up. That was nice, not waking up once in my sleep. Weight 171lbs. I fasted yesterday and gained a pound doing so. Hmmmm.... I think I know why. Much of my weight loss has been water loss. Now I'm into losing fat weight and that is tougher. At least that is my guess. Kind of nice though how avoiding citrus brought about easier weight loss. the good is that it appears that I lost some more belly fat and that is what counts. I don't have to much more to lose by apperaances this morning. Doing well this morning. I took one of those big vitamin pills that I suspect can make me feel weaker and hungry for a morning. I'm actually not sure about that result as I don't always feel worn down after taking one of the natural big vitamin pills. hard to say what is going on there. Tongue has some markings still but they appear to be going away. Gut is do well, really well this morning. I added a new food this morning, macadamia nuts. So far so good. I ordered a bunch of mixed nuts yesterday. I'll test those right away.
I am fasting again today and so far no signs of the fasting laxative effect. This is two days in a row with fasting. This comes after 8 fasting days, with the every other day of fasting. I'm tired, a bit out of it, to be expected, but overall I'm doing quite well. Energy levels are good. Strength is ok. I even did a few of the tough pushups. I imagine I'll do well tomorrow for the Thanksgiving gathering with family and friends.

It does seem that avoiding citrus has gotten rid of the fasting laxative effect. More testing would be helpful to further confirm this but so far avoiding citrus does appear to have cured the fasting laxative effect. That is big I imagine. It further has me thinking I have found a main food that causes me stomach problems.

I'm currently 170lbs. Imaigne I'll be 169 or even 168lbs in the morning. More importantly this afternoon the belly fat appears further burnt off. I'm close to my goal with belly fat.
169lbs. Woke up this morning feeling I had a sour stomach, and was feeling weak. Thought for sure I'd experience the fasting laxative effect. Instead after breakfast I'm doing well. Energy levels and strength are not as good as yesterday but overall I'm doing as well as to be expected after only 2 meals in two days. I didn't lose much weight but visually I see a good amount of belly fat loss. Once I return to more normal eating patterns I'll find out if the fat went away or not. Tongue looks good. I'm still handling the cold well. It is chilly in the house at 76F but I feel fine.
I'm doing well this morning. Gut is good. I slept well. Yesterday I ate 3 meals and weight this morning was 171lbs. I'm going to stop taking the royal jelly supplement. It occurred to me that honey and royal jelly might have orange pollen in it. Best for me to avoid that. I'm slightly dizzy this morning, likely due to the large amount of exercising I've been doing and fasting also. It isn't as issue but I do notice. Imagine it will go away later this morning. Skin looks good. I suspect I look healthier this morning since I didn't take the royal jelly.
On this diet I'm able to handle chilly weather much better. The cold in general does not bother me.

I'm also learned that I no longer am experiencing the painful electric like shocks in the left foot. Jogging in particular would bring about the painful shocks. Now, I've been jogging for 4 days and so far no pain. In the past I've thought that avoiding nightshade helped with the left foot pain. Now I'm thinking it is avoiding citrus that helps. Hard to know for certain what is helping so for the time bieng I'll continue to avoid nightshade, citrus, and grains.
Doing quite well today. i've done a lot of exercise and yet to this point I do not feel worn out.

I avoided the royal jelly today and I believe I appear healthier and my tongue looks better. I might be early in declaring that but for the moment the few red marks remaining have pretty much gone away. the royal jelly does have something extra in it, rice powder. I've been avoiding grains but have been taking a little bit of rice with the royal jelly. Hard to say if that has been causing a problem but it is worth noting. Rice does seem to make me dizzy some. Maybe the tiny bit in the royal jelly was causing me dizzy issues from time to time.

In the past I had lots of success when I avoided all grains. i hadn't been able to recover though and I did get sick to the stomach from time to time. At that time I used to eat a lot of cheese and I have wondered if I over did that with the cheese eating. It was my snack food and I was often hungry. Maybe that stopped me from recovering. Well, I'll find out.

I getting close to one month of nightshade and spice avoidance. At some point I'll have to test that. I'm on day 11 of citrus avoidance. Dizzyness from this morning is gone.
It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling good, having decent energy levels. Miracle.

I'm at that point where I'm confused on what is helping. I can look at notes, but my trust in them isn't high, and memory of what was going on isn't there. I'm avoiding so many foods and I can make a case that any of them are benefitting me. Citrus is the new avoidance and so naturally it looms larger in what might be helping me. Nightshade and spice avoidance though might very well be the answer. and grains, avoiding grains has always helped. So hard to say. Just stick wit the difficult diet, and once I've grown stronger look to begin food testing.

One of the changes I point to in my mind with citrus is how avoiding citrus brings about a dryer mouth. When I eat citrus some times when I fast my throat can become painful in a way. It can feel like something is stuck in my throat, and slowly creeping downward. With avoiding citrus that issue goes away.

Well I didn't lose any weight. I believe I was at 171lbs this morning. Visually though it appeared that i've lost more belly fat. The belly is about half the size that it was before. Actually the belly is hard to notice except when I wear a tight shirt and in that case the bump is small. I'll keep fasting though. It doesn't appear to be hurting me.
It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling good, having decent energy levels. Miracle.

I'm at that point where I'm confused on what is helping. I can look at notes, but my trust in them isn't high, and memory of what was going on isn't there. I'm avoiding so many foods and I can make a case that any of them are benefitting me. Citrus is the new avoidance and so naturally it looms larger in what might be helping me. Nightshade and spice avoidance though might very well be the answer. and grains, avoiding grains has always helped. So hard to say. Just stick wit the difficult diet, and once I've grown stronger look to begin food testing.

One of the changes I point to in my mind with citrus is how avoiding citrus brings about a dryer mouth. When I eat citrus some times when I fast my throat can become painful in a way. It can feel like something is stuck in my throat, and slowly creeping downward. With avoiding citrus that issue goes away.

Well I didn't lose any weight. I believe I was at 171lbs this morning. Visually though it appeared that i've lost more belly fat. The belly is about half the size that it was before. Actually the belly is hard to notice except when I wear a tight shirt and in that case the bump is small. I'll keep fasting though. It doesn't appear to be hurting me.
It is amazing. I've never fasted more than i have of late. Yet I've not experienced the laxative fasting effect since going on this latest diet of avoid nearly everything edible - citrus, nightshade family, spices, carrot family, and grains. I fasted yesterday and this morning I'm feeling good, having decent energy levels. Miracle.

I'm at that point where I'm confused on what is helping. I can look at notes, but my trust in them isn't high, and memory of what was going on isn't there. I'm avoiding so many foods and I can make a case that any of them are benefitting me. Citrus is the new avoidance and so naturally it looms larger in what might be helping me. Nightshade and spice avoidance though might very well be the answer. and grains, avoiding grains has always helped. So hard to say. Just stick wit the difficult diet, and once I've grown stronger look to begin food testing.

One of the changes I point to in my mind with citrus is how avoiding citrus brings about a dryer mouth. When I eat citrus some times when I fast my throat can become painful in a way. It can feel like something is stuck in my throat, and slowly creeping downward. With avoiding citrus that issue goes away.

Well I didn't lose any weight. I believe I was at 171lbs this morning. Visually though it appeared that i've lost more belly fat. The belly is about half the size that it was before. Actually the belly is hard to notice except when I wear a tight shirt and in that case the bump is small. I'll keep fasting though. It doesn't appear to be hurting me.
The morning has been wonderful so far. I feel so good. This is living. I can feel better I imagine but overall I'm doing quite well.

Tongue still has some of those marks on it. I was hoping that once i avoided royal jelly the marks wuold quickly go away. That hasn't been the case but no big deal. I'll keep avoiding the royal jelly. I seem to be doing well without taking it.
I've had a change of mind with waiting fruther before testing. It looks like I have a good testing way with fasting. Fasting likely tells me if a food is a problem or not. So this afternoon I decided I'm going to test citrus. I bought some oranges and some mango pop sickles. I'll find out if citrus causes the fasting laxative effect or not.

If it does great, I'll avoid citrus.

If it does not I'll revert back to the nightshade idea, with modified soy being a problem since soy is modified with a member of the nightshade family.

I continue to do very well today. this afternoon I have great energy, with strength being good.
This morning, after eating an orange yesterday evening, and an orange with breakfast, I feel cold. The temperature in the house is only 1 degree cooler from yesterday. Despite the chilly feeling, the stomach so far is dong well. I plan on fasting today. I'll find out if the fasting laxative effect happens. Energy levels are ok. Strength is ok. Tongue looks good. Skin looks healthy. No skin rashes.
So far so good with eating citrus. No stomach complaint. I am feeling cold and suspect eating citrus has made me feel colder, but I'm handling it will. I'm wearing warmer clothing. I've jogged about an hour today. It has been done all at once. My left foot remains in good shape. No electrical shocks. I've suspected nightshade and citrus along with chocolate for causing the shocks. Hope citrus doesn't cause that painful foot problem One thing I notice, when I eat an orange I appear healthier. I figure it to be a good source of nutrients.
The gut is doing well. No problems so far. I'll keep fasting and eating citrus to see if it causes problems, all week. Energy levels are good this morning. Resting heart rate remains low. It might have not been the citrus that brought that about. Strength is ok. Skin looks healthy. I was at 169lbs this morning. The belly fat is slowly coming off it seems. It is chilly this morning yet I'm feeling warm. I am bundled up though. Tongue looks perfect. I don't know if it is related or not, but after avoiding the royal jelly supplement that has rice flour in it the tongue healed up.

Overall I'm feeling optimistic about the idea of using fasting to find foods that upset my stomach.
today marks one month of avoiding nightshade family and spices. Imagine another 2 to 3 months is needed there. Citrus for the stomach is so far turning out well. It hasn’t upset the stomach to this point. I do react to citrus though as I do believe it causes me to feel chilled and it also gives me a runny nose for a few hours after eating. I also sneeze a lot when eating oranges. On paper oranges could very well to the trouble maker for my stomach. Testing wise though it is likely not the answer I seek, though several more weeks of testing will be helpful
I was a bit worn out today so I ended up not fasting. A combination of fasting often over the past few weeks, working out, and eating new nuts that might have slightly upset the stomach had me feeling worn down. Oh the cold also wears on me. I'll likely get back to fasting tomorrow. So far though the gut remains good while eating citrus. My only complaints is how citrus makes me feel cold, and for a few hours makes me sneeze a lot after eating an orange.
I suspect that the cold feeling I get after eating oranges comes from the fiber in oranges. Fiber from other sources will do similar, making me feel chilled. Eating fiber can also cause a runny nose and make me sneeze. I'm going by memory on that, but I'm fairly certain that happens when I consume a good amount of fiber. Once the digestive system in more healed I can imagine the chilled feeling and sneezing will go away. Overall I'm doing well.
Forgot to note down, I was entirely well using the bathroom today. That is becoming more and more common it seems of late. I'm not always well with bathroom habits, but it is something happening fairly often of late.
I did more yesterday to not hurt the gut, with fiber and exercise. this morning as I expected I do not have a runny nose. I'm not sneezing as much. So it likely is the fiber in the orange that causes that sneezing and runny nose problem. I'll keep up with the gut protection though and see if it continues to keep the sneezing and runny nose away.

Stomach doing well. My appearance is quite healthy. Eyes are bluish in color. That is a good sign. Energy levels are above average at the moment. Overall it is a good morning.

Yesterday I found myself buying more of that nightshade/ tomato free sauce. It is to be used in place of tomato spaghetti sauce. I'll likely be testing that next. Ideally I should go slower, test each spice at a time, but I have a feeling I can go directly to the nightshade free sauce. I have a couple dental appointments over the next month so once those are done I'll look into adding the sauce to my diet.

With that said, I'm planning on fasting today. I'll keep testing citrus to make sure it is safe for me.
Another good day. Even though I've only eaten one meal today, I've had lots of energy. I've walked or jogged 15 miles. I am worn out naturally, but overall I'm doing great all things considered. Fingers crossed I don't experience the fasting laxative effect tomorrow.
I was thinking of starting a new thread in the success section on the sight. Yesterday with the note that I can sit with comfort, it occurred to me at the very least I now have a safe successful travel diet. That is huge.

I say that, and joke to myself that I haven't traveled on this diet. It hasn't been real world tested! The way the gut feels though the last few days, sitting without discomfort and pain, I have good certainty that I have a travel diet. This is a first.

Where to go from here:

There are so many places to go from here, but I believe of importance I need to have a less sensitive stomach. That would go far in relieving doubts. With the gut being less inflamed on this diet, being able to sit in comfort, I expect that the gut will be less sensitive and reliable soon.

I also want to see the "healthy" look for the whole day. There is a health appearance to being well. I know this from the few times I've been well in the past. So far that look is now showing up in the evenings. Soon I expect it will be show all day. It helps prove to me that I'm absorbing nutrients better.

Soon I need to stop taking the little bit of medication that helps the gut. The medicine and I should add cheese I eat I believe help a little. It would be good to stop taking and eating cheese all together as a test. I'll start that tomorrow or Thursday depending on how I'm feeling.

New food to add in the near future: wild caught fish/ sea foods. I'm guessing that what makes me ill is soy meal fed to commercially raised animals. The soy is showing up in the animal product. It might be something entirely different but soy is a common allergen. Synthetic vitamins are another possibility.
I can't handle gluten and I understand soy has gluten in it
I can't handle gluten and I understand soy has gluten in it

Glad you found gluten to be a problem for you. I've seen that soy products can have wheat added to them surprisingly.

What came as a surprise to me was to read that genetically modified (GMO) soy, which most soy there day are GMO, has nightshade in it. Todays modern soy beans were genetically modified with a member of the nightshade family. So some claim that todays soy beans are also members of the nightshade family which includes tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. One book I read on the topic the author claimed he cured his Crohn's by avoiding the nightshade family.
After all the exercises done yesterday I'm a bit out of it this morning. I'm worn down. I'll take an easy today as a result. Fasting yesterday and the cold weather also likely has me feeling a bit run down.

On the positive, and it is a big positive, my stomach continues to do well. No fasting laxative effect experienced. At least so far.

tongue looks great. Skin looks good. I didn't lose any weight with yesterdays fasting and heavy exercise. Appearance wise though I lost fat. For the first time I could easily notice the belly fat had decreased in size. So the fat is coming off I believe. My weight though is staying right around 170lbs.
Yesterday was another pretty good day. The big down side was how much I've exercised. that wears me down. I'm taking a good beating. overall though all things considered I'm doing great. The stomach is doing well. I even ate two oranges yesterday plus ate an orange treat. no stomach issues. I'll likely fast again today. I imagine the stomach will continue to do well.

I'm looking a little worn down due to all the exercise. Imagine once I stop this fasting and exercising it will take at least a week, maybe more time, to full recover. The new supplements I've been taking seem to have given me more energy allowing me to do this tough fasting experiment.

For the next food testing, which will likely start on Dec. 20th, I'll begin to eat that nightshade free sauces. They are full of spices, and carrots. I'm already a bit nervous about it, but have high hopes it goes well.
It has been a pretty good day health wise. I'm frustrated about some worthless jerks but with my health I'm doing quite well. I've only eaten one meal. My energy levels are quite good. I've exercised hard. I'm near a record I imagine with walking and jogging. Left foot feels fine after all the walking and jogging of late. I'm pleased. The stomach is doing well. No complains to think of with the stomach. Appearance is healthy. Skin looks good. Tongue looks good. Citrus is looking to be safe. I'll keep testing, at least for another week. After the dental appointment I'll add the nightshade free sauces.
I think I screwed up this morning. I probably took that high vitamin B capsule two days in a row. I'm pretty sure now that I did. It has me looking rather worn down at the moment, but I feel ok at the moment. I'll likely feel worn down this morning though. That seems to happen with that vitamin. A little seems to do me good. To much wears me down.

The good news, I fasted yesterday and this morning the stomach is doing fine. No fasting laxative effect, at least so far. energy levels are good. Skin looks healthy. I believe my tongue continues to appear good.
I was wrong about being worn out and tired this morning due to taking the B vitamin this morning. Instead I have good energy and overall and am strong. It is a positive sign I imagine. Overall I'm growing stronger I feel. Another month of being like this and I imagine I will be largely well. Well, the gut will likelybe improved but still troubled but fatigue will be largely gone in a month which is most important.

Of course in about a weeks time ill most likely be making a good change to my diet, adding the nightshade free sauces. If that works, that would be so wonderful. If the sauces do not work, I'll be starting over from the beginning, but having a better idea of the food or spice that causes me so much trouble.
It doesn't happen to often so thought to record, this evening I have some of that hyper high energy. I just have to move, move my muscles. Kind of nice. Kind of surprising too as I've felt a bit chilled all day. I'm blaming that on the vitamin taken this morning, along with the chilly weather though it is warmer today. Stomach doing very well. I suppose if I stuck with the current diet I'd eventually find myself completely well eventually. Oh, nearly forgot I also did lots of pushups and some weight lifting. That normally fatigues me some. tonight the weight lifting hasn't negatively effected my energy levels. It is always so wonderful to not feel fatigued.
172lbs. It is so wonderful at how much more energy I now have. I'm not exactly boiling over with energy but compared to where I was I'd doing much better I believe. I'm not so sure if I can be on my feet all. I might have to test that out next week. That would be a good test. Stomach continues to do well. It is looking like citrus is safe. Then again I've had a few times were I was on a diet, everything seemed to be going well, and to my surprise I became sick. All those times I was eating a member or two of the nightshade family. Fingers crossed that will turn out to be my answer.

On paper citrus could have been the answer. testing wise this theory is not looking good. Also alpha gal on paper looked to be my answer. I tested alpha gal for 8 months though and it didn't turn out to be all that helpful. No doubt avoiding citrus and avoiding dairy products does help or maybe better said change my health, but those two likely do not help improve mystomach condition and energy levels. Pork of course is an allergy for me. I can't eat pork without it causing me problems, such as itching all over, swollen bleeding gums, eat ache, etc.

Appearance a bit on the ruff side. All this fasting and exercising is taking somewhat of a toll. That is another thing, yesterday I did quite a few upper body workout liftings. This morning i do not feel sore. I'm quite happy about that.

I might not be losing weight but with my cloths I can tell I'm losing fat. Shorts that were to tight to wear a month ago not fit perfectly.
I continue to be well to the stomach often. I've noticed that the stomach is well on the days that I fast, such as today. It had me thinking maybe this explains why I become sick sometimes. When I fast the stomach looks to be well, but the food(s) that cause me problems is there. As a result the body reacts to expel the offending food.

i continue to exercise to much such as today. This morning and afternoon i had really good energy. This evening after walking 16 miles I'm pretty worn out and sleepy.

Tomorrow I'll likely add pinto beans to the diet.
I think I'm going to take a change of course this week. My stomach is doing so well I think I'll stop fasting for the week. Instead I'll return to eating my typical two meals a day. I'm feeling quite strong of late, and more energetic but believe I can do better and eating two meals a day will help.

My thinking also has me being more slow with my new additions of foods and spices. I'll still think of nightshade as my answer., which is unproven. What I'll do when the time comes is add one new food at a time. It will be a slow process but proably better for me mentally to do that. I might start with drinking carrot juice, seeing if that is safe for a week. Then if so I'll make some capsules of garlic and onion and see if that makes me ill or not.

skin looks healthy. Appearance was healthier than expected this morning. With all the exercise done yesterday thought I'd be super worn down. With that said, I am a bit on the fatigued side this morning. No surprise there. I've been testing my limits to say the least the last few weeks.
I hit a wall today. I'm feeling pretty fatigued. So it is good that I plan to return to more normal 2 meals a day this week, and build up my strength and energy levels. For the last couple of weeks I've been exercising hard and eating less than normal. It took awhile to wear me out this time.
i'm doing much better this morning. Eneergy levels are up. Fatigue is still there but I've recovered a good amount.

I was chuckling to myself about my hair. It hasn't grown much at all over the past 5 weeks. I had to cancel my haircut scheduled 5 weeks earlier as I didn't think there would be any hair to cut. I'm blaming the lack of hair growth in only eating one meal a day and working out hard. Now that this week I'll be returning to my typical 2 meals a day and not exercising as hard I can imagine my hair quickly spouting in the days ahead. With the holidays here I might find my hair cutter can't see me till after the holiday. I'd be quite hair by then, unless I went back to hair growth prevention of fasting. DOn't think I'll do that though.

Confidence is high that I have my answer. I have a diet that is working and with the supplements I'm now taking, pretty consistently have really good energy. My predictions are not the best,but I wouldn't be all that surprised if iwithin a month from now, if I can keep the diet working, the gut working, I'll be pretty much well within a month. That would be so wonderful.
I really am feeling quite well today. My energy is back, and overall I'm feeling happy and good. glad I'm taking a break from all the fasting of eating only one meal a day. After Dec 20th I'll resume with the fasting and adding new foods. I know I'll be going back and forth on this but today I'm thinking I'll go large on the 20th and add the nightshade free sauces. I'm thinking that as at one time I used to take an aged garlic supplement. It didn't seem to cause me problems with my stomach. I'll see though. Another week to go with eating more food and time to plan on what food I'll add next to test with fasting.
This is nice. I'm appearing quite healthy this evening and my energy levels remain excellent. I thought it would take me a week at least to recover from all the fasting and exercising I've been doing. Apparently just two days n a row of eating my typical two meals has done the trick. Imagine this to be very good for me. I'll still plan to eat normal till the 20th. Then I'll add new foods and do the fasting testing.
I read somethign interesting last night about electric shock feelings. It was about weak bones and back pains. the author felt that people with weak brittle bones, in their spinal cord in particular, will experience painful electric shocks. Reminded me a bit of my left foot. Sometimes I get these painful electric shock feelings. Avoiding nightshade though does seem to put an end to the shocks I can experience. I haven't had one of those painful shocks in sometime now, with me now avoiding nightshade family members for about 5 weeks.

I'm a bit tired this morning. I woke up with great energy, exercised, ate breakfast, took one of those high vitamin B tablets, and since then I've been worn out. Imagine though I'll get more energy later this afternoon. That typically is how it works.

Stomach doing quite well. Strength could be better. Tongue looks great, nearly perfect.
I think I'm going to give the vitamin B tablet I take a few times a week a break. It says that it is natural, but all to often the way I feel has me thinking it is synthetic vitamins. Additionally the listed vitamins themselves say they are synthetic. I guess that is the giveaway.

I have another multi B vitamin that I haven't tried. It is a natural one, with natural listed B vitamins. It is only 25% of the most common B vitamins but that should be fine. I eat a healthy diet that should be rich in B vitamins. of course if worse comes to shove I'll stop taking those vitamins all together and see how I do.
It hasn't been as good of a day. I'm going to blame the multi B vitamin I took this morning. Maybe and likely I'm absorbing nutrients better and today I absorbed to much from the super high B vitamin. I'll stop taking it as mentioned earlier. Imagine tomorrow I'll do much better. I ate pinto beans with lunch. No issues noticed. As I expected. I'm growing bored and normal acitivies that normally would provide some satisfaction are not as exciting. I can imagine that is due to me having more energy and with that I want to do more with it. If this continues, imagine soon I'll be looking to do greater working chores. With that said, I found myself cleaning the house floors for an hour and loving it. the flours sparkle. Painting work needs to be done. Just need a little more energy to make that more doable, at least doable from the standpoint of not being overly fatigued.
I'm feeling much better this morning. It was the B vitamin I took yesterday that undoubtably wore me down a bit. Yesterday was an OK day but could have been better if I hadn't taken that B vitamin.

This morning I'm thinking why start adding many new questional foods on the 20th. Instead I should wait, stick with the diet and grow stronger and possibly entirely well I like to think that nightshade is the answer, but garlic/onions and carrot family could be the cause of my health problems. If I grew healthier and stronger, when I test those questionable foods I'd likely notice better any negative effects. I've about talked myself into waiting and sticking with the current diet.

Left foot continues to do question well despite all the exercising/jogging I'm doing. Eating nightshade likely is the cause of those left food pains. tongue looks quite well and healthy. Skin looks good. Weight was likely around 171 to 172lbs. that was nice to see as I'm eating two meals a day now.
It has been a wonder, active day. I've been working away, and this time I'm not all that worn out. Lovely. It is so wonderful to not feel fatigued.

this morning at the store I bought some carrot juice. That will be my next food to test. I say as I learned the new natural multi B vitamin I plan to take has carrot in it. Taking these supplements has no doubt helped me greatly. And I believe the new natural low dose B vitamin will be of help, so long as it doesn't make me sick to my stomach naturally.

I can make a good case that carrot family is my problem. There is circumstantial evidence but overall i doubt it. More likely nightshade or onions and garlic are my trouble makers. I can think of several times where I ate a nightshade family member and became sick. Nothing comes to mind when it comes to the carrot family. But naturally it needs to be tested and I'll do that after the 20th.

Stomach doing great. Citus continues to not look to be my problem though I do experience some minor issues from citrus. Skin looks healthy. Appearance is healthy. Hair continues to look healthier. Tongue looks good and healthy. Left foot does not hurt. I did some light weight lifting and have walked abt 14 miles today.
Doing aliright this morning. Stomach doing well. Energy levels ok. I had some muscle cramping but figure that is due to eating to much chocolate of late. I'll stop the chocolate eating. Energy levels alright. Tongue looked good. Strength could be better but I have worked out hard of late, and did some pushups yesterday. I'll keep with avoiding grains, nightshade family, spices, and carrot family.
Not my best of days. I've been on the tired side. I'm going to blame the pinto beans for the tiredness. Beans are high in fiber and I was afraid they might wear me out. Fiber also makes me feel cold or colder and i felt that way today, cold.

Outide of that though I've done well. The stomach is doing well. That is most important of course. Also I took that other natural vitamin that only has 25% of a host of B vitamins. It also has carrot in it. No problems noticed. If anything it perked me up a bit.

Being as worn out as I have been today I ate 3 meals. I don't do that to often. tomorrow I might fast. I plan to also add carrot juice to my diet tomorrow.
This morning I drank some carrot juice. So far I'm feeling good. no stomach issues noticed. I'll likely fast today and see how that goes. I also took another one of those new natural low dose multi vitamins. It doesn't seem to bother me. It isn't like the high dose multi vitamin I was taking that sometimes left me feeling lousy. At the moment my energy levels are so so. Strenght is the same, so so. tongue looks great. Fingers crossed today turns out to be a good day.
I've been tired and fatigued today but I can function. It isn't much fun being fatigued but I have lots of experience dealing with. I'm not sure of the cause. It might be the new vitmain I began taking, or the carrot juice drunk, to much exercise, or my guess the beans and the high fiber from the beans is the culperate. The good news, the gut is doing great. I have been entirely well going to the bathroom.

That's the thing I keep thinking. there are any number of things that can cause me fatigue - synthetic multi vitamins, to much fiber, to much exercise, cold weather, hot weather, etc. there seems to be one main thing though that causes the severe stomach diarrhea problem. that seems to be a food allergy or food toxin. I'm guessing the nightshade family. To much fiber can cause the stomach problem but in a different way. Eating to much cheese can be a stomach upsetter also.

I'm fasting today. I only have eaten breakfast. Fingers crossed I'm not ill with the fasting laxative effect in the morning due to drinking carrot juice.
I fasted yesterday and so far no fasting laxative effect. I did start drinking carrot juice. So far it is looking good. I'll like do similar to carrot juice testing as I did with citrus testing. I'll conduct the testing for a week or more.

So far my energy levels seems alright. I am concerned about the new multi natural vitamin I started taking. It might tire me out later this morning. If that happens today I'll stop taking it.

My appearance is healthy. Skin looks good. Strength is not bad. Stomach is doing well.
I'm doing better today but I remain more fatigued, worn out that wished. I'll removed the new multi vitamin from my diet. For the week I'll just taken the natural supplements that are not listing vitamins on them. They don't seem to cause me issues. I'll see if the good energy returns. Gut doing quite well. It has to be at least a month since I was last sick significantly. I'll keep avoiding spices, and nighthade, along with grains.
Doing well so far this morning. I didn't take a multi vitamin this morning. I'll see if that helps. Stomach doing well. I'm likely to fast today. Fingers crossed I'm well, not experiencing the fasting laxative effect. i'm still drinking carrot juice. So far it does not appear to be causing me trouble, but much more time is needed.

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