The day has been strange in ways. I've been sick to the stomach. I'm going to blame that on the antibiotics I've been taking. I have only 3 more pills to take and I'm not entirely sure if I'll take them for fear of making the stomach worse. I'll likely take them though. Best to tame the infected tooth as best as possible.
the good is that despite the sour stomach I have good energy levels. I'm not overly energetic but I would be able to do what ever I wished with this energy. At least for a time. So good fro that. Also the tongue is healing. The healing is happening quicker then I'm thinking. The sore looked rather poorly this morning. this afternoon though it has the appearance of healing. Love it. That's probably what my problem has been, eating red meat and dairy causes poor healing and muscle cramping. Well, I'm guessing there. Grains are being avoided too. As are chicken, eggs and turkey. I'm only eating fish still. It gets old but can get used to the improved energy levels.
the good is that despite the sour stomach I have good energy levels. I'm not overly energetic but I would be able to do what ever I wished with this energy. At least for a time. So good fro that. Also the tongue is healing. The healing is happening quicker then I'm thinking. The sore looked rather poorly this morning. this afternoon though it has the appearance of healing. Love it. That's probably what my problem has been, eating red meat and dairy causes poor healing and muscle cramping. Well, I'm guessing there. Grains are being avoided too. As are chicken, eggs and turkey. I'm only eating fish still. It gets old but can get used to the improved energy levels.