@Polar Bear..my fistula saga is hopefully nearing its end.My surgeon is brilliant,and he is using the snug Seton technique,which is cutting through slowly...and working its way out...not far to go.I can manage with it,and although I haven't been able to work with it,I'm going back to work in September for the first time in nearly 2 years.High complex fistulas are really tricky to deal with,because of potential damage to the sphincter.I'm hoping my Seton will be cut out on the 20th,as the fistula is running much lower now,due to the Seton pulling it out.It still carries a low risk,but my surgeon thinks it is the best option (combined with a lot of patience!)I'm very lucky my Seton is virtually un noticable...just very thin little piece of rubber tied with silk thread.I get quite sore from drainage,but the whole thing is much easier to deal with now.I be honest,my surgery has been quite painful,but its worse for the first two weeks.I definitely know how you must be feeling! I will never forget this last two years of my life.Sending you all the best for your recovery!