I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1975 and have really stuggled with the disease since. In 1980 i had developed several fistulas which, in my case, were small tubelike stuctures from my colon to the outside. In May of 1988 I had to have surgery to remove my colon and some of my small intestine. I was in the hospital approximately 10 days and sent home. I had to have surgery again in June of 1988. In the course of 2 years adhesions had formed and caused a slight blockage, so back into surgery i went. Everything was as good as it could be, but again 2 years later I was back in surgery. This time adhesions had caused a blockage and had cut off the blood supply to a part of my small intestine. The surgeon ended up having to do a small bowel resection. I was in the hospital for 5 weeks with a 1/4 inch plastic tube ran though my intestine. Everything seemed to be ok. I wasn't taking any meds for Crohn's until May of this year when it really got me down. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital but luckily did not have to have surgery. I am now taking 2 500 mg 4 times a day of Pentasa. Proronix 40 mg twice a day and Dicyclomine 10 mg 4 times a day. Oh, also since i was diagnosed with Crohn's I have developed arthritis in just about evey joint in body and have several surgeries for that too. Pretty bad when people working in surgery knows you by your name .
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