Need input. I'm pretty nervous

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Jul 11, 2012
I am scheduled for a colonoscopy on Friday and I am very anxious. I am 53 and have had stomach issues most of my life. I was diagnosed with ileitis when I was around 10. Yrs old, but had no follow up afterwards. I was get diarrhea in stressful situations that were written off to IBS. I have a history of kidney stones which has caused me to write off back and RLQ pain until about a year ago when the symptoms have just gotten so bad that it is affecting my life. My GP didn't think is was Crohns or ileitis because I an overweight. I am praying thy find something fixable because the pain in my lower abdominal and back, diarrhea and nausea are taking over my life. Is it strange to think something I had at age ten could be related to all this.
Most people are put out for their colonoscopy's here in the states ... so hopefully that will calm your nerves. Prep is not fun ... but be prepared. I hope you find some answers and get help.
Thank so much. I'm mid-prep and it's not as bad as I had heard. Now I'm just hoping for some answers. Thank you again.
Hi Cisa
Kudos to you for handling the prep so well.
When you were diagnosed with ileitis were you told this was crohn's? another expression at an earlier time in history it was called regional enteritis.
Crohn's has a way of coming back to haunt us.
Have you had full blood work up such as CBC, CRP, ESR, Vit B12, Ferritin etc.
Colonoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis so you are doing the right thing.
Please keep in touch and let us know how things turnout for you.
Good luck with the exam.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
If you're already mid-way through prep than you're almost there! The prep is the worst. The actual procedure, for me anyway, was easy peasy!

Good luck!