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Now what?

This is a brief and mainly pointless rant.

The prednisone has not helped my pain 10 days in. The doctor responds that "Prednisone would have helped if the pain was due to crohn's." So sending me for a HIDA scan to evaluate gallbladder function.

First of all, is that even true??? Prednisone didn't help, so the pain must not be crohn's??? I'm not sure I buy that line. Especially when you found a stricture not 3 weeks ago, dude (albeit "mild"). I can feel that stuff. He's not changing the dx, just saying that's not what's bugging me.

My dad had crohn's with PSC. I've had a HIDA scan before, and the doc noted today that "previous imaging revealed gallstones." I don't recall ever discussing gallstones, so I assume that some gallstones are not a problem for some people, and that they didn't think it was worth bringing up?

The good news is that I get to wean off the prednisone. I'm on 20mgs now, so I can drop to 10 starting today and stop taking after 3 days. Yes, that's a low dose, yes, I'm a huge baby who complains about everything. Prednisone does not help me feel better at ALL -not so far- and it makes me sweaty and cranky and fatter.

Are gallstones a thing that goes with crohn's? I have a semi-decent brain, except when this dumb disease keeps messing things up and then my mind just breaks, apparently. I was unaware I needed to pay attention to that. So does that mean I did this to myself? Are there some dietary changes that will prevent other fun things from popping up? There's no way I can live and also constantly try to prevent the million other things that might go wrong with IBD.

I'm frustrated, feeling crappy, working full-time -I need to be more thankful for this- and TIRED. This sucks. I'd have a glass of cheap wine tonight but with the weirdo pain I think that would just cause more problems.
I'm very sorry to hear of your pain and discomfort, but I had my gallbladder removed and that did get rid of pain right under left rib area. I hope scan helps pin point cause of your pain. good luck George
I'm very sorry to hear of your pain and discomfort, but I had my gallbladder removed and that did get rid of pain right under left rib area. I hope scan helps pin point cause of your pain. good luck George
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I know it could be worse for me and it is worse for others.

I'll have to sit tight and see if the scan shows them anything, and go from there I guess.