Prednisone or me?

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Jan 15, 2011
I need a little support. My boyfriend has been getting frustruated because the way I've been feeling. It's been almost 2 months on Prednisone, and I thought I was handling it really well.

The last few weekends we have been fighting (about the same thing) and I just feel like instead of trying to make me feel better, he just tries to end the fights.

I know I can't rely on him to make me feel better, but can't he just be nice to me?

We made up, and discussed everything I needed to discuss but I still don't feel okay. Why wont my mood turn around? I'm so frustruated feeling like this all the time. Whether I fake it or sit in bed upset I feel that same, so should I just move on even though I know I wont actually move on or forget at all?
I have been on prednisone since December 25th. I have not really had any ill affects that I have noticed other than mild shakiness. I am down to 3 daily for this week. I did read that it can cause moodiness but so far has not for me.
I know I can't rely on him to make me feel better, but can't he just be nice to me?

You didn't say what you've been arguing about, but usually in relationships, there's very few absolutes. Right and wrong is often a matter of perspective, and the key to success in long-term relationships often depends on the ability to compromise and in learning to "agree to disagree."

Prednisone tends to make my husband irrational and more than a little nuts, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong. When he's on prednisone, it's not what he says, but how he says it. Never underestimate the importance of presentation.

Most likely it's a combination of things, which the prednisone is intensifying.

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down.
I know what you mean.

I have been on prednisone 20mg a day for about 10 weeks now, my moods are so up and down unfortunately its my mum and my boyfriend that have been on the receiving end of my mood swings. I hate it, cannot wait to come off it, I start azathioprine on Wednesday so hopefully come off it soon.

I hope you feel better soon.
Prednisone turns me into a monster. I swear I get every side effect. Mood swings, anxiety, hopelessness, insomnia. Throw them all together and I really did feel bad for my partner. I knew I'd lose my temper at the drop of a hat. Luckily, she understood and is always super supportive. She understood it was mostly the drugs and that I'm normally not that crazy :)
The joys of Prednisone. I just started back up this past week........woke up soaked last night. Fun.

Anyway, I get pretty moody. I didn't really notice at first, but I do become less patient, and irritated pretty easy. I try and make a conscience effort to not take it out on my wife, but usually end up saying sorry after the fact. She knows how I get when on it, and can put up with quite a bit.

I may be the one with Crohn's, but I can't imagine being in her shoes. Tough road, either side.
Hi, Abby!

I'm sorry you're having a rough time. :( It'd be nice if he could be more supportive, yes, but is it possible he's just having trouble understanding your situation? If he doesn't fully understand, I'm sure he could easily become frustrated.

How are you feeling, exactly? Are you just feeling down about the whole situation, or is the Pred causing mood swings or other issues?

Have you had your vitamin levels checked lately? Vitamin deficiencies can cause depression, so it's worth looking into (if you haven't already). Fixing any problems there can make a big difference.

How is your stomach feeling lately?
Hey! Thanks for the replies everyone...

My boyfriend tries, but he really just doesn't get it. He grew up with a little brother, and no sickness in his family. He has been really great, considering all I have had to go through since we've been together, but yes it's very possible he doesn't understand.

But I am so used to having my mom (and I've recently moved out) and she put herself last always. Which I know I cant expect him to do.

My main problem though are my emotions. My vitamin levels are all high enough (except ones I have been working on for a while, WAY before Pred) so I should be okay. Even my depression has been better than it usually has.

My main problem is when I step back and think "Is this how I would normally react, or is it prednisone?" I have no idea! I really FEEL as if I am right, and my logic is sound, but is it really important?

Who knows?

My tummy hasn't been so great. Prednisone has been great, but I'm starting to feel the symptoms come back and it's really frustruating!
Prednisone turns me into a monster. I swear I get every side effect. Mood swings, anxiety, hopelessness, insomnia. Throw them all together and I really did feel bad for my partner. I knew I'd lose my temper at the drop of a hat. Luckily, she understood and is always super supportive. She understood it was mostly the drugs and that I'm normally not that crazy :)

My husband gets incredibly irrational on prednisone, but I know that, so I just let it all go in one ear and right out the other.

But I've had to keep running out of his room to apologize for some of the things he said to the hospital employees. It wasn't intentional, but a few of his comments were so cruel, a couple of them actually started to cry.

He's still on prednisone, so he doesn't see it, yet. He probably will once he tapers off. He's normally a very calm, considerate person.
I seem to be having sleeping problems, or rather lack of it that has only started this last week. I do have hot sweats, was quite a lot but since I am now down to 6 tablets a day from eight they are reducing. But the sleep depravation is niggling a bit
It's the Pred not you!
I went a bit psycho on it at the beginning, snarling and grrrrrr ing with everyone.
I actually wrote on the staff room notice board 'Joan has a steroid brain, approach with caution, I'm apologising in advance!'
I wrote all my emotions, feelings, insecurities etc etc down and presented them to my boyf, he was so chuffed that it wasn't him, and we laugh about it now, and the fact that he still has his balls intact!
Tapering down is the pits, I upped mine back to 40mg for a few months (with the docs consent I hasten to add) then everything settled down.
Don't beat yourself up with thorny branches!
Good luck xxx