Prednisone side effects?

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I have been on 40 for about 2 weeks and plan to start tapering, kw since I started Remicade this week.

My side effects have been mild in the grand scheme of things but are as follows:

- Weight gain, roughly 10 lbs

-Heart palpations, which I solved splitting the 40mg through the course of the day instead of all at once

- Feeling like I am going to sprout jet engines a fly through the roof. :p

- and occasional flares of acne on face and chest.

Good luck to everyone, let's all get off this stuff one day!
Remission still going well.

Acne is back though. Went to the GP on Thursday, he prescribed some Erythromycin lotion. But its like a dabber, and you dab it on your acne areas, don't like it really, you cant tell whether its coming out or not. Improved a bit in a few days but not greatly. Oh also, i've done something to my toe- was in A & E last night with my partner after my toe just randomly starting hurting, struggling to walk yesterday. They said trauma to my foot ( somehow) and now have my toes strapped up.

If it aint crohns its something else lol! Hope all is good with everyone.
Well I have read through all of these 4 pages of posts and gained so much more insight to what is going on than I knew. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this, you don't know how much you help others.

I'm new to this site although I was diagnosed with Chronic Ulcerative Colitis just over 3 years ago. I had driven it into remission for over a year, with diet, stress reduction, exercise and plenty of fluids. But the beginning of this year my vehicle was stolen never to be found with basic insureance (total loss) which also forced me to drop from commercial pilot school and quit my job at the same time due to distance. My life took a huge land slide and so did my health shortly after, the Colitis returned but now this time around I've been diagnosed with Chronic Ulcerative Colitis, Chronic Ulcerative Proctitis and something the doctor called Rectal Spasms which are hugely painfull. I call that one dry heaves at the other end. It's been over 6 months and I'm only now starting to see some improvement. In the past 3 months I have been hospitalized twice, the second for 3 weeks which I was fully dehydrated, anemic from blood loss and these flare ups. My bowel was from one exteme to the other, no in between.

I'm getting many of the same side effects from the Pred. Only thing is, yes my face filled out, but I welcomed that. I really didn't know that it was from the Pred. I am also hiv poz and if you know anyone with that condition, one thing they get is hollow cheeks. So when my face filled out, my friend saw a pic of me on my cell phone and said, you look 10 years younger. So when I wean off, I will be kinda disappointed there.

But the mood swings, wow! By day I'm Dr Jeckle and by night Mr Hyde. During the day I'm crabby and unbearable, by night I want to cry at everything, conversations, tv, you name it.

My sleep pattern, I normally require 8 hours of sleep or I'm no good, but while on Pred, I'm getting 3 to 4 hours. I thought it was because of my bowel aggrivating me, but I now know that this Pred has some to do with it as well.

I've had some knee pain, not much. But then I also have arthritis related to the HIV called Reiters Syndrome which is how I was diagnosed with the HIV. So not sure on that one.

As for diet, I am not gaining weight. In fact I am still losing weight by huge amounts, for me that is. I weighed around 130 before all this and I'm 5'4". I weighed in at 108 when I was put into the hospital the second time about 2 months ago, now today I weigh less than 100. I have never been heavier than 130 in my 48 years.

Currently my med regimend is: Asacol 1600mg 3x daily, Proctofoam 3 to 4 times a day (which also has a steroid topical in it), Prednisone 40mg daily (I usually take it in the am with my other meds at 7am). I am also taking Dilaudid 4mg in the morning (that is down from every 4 to 6 hours I was doing after I got out of the hospital) and now I also take Tramadal during the day a couple of times. Oh and I'm supposed to take Canasa suppository at night before bed. Well, that has yet to happen, I'm so tightened up, I can't get the thing in.

My day seems to have a pattern though. When I wake up, I take my morning meds, eat a bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal. By between 10 and 12 I'm in the bathroom successfully. But by around 5 to 6pm I'm feeling blocked up and bloated. I wonder if the Prednisone is not lasting long enough for me. I was told that the amount of Asacol I am taking is extreme. From about 2pm through the night, I may be in the bathroom 15 - 20 times and do nothing but blood and mucus, oh and a whole lotta pain. So to get that Canasa suppository in me even with lube, does not happen.

So I'm guessing that my Ulcerative Colitis is still inflamed. Interesting my doctors are not looking at blood tests for inflammation levels. I'm wondering why not. When I was in the hospital they did CT with and without contrast of my abdomin and my pelvic. Oh and they also did a scope, not the colonoscopy but the one that does not go so far.

So my symptons seem pretty similar to everyone else on here but everyone has a different experience. I just wish this thing would go back into the closset, the colitis that is. I can deal with some of these side effects.
Getting the right combination of meds to make your life better can be an art form. Back when I had UC it wasn't as tricky since Prednisone and Azulfadine were really the only effective drugs and when that didn't work, surgery was an option. Now there are more drug choices, including biologics, and drug treatment is more effective. Your condition is not fun right now and the longer it doesn't improve the more likely your prescriptions will change.

Your doctors are not looking at your blood tests for inflammation levels? Sure about that? They probably did at some point, but who knows how often doctors choose to do this going forward. If I may make a suggestion, raisin bran in the morning sounds too much. Low residue/low ruffage food may be more tolerable and help the pain. I used to drink Ensure, but I would think any kind of protein shake would be good too. Immodium worked ok for me. Not great, but it did help some. Hang in there!

I've been on it for 10 weeks, weening off now and down to 5 mg from 40 and will be done in 10 days. I never had moon face, but have been dizzy, had crazy weight loss, mood swings and confusion. Alot of tingling in the hands as well. I'm new to Crohn's so have no clue if this is prednisone related or not. I just went to the bathroom and after a very liquid movement (sorry to be gross), I wiped and the tp was covered in bright red blood. Any idea if this is a flare or fluke? Doc said to call him if anything changes ... do I wait a couple days or panic and call?

Hi Spinnychick,

What you're experiencing sounds a lot like me.
I started with 2 weeks of 40mg Prednizone and just started tapering to 30mg for one week, then on to 20mg, 10mg and 5mg. Not sure hwat to expect to come but at this point I have the exact side effects you mention. I hope I don't have any other side effects coming...Your last bathroom trip however does not sound good at all and I'd say call your doc right away! If you are alarmed by it, don't wait, that's what he's there for. Hopefully it's nothing!
Damn it! I knew the symptoms were creeping back in the month since I finished the pred, and blood test confirmed it - the inflammation has flared up again. So I'm to increase the Aza to 150mg and back on the Pred again for 6 weeks - fingers crossed it works!

Only started it again on Sunday, good news is the pain is much better, the scary bleeding has stopped and only visiting the loo 2-3 times a day. Bad news is I toss and turn all night unable to sleep (wake up sooooo tired for work in the morning!) and the appetite.. Had a healthy dinner tonight (rice, fish and steamed veg), then half a bag of doritos with nacho cheese dip. And just polished off a rice krispie square with nutella spread on it. Must get rid of all the bad food and stock up on healthy snacks!

Hopefully I will be able to stick to only 6 weeks, I can't imagine being on Pred for 9 months again... awful.
I was diagnosed about a week ago, and after seeing my GI yesterday was prescribed Pred (and will start Remicade). Im starting at 40mg today for a week, and then will taper down 5mg a week until finished (hopefully!).. Reading through the thread was very helpful! Lots of good info, and thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences! I am a paranoid person, and always worried about the side effects!

I know it's only the first day... and pretty much the only thing I have noticed is feeling quite "ADHD" and energetic... I also have a lot of pain in my ribs (not normal for me)... is this normal??

Thanks everyone!
I was on 40 mg in April this year, now down to 3 mg - put the downside is that I currently have no responses to stress, it appears that my adrenal glands may not have fired to start producing their own again. I am swinging from high to low and the lows are so low it is very hard to pull out of them. I told my gastro yesterday, not sure what his plan is. But I am still on three for a month and to taper half a pill at a time for a month each. Meanwhile checking on the symptoms - fine for him to say as he doesnt live with the darkest of moods.
So, as much as I was supposed to be off the pred, I'm not. For the third or fourth time time I've "weaned off", I keep getting bumped back up. I am weaning off again and also on methotrexate. See my GI Oct 5 for hopefully good results.
Hey Motheroftwins... I just started my Pred yesterday at 40mg.. same thing with the sleep. I feel like my body is tired, but my mind is racing! Hopefully we can both get some sleep soon!
You as well!
I guess we can think that cotton brains = hopefully some relief from other symptoms?! lol... I still just want to sleep. :tongue:
I'm down to 15mg, having better sleep throughout the night and my appetite is rounding out - more normal than super-eating machine!

This is something really odd though, I know Pred can made you feel a bit cloudy and space-brained, but it's lately like my mouth says things faster than my brain can think them! I forget words easily and pronounce things wrong or say "AMT" instead of "ATM" - I noticed this last time I was on Pred too and then felt completely normal again once off it! I'm usually very articulate and I find it frustrating, especially when I'm at work. Weird?
Hi Lizzy, I am glad your sleeping better. Totally understand fog brain. I am having a bad flare today and been to the bathroom several times. Feel sore and kind of weak. I am going to try to take a small walk near the lake to see if that makes me feel any better. If not... I'll try to take a small nap. Hoping everyone is having a happy tummy day.
I'm finally off the Pred! My last dose was Tuesday at 10mg. I've been super tired and low-energy since then, and I'm still constantly hungry. I am hoping to feel "normal" again soon!
I've been off prednisolone for about 5 months at this stage and am only JUST beginning to feel normal again! I still have days (like today) where my appetite is a bit out of control, but its nothing compared to what I was like when on pred. My moon face has come down and I am starting to get my confidence back now that I don't look like a pumpkin anymore! Am hoping to start losing weight come November (will have been off it for 6 months then) with a total weight gain of a bout 10-12lbs. I hope everyone is doing well today and staying positive :)
Congrats on being off the Pred!!! Hopefully you start to feel yourself soon!

I'm only one week in (start tapering tomorrow down to 35mg)... It seemed like at first side effects weren't that bad, but now they are really playing with my head!! Only 7 weeks to go?? (hopefully!) :tongue:
Down to 10mg today... a bit of a sore tummy all day but I'm hoping it's just the taper or something I ate yesterday, and it will settle down.

Actually thinking about it I did make cauliflower cheese last night so it was probably that - too creamy and too much fibre. When I'm at higher doses of Pred I can eat almost anything but I have to remember to reign it in as I taper down.
I had a mix up with the nurse's instructions and ended up taking twice as much as I should have.

Irritability, increase in appetite, and extreme blurred vision in the high doses.
Down to 30mg today.... Yay!!... Started feeling a bit more pain (but nothing compared to before) as I went down to 35mg, so not sure what 30mg will bring. But so far the Pred has been great for preventing the symptoms and pain I was experiencing! Hoping the pain is more of a fluke... perhaps wishful thinking. lol

On the other hand, experiencing the lowered immune system first hand, seem to keep catching every cold in sight! (Normally, I tend to catch colds quite easily, but seems to be much worse and quickler onset then usual)... Here's hoping for the return of my voice!

Good luck to all those out there!
Started on prednisone for the first time just this morning. GI prescribed it as I have been having a lot of strong intestinal pain the past few weeks.

I am pretty anxious about the side effects.
It seems like side effects effeect everyone differently and to different extremes. For me, they haven't been TOO bad. Most noticeably has been irritability and feeling pretty down, and being quite tired. I haven't had to deal with the constant appetite (in fact, my appetite has actually lowered).. but like I said, everyone is different!
On the other side of the coin, I had pretty bad intestinal pain as well beforehand, and once I started the pred, it went away almost immediately. Was finally able to get some relief!
Hopefully the side effects don't effect you too much, and you will be able to get some relief from the pain! Good luck!!!
Hi Scout,

Side effects can take a while to kick in, and everyone seems to be different with the severity of them (depens on dosage amount and how long you've been taking it). This time around for me it took about 4 months for the full effects to hit me. The first thing that happens with me is an improvement in my skin complexion. Later on I get the moon face, wobbly legs and joint pain (mostly knees, but I feel it in my arms too). Mood swings happen in the first month for me, as well as shaky hands. This time around the shakiness isn't so bad, but way back when I was 18 it was so bad I could not write my name in cursive. This time around the acne is kicking in after 3 months, and moon face is pretty evident now as well. Still able to go to work and function normally, but I don't work out at all due to lack of energy and sore legs/knees.

My doctor tells me that older you are when taking prednisone, the less the side effects and that seems to be true in my case. I still have all the side effects, but not to the same degree now in my 40s as when I first took Pred at 18. My "brain fog" isn't nearly as bad this time around- I can do my accounting work no problem however it is still hard to pick up a book for casual reading. That's mostly due to feeling "ansty" all the time- hard to really concentrate and sit still/relax. Pred is great at relieving the pain though, and it's fast acting so overall it's still much more preferable than not taking it. But as you know, Pred is not a solution just a temporary fix. Hopefully other drugs can kick in(some take a while before working) and be effective so you can taper completely off.
On day 9 of my current prednisone regimen to get a flare under control and hopefully some relief to my stricture. 20 years with crohns so was not happy about going back on steroids. Dose 40mg x 7 days and taper by 5mg every week until off (though I am going to add in a 2.5 mg week) since the body naturally produces 1-3mg of cortisol.

For the first time I decided to fight the side effects! My research resulted in a combo diet: strict salt restriction and low carb combined with increased exercise. So far so good, I have no swelling and have lost more than 14 lbs since my obstruction 10SEP12. 5 of the pounds since starting pred. My psoriasis cleared, my joint pain resolved and my seasonal allergies need no further tx (all temporary for sure). I am having the mood swings but trying to stay away from others and keep my mouth shut (not easy for me!). I did have some knee issues yesterday so went for a run several hours earlier today and was fine. Sweating helps get the salt out that you do take in.

I haven't tolerated many solid foods yet so have been taking low carb protein shakes, low sodium V8, etc. taking lots of supplements but think I am just now starting to be able to absorb them now since today is the first day I haven't felt like crap. The pred should be working pretty good now on my chronic bowel inflammation.

I know that surgery will be in my near future so figured I better finally take control of the situation and get in good physical (and especially mental) shape. My first resection was miserable...ugh

Take away message: I previously had all the typical side effects (that freaking appetite and moon face sucks) and so far this go around I am actually looking better than when I started pred. The low carb diet and salt restriction has been great at controlling my appetite!

Good luck to all the Crohnies that are taking prednisone!
That's great to hear HARVinTX - I admit I don't really help myself when it comes to Pred bloat as I do give in to the carb cravings. I try my best to stay hydrated but we Crohnies demand so much extra fluid!

Down to 5mg today... I really hope that the Azathioprine is doing its job underneath, I don't want to be on Pred any more! But it get me into remission. It was my work leaving party last night and there were a few photos of me taken, it's like looking at someone else's face! I hope it deflates quickly. I see my GI on Friday, hopefully with good news.
I've been off the steroids for almost 2 months now and not showing any symptoms, feeling good with my Aza and Pentasa... How it always was before the flare ( minus the Pentasa).

But god Steroids are horrible things. The acne it made me come out with was bad. My forehead was just full of zits... I was prescribed some Erythromycin, and its cleared up pretty well, looks better some days than others, kinda just small redness on my forehead now and my back and shoulders aren't too bad. It also made me put on weight, quite a bit. My face lost the puffiness quite quickly and the weight overall has started to drop off me. How do I know? I bought a t shirt about 6 weeks ago and haven't tried it on until this morning since I originally tried it on and it's hanging on me. It's massive. Now that's a good thing, I'm glad I'm losing the weight but clothes are expensive.

Just makes me realise, Steroids are really horrible. I was desperate for them at the time as I was feeling so bad and they were worth it but the side effects just continue and continue. I've battled this acne for a while now and can't see that changing any time soon. But heck, I'm back in remission so what's a bit of acne? For a 20 year old, acne can be bad because it lowers self esteem, especially if your single. But I'm not, I've got a great, supportive partner and he doesn't care about any of that. That's why I'm comfortable.

Hope your all getting there and soon be off the Pred and feeling ok like me. :)
Started my taper Friday down to 30mg after 6 wks at 40mg. Second time around with prednisone, first go round was March thru July then had another partial sbo so went on them again. Side effects are similar, moon face and sweet cravings, some weight gain. The only thing that was worse this time was I had the shakes for the first 4wks, then it settled down. I'm also taking Paxil for anxiety/depression and I think that helps a lot with the side effects. My GI tapers really sloooowly so I won't be off completely until sometime in December. Steroids helped a lot but I hope I don't need them again!
@Lizzy - glad your off pred! Keep that face photo too. I still have my first moon face pic from 1992 :)

@Randy - hey glad you have a supportive partner! I remember my acne days well and it was a struggle for my self-esteem too! Now 20 years later, I understand how important it is to try to control the chronic inflammation that continuously attacks the lining of our bowel and worry less about the side effects.

Pred update: Day 11 - on 35mg after 7 days of 40mg. I have a net loss of 16 lbs (7 lbs since starting pred). I continue very strict salt intake and remain on a low carb diet). Positive effects: having less abd pain but not yet eating many solids (no veggies, fruits or meats), psoriasis has disappeared, allergies are doing great and joint pain has resolved. Negative effects: intermittent irritability, insomnia and bilateral knee swelling sensation in the afternoon (a little hard to describe but kinda like a mushy feeling). I run/walk/hike about 2.25 daily to continue weight loss. Have another 15-20 lbs to lose to get to a comfortable weight.
Been on 40 mg pred for 5 days and if anything the pain is even more acute. I have small intestine narrowing and had inflammation prior to starting the pred. I was starting to feel like food was having trouble moving through my intestines. Now it feels the same, possibly even tighter, and more painful! I eat very little and feel very bloated. No appetite because of the recurring waves of bloat and pain.

Could it be that the pred is working, the inflammation has gone down, and now this unholy pain I'm still experiencing is permanent scar tissue narrowing (which the pred will not help with)? Is this the beginning of an obstruction? Is that pessimistic or realistic?
Hey Scoutfinch, the pred takes 5-7 day to start significantly reducing the inflammation and it differs person to person and severity of the inflammation. On day 12 of pres and today I feel like the solid food I ate yesterday finally made it thru without too much issue. Give it some more time and stick to liquids/low residue for a few more days. Obstruction is non-stop pain and usually involves vomiting (as well as some other unpleasant sensations). The narrowing you have could be all inflammation or a combination of permanent scarring along with the inflammation. Chronic inflammation lays down scar tissue over time so treatment goal is usually to try to minimize chronic inflammation. Let me know if you have any other concerns. Always welcome private msgs as well but there is a huge wealth of information on the forum too.
Could be. Narrowing by itself is not an obstruction, but does make one more likely, depending on what you eat. When was your last sed rate/ESR test? If that's coming down nicely and you still have pain, your doctor will probably want to look inside- that's the only way to really tell how much narrowing there is. Since you've been on 40mg for five days, you might just get bumped up a bit on the Pred and then see. But with lots of pain now, your doctor will probably want to get a better look first. My guess is the inflammation has not gone down much yet. Hope you're feeling better soon, and keep us posted!
Hi Scoutfinch, Whenever I start having intestinal pain I eat "papaya enzymes" tabs & "Betaine HCL" caps right after any meals, especially if you eat any meats. Its best not to eat too much & cause your digestive tract to work too hard.
Years ago my Doc suggested to take "Milk of Magnesia" to soften the stuff in your intestines. I dont use MoM much anymore since the digestive enzymes seem to work for me. But sometimes it takes weeks for your intestines to heal up & the pain to go away. Aloe Vera Gel can also help with the healing process. A nutritionist suggests eating Baby Food while having a flareup, hard to do though, but I've done this for 1 week at a time & it does help with narrowing or inflammed intestines. There is much updated info on treating Crohns naturally in a book I use called " Prescription for Nutritional Healing". Its written by an Medical Doc & his wife a Certified Nutritionist.
Their information has helped me to maintain Crohns for over 20yrs. now.
Hope you start feeling better soon.
I have heard about Aloe Vera as well. Another one is Tumeric. In fact just this monring I was reading an aricle by Dr. Oz and that other doctor from the Cleveland Clinic whose name I always forget, about supplements and Tumeric was listed as their number one. Specifically mentioned Tumeric's ability to help reduce inflammation caused by Ulcercative Colitis. I would have posted a link here but cannot find that article online.
Hi Hobbes650, My daughter who also has crohns has been using turmeric in caps form & she says that it has been helping her along with other nutritional foods. Coincidentally Im an Indian so my cultural foods include Turmeric in some dishes. Thats how my Mom & Wife cooked & so I still eat those dishes with Turmeric in them today. It is possible that I may have been getting benefits from Turmeric over the years, since it is a proven natural anti-inflammatory.
Thanks for bringing the subject up.
Hi Avery! Glad to see it helps. I was wondering if taking it in caps would work as well as the powder, so thank you for sharing that. When I read that Tumeric was good for Ulcerative Colitis I found it odd since it could very well be good for IBD in general and that was not mentioned. Certainly wouldn't hurt. Thanks again for sharing!

Forgot to ask, how much does your daughter take in caps form?
Hope that it gets better for you Scoutfinch - it took me a few weeks when I was first put on Pred before I noticed a difference because of how far gone my inflammation was - hopefully you feel better soon.

I've also been taking tumeric as part of a nutritional powder with spirulina, kelp and flaxseed. I find that it gives me a lot more energy and I hope the tumeric is working its anti-inflammatory magic!
I just recently got off Prednisone (thank god!) but here's what I experienced:

Wanting to stuff my face all day long (constantly hungry)
Horrible acne on face and back (YUCK)
Joint Pain in hips and knees (super crummy since I am a runner)
Terrible moodiness/anger (near constant "Road Rage")
Darkening/growth of unsightly facial hair (UGH!)
Night sweats while sleeping

Now that I am off...joint pain in knees is a bit better, and only my left hip bothers me some. Acne on face has cleared, but still working on clearing the back (BLECH). facial hair growth has slowed (thank goodness) and I no longer feel the need to stuff my face 24/7. Have lost most of the extra pounds I gained - thanks to running again, and the sweats have also decreased.

In short...Prednisone, though reduces inflammation, is wretched! I was on it for 3 months. I sincerely hope you are successful in your taper. My GI had me go two weeks at each lower dosage to make sure it didn't throw me into a flare.

Best wishes!

Thanks everyone for the support and advice.

In addition to the intestinal pain, I'm also experiecing what I call "acid belly" which basically feels like someone took a meat tenderizer to my intestines and then threw the most sour harsh acid onto them. The burning and raw sore aching is so painful and nauseating. (Sorry, I'm a complete whiner when I feel this way).
Well I was off it for only 2 weeks but I had a big flare up while flying back home to Australia from the UK last week - at first I thought it was the long flight or the jet lag but no, the symptoms all pointed to a Crohn's flare up (lots of D, pain, weight loss and fatigue, bleeding). On the plus side I got in to my childhood GP and she referred me urgently to a new GI here in Oz - I got in the next day. Back to 30mg of Pred and tapering for another 6 weeks, and looks like I will be starting Humira after that.

Oh well, day 2 of Pred and all the pain is gone, other symptoms getting better. It's magic, awful stuff isn't it. Love/hate relationship right here. :rolleyes:
I've been on it for 3 months...started to taper off at one point, but Remicade wasn't doing its job, so I had to go back up.
I haven't had too much trouble with the mood, but I find myself wanting to eat most of the time, even sometimes not feeling hungry, but just want food.

The first time I was tapering, I got nasty dehydration headaches within 24 hours of reducing my dose (10 mg increments). This time I'm tapering by 5mg...I've had headaches, but they haven't coincided with the reductions in dose. Not sure what's causing them this time.

It did clear up my dandruff for a while, tho...that was nice while it lasted.
Ahhh you reminded me of when I used to take pred.. My family thought I were going crazy from the mood swings .. And I had a really bad insomnia slept 1-2 hours max .. And they used to hide food from me because I ate anything and everything ..
I don't think I ever want to take this again. I have never had a panic attack ever before in my life, but I've had overwhelming anxiety every time I've taken it. Never again. I feel
Like everyone is out to get me and my mind won't stand still. I know this medicine can help out, but oh mylanta, don't know if its worth it.
I don't think I ever want to take this again. I have never had a panic attack ever before in my life, but I've had overwhelming anxiety every time I've taken it. Never again. I feel
Like everyone is out to get me and my mind won't stand still. I know this medicine can help out, but oh mylanta, don't know if its worth it.

Hey Jones, Welcome to the club! Prednisone is a wild ride- it changes you physically, mentally, and even emotionally. But, it does do a good job of reducing infllammation and reducing the pain. It also acts very quickly. The goal with IBD is to bring the disease under control so that your life is as normal as possible, and that means with no Prednisone. So, the good news is that you don't take Prednisone for the rest of your life, but you may have periods where you do have to take it. It really does do a good job of reducing pain. When IBD flares up in force, the pain can be stronger than anything you've felt and Prednisone does help that a lot. The other drugs like Imuran and the bilogics like Humira or Remicade, are effective in knocking the disease into remission and that lessens the need to take Prednisone. I certainly agree with you though- I've been on Prednisone 6 months now to battle this recent flare up and I'm about ready to kill someone. :) I hope to be off in 4-6 weeks so the end is near.

Glad to see you discovered this site- I found it in May this year and it's been a great resource with great members. Hopefully your journey with IBD will not be so difficult, but this site will be great regardless. Hope you feel better soon!
I'm finding this time around my side effects are not as bad - I've been back on Pred for 3 weeks but my skin is much clearer than before, I'm sleeping a solid 8 hours and the hunger cravings aren't as intense. The only explanation I can suggest is that I'm back in Australia? I'm much less stressed and anxious at home than I was in the UK and maybe that's why the Pred reactions are not as intense.. no scientific reasoning behind this at all, but I'm happy!
I'm finding this time around my side effects are not as bad - I've been back on Pred for 3 weeks but my skin is much clearer than before, I'm sleeping a solid 8 hours and the hunger cravings aren't as intense. The only explanation I can suggest is that I'm back in Australia? I'm much less stressed and anxious at home than I was in the UK and maybe that's why the Pred reactions are not as intense.. no scientific reasoning behind this at all, but I'm happy!

Be patient Izzy, Pred will kick in with side effects at some point. :voodoo:
This time around it took a month before I got any acne or other side effects. But like before, my skin really cleared up the first few weeks. Then, right when I started wondering if the bad effects would ever come, they did. Hunger cravings I can relate too, especially a sweet tooth. The hand shaking and weight gain have bothered me the most. Glad to hear you are less stressed in Australia than in the UK- must be something in the water. :) I agree that it must help. I find that on Pred, I take a lot longer to unwind at home after work, and that sucks. Seems like I'm always revved up a bit.
I thought I had hardly any side effects at first, but then I got one after another and now after about six weeks or so I have accumulated tons of them. They didn't carry on increasing in severity though. I wonder whether that's the reason some people find they develop new side effects even when they're tapering - perhaps it's not that the side effects are due to lowering the dose, but are a delayed effect from when the person was taking more of it.
I thought I had hardly any side effects at first, but then I got one after another and now after about six weeks or so I have accumulated tons of them. They didn't carry on increasing in severity though. I wonder whether that's the reason some people find they develop new side effects even when they're tapering - perhaps it's not that the side effects are due to lowering the dose, but are a delayed effect from when the person was taking more of it.

Side effects come about for two reasons: the amount you take, and the length of time you take it. So tapering off is good, but your still on it. Once your off Pred it's like running your car when your out of gas. When you press down on the peddle you may get some effects initially, but soon enough it stops. The bad part for me was all the acne on my chest and back, chest in particular. They became keloid scars which took many years flatten out. Now they just look like freckles. I'm not getting that kind of severity this time around though.
Hi ndw! At what point did your knees start feeling better? Did that start after you were completely off, or at a low dosage? That's my number one complaint right now- I even avoid stairs whenever possible. I'm only on 15mg/day, but I've been on Pred since May and my taper schedule goes until February. I've gained quite a bit of weight and am anxious to start doing more exercise, if it weren't for the knee pain.

I just recently got off Prednisone (thank god!) but here's what I experienced:

Wanting to stuff my face all day long (constantly hungry)
Horrible acne on face and back (YUCK)
Joint Pain in hips and knees (super crummy since I am a runner)
Terrible moodiness/anger (near constant "Road Rage")
Darkening/growth of unsightly facial hair (UGH!)
Night sweats while sleeping

Now that I am off...joint pain in knees is a bit better, and only my left hip bothers me some. Acne on face has cleared, but still working on clearing the back (BLECH). facial hair growth has slowed (thank goodness) and I no longer feel the need to stuff my face 24/7. Have lost most of the extra pounds I gained - thanks to running again, and the sweats have also decreased.

In short...Prednisone, though reduces inflammation, is wretched! I was on it for 3 months. I sincerely hope you are successful in your taper. My GI had me go two weeks at each lower dosage to make sure it didn't throw me into a flare.

Best wishes!

Well, wouldn't you know it, after I wrote that last post my appetite has gone through the roof! Finding that I'm hungry even at midnight... Trying to be as healthy as possible this time around but ohhhh it's hard!
Prednisone is a catch 22 for me. I was on it quite frequently as a teen, and while it did work on my flare up symptoms....the side effects just aren't worth it. Mood swings, depression, horrible joint knees have no cartilage now + I'm 99% sure I have an undiagnosed case of costochondritis

It's a last resort medication for me. I suffer permanent joint pain because of long term prednisone use in the early 2000's :sign0085:
Hi ndw! At what point did your knees start feeling better? Did that start after you were completely off, or at a low dosage? That's my number one complaint right now- I even avoid stairs whenever possible. I'm only on 15mg/day, but I've been on Pred since May and my taper schedule goes until February. I've gained quite a bit of weight and am anxious to start doing more exercise, if it weren't for the knee pain.

I'm wondering this about the insomnia and restlessness. I so want to sleep and feel relaxed again! I'm tapering - I thought this might stop or at least ease as I reduced the dose, but so far it's been unrelenting. It's looking like some side effects may stay until the prednisone is stopped completely.
I have crohn's and will probably start on entocort one of this days, not totally sure i'm going to take them
I will let you know how it goes
So close to being finished (for now anyways!) with Prednisone... Tapering from 10mg to 5mg tomorrow... and then hopefully done next Thursday!

The effects seem to be getting much worse as I taper off.. I feel like I can't focus on anything, and that my head is constantly in it's own little world. Not to mention not being able to sleep, and the annoying mood swings (my poor boyfriend!!! lol)

Counting down until next Thursday!!!
If prednisone was the only drug that could save my life ,I would not take it again. I was dxed with minimal change disease of the kidneys(it wasn't ,have had three kidney biopsies and they still don't know). I was put on 75mg daily and was on it for nearly a year and a half. The last three monts was the taper to get me off it. I hate the stuff. For the first three days I felt great. From then on I could not sleep,i suffered anger and depression. I could not be around people. I put on a lot of weight.Got stomach ulcers. Would only have to brush my skin and I would start bleeding. I looked like a hunch back with a moon face. When I finally got off it I suffered a massive flare of psoriatic arthritis. A bone scan showed it in nearly every joint in my body. It has pushed me into type two diabetes and has caused serious osteoperosis,I have lost 7cm in height.Never ever again will I take pred. Ron.
After seeing with my own eyes what prednisone can do to a persons health, I wonder why Docs continue to prescribe it the way they do. My sister has been on it for over 9yrs. & she has had her bones in her legs break twice just from stepping off a stair & she is a small person. Her arteries have major plaque buildup from yrs of prednisone use. I'm so sorry to hear how so much of you are suffering from Crohn's & Prednisone use.

When my doc first diagnosed me in '91, I was working & supporting a family of 3. The meds he gave me were making me feel sick in a different way that the crohns was & I couldnt continue working like that.

Right around that time someone introduced me to a Natural approach beginning with: Selective Eating (no eggs, No milk, No coffee, No red meats or any foods that irritate your intestines) Aloe Vera Gel, Vit B12, B complex, Sub-lingual Amino Acids, Multi-Vit., No junk foods all natural foods only (carrot juice greens etc). Eating baby food during a major flareup.

Believe it or not Nutrition & Natural medicine really can work, after all that is what our bodies live off of. It does take a lifestyle change though, but then again Crohns has done that to us already.
Today there is so much more understanding of natural treatments for Crohns than when I was diagnosed. Natural anti-Inflammatories: Boswellia, Aloe Vera, Querecitin, Bromelain, Turmeric, Lecithin, Omega-3s-Flaxseed, Fish oil, Evening Primrose Oil, N-Acetyl Glucosamine.

I still have minor flareups about every 1.5-2yrs & its due mostly to me deviating from the plan, but so far I'm still able to function as a fairly normal person. My Hope is that many of you on this forum can someday find the same thing that I did or better.
Has anyone mentioned the possible effect on bones? Sorry if it's already been said! My boyfriends been on prednisone for 6 years, and he wasn't prescribed anything to counteract the damage it could do to his bones and so his bone density is very low now. Just a warning, it might not happen to everyone but better to be safe than sorry and talk to your GP about supplements
Has anyone mentioned the possible effect on bones? Sorry if it's already been said! My boyfriends been on prednisone for 6 years, and he wasn't prescribed anything to counteract the damage it could do to his bones and so his bone density is very low now. Just a warning, it might not happen to everyone but better to be safe than sorry and talk to your GP about supplements

Just found out my bone density is low too.
Im going for a bone density scan in January... little concerned as to what the results will be :shifty:

I had alot of trouble with my teeth, hot and cold really hurt, so I figured my bone density might end up being low. Did the test and now have osteopenia, which is the step before osteoperosis. They aren't doing anything about it yet, but she said if I go back on pred, I will def need meds for my bones. Also said the the crohn's slowly lowers bone density as well due to the lack of nutrient absorption. Good luck.
We had better results today, it turns out his bone density isn't as low as we thought (he doesn't have osteoporosis, and probably won't for quite a long time) and he was on a high dose for 5 years with no supplements. So as long as you have supplements you should be fine, don't worry too much.

Spinnychick I think you should demand med's, because if they treat it as soon as possible it can really slow down the effects.
We had better results today, it turns out his bone density isn't as low as we thought (he doesn't have osteoporosis, and probably won't for quite a long time) and he was on a high dose for 5 years with no supplements. So as long as you have supplements you should be fine, don't worry too much.

Spinnychick I think you should demand med's, because if they treat it as soon as possible it can really slow down the effects.

Thanks, I see the endocrinologist again early 2013 so will ask then. I know here in Canada we are only allowed one bone density test per year for insurance reasons. Glad he's okay.
After seeing with my own eyes what prednisone can do to a persons health, I wonder why Docs continue to prescribe it the way they do. My sister has been on it for over 9yrs. & she has had her bones in her legs break twice just from stepping off a stair & she is a small person. Her arteries have major plaque buildup from yrs of prednisone use. I'm so sorry to hear how so much of you are suffering from Crohn's & Prednisone use.

I have juvenile osteoporosis - or at least, as a child I was diagnosed with idopathic juvenile osteopororis. Since I'm now an adult, it can't be classified as juvenile anymore, but that's what it started as. But I've never spontaneously broken a bone. Even with osteoporosis, it seems fractures have to be caused by an injury (e.g. slipping on ice and falling hard on concrete. :eek2: ). Your sister's osteoporosis must be extremely severe for her to break her legs from stepping off a stair! Do you know if she had other factors contributing to the bone loss, or was that all from prednisone?!
im almost done tapering of a short 1 1/2 months of pred (basically a week in the hospital on ahigh dose through iv then the rest of the time has been tapering)

since this was such a short dose (my first time on pred was 3 months) the side effects have been manageable but for sure noticable

a nice side effect was masking the joint pain that comes with crohns, sadly it is back in my last few days of 15mg

gained a bit of weight (which was needed) also from the mega appetite

the insomnia only lasted the first 2 weeks, got lots of house cleaning done! the energy is great, what a change

a bit of acne, lots on my chest gross.

and, I just noticed today, sigh, I have a bi of facial hair. ah! luckily its blonde but it is definitely there and shouldnt be. any tips on how to deal with it? will it stay or go away as the pred leaves my body? I hesitate to shave it incase it makes it worse...
I inherited a bit of facial fluff myself, but no I wouldn't shave. I tried to get laser hair removal but they wouldn't because it's white. I think we notice it on ourselves more than others really see it. Be well!
Well 40mg for 6 months. Reason why I'm laughing is I'm at the end of the road according to the GI/ibd team in Chicago. If humira/Mtx combo doesn't work, and I flare again while tapering. Then my Virgin gut won't be virgin anymore. That's why I'm kinda laughing. All the high powered biological stuff and what I'm going through UHG! I can't afford this disease anymore!:poo:
and, I just noticed today, sigh, I have a bi of facial hair. ah! luckily its blonde but it is definitely there and shouldnt be. any tips on how to deal with it? will it stay or go away as the pred leaves my body? I hesitate to shave it incase it makes it worse...

I got a bit of facial hair from prednisone, I've just been plucking it out with tweezers. Better than shaving because you don't get stubble and each hair stays gone longer, but it's only really works if there's not that much hair. It works great if it's just the odd few. I think it's supposed to go away if/when you stop the medication. It gets me more depressed than it should - I don't think other people notice or care as much as I think they do! I've got better at not dwelling on it. I just check in the mirror every other morning, tweeze out whatever's obvious, and then don't let myself worry over it any more.

By the way, you found the insomnia went away after a while? Was that from reducing the dose or doing anything in particular? It's the one side effect I just can't find a way to deal with. I tapered the dose, take it early in the day, but I still don't seem to sleep hardly at all, which is really not like me. I've been on prednisone a while now so I don't think it's likely to just be something associated with beginning it in my case. It really went away after two weeks for you?!
What I don't get is that everyone seemed to swell up and get a crazy hungry appetite. I lost soo much weight and was never hungry. Very strange cravings though, and intense, like as if I was pregnant.
What I don't get is that everyone seemed to swell up and get a crazy hungry appetite. I lost soo much weight and was never hungry. Very strange cravings though, and intense, like as if I was pregnant.

The weight loss is probably determined by the level of your illness. The first time around I took Pred, I was very sick and three months later was hospitalized. After coming home I did gain some weight, but my disease was never in remission, and ultimately I needed surgery. This time my flare up was not so bad (in fact all the inflammation markers on the blood tests are back to normal) but I've gained lots of weight.
The weight loss is probably determined by the level of your illness. The first time around I took Pred, I was very sick and three months later was hospitalized. After coming home I did gain some weight, but my disease was never in remission, and ultimately I needed surgery. This time my flare up was not so bad (in fact all the inflammation markers on the blood tests are back to normal) but I've gained lots of weight.

I was in hospital for 8 days when first diagnosed in May. I don't understand how/what makes us go back? Pain? Blood? I never really know when I am sick enough to call the GI or whatever.
I was in hospital for 8 days when first diagnosed in May. I don't understand how/what makes us go back? Pain? Blood? I never really know when I am sick enough to call the GI or whatever.

Hi Spinnychick! I go into the hospital when there is a fever the isn't getting better, too much pain, or too dehydrated (which can happen if I get a small bowel obstruction). The first time I was hospitalized I was completely incontinent, in a lot of pain and had a fever even though I had been on Predisone for three months. The second time was one year later after my fever returned and would not go back down. Pain and fever are the two things that force me to go in.
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The weight loss is probably determined by the level of your illness. The first time around I took Pred, I was very sick and three months later was hospitalized. After coming home I did gain some weight, but my disease was never in remission, and ultimately I needed surgery. This time my flare up was not so bad (in fact all the inflammation markers on the blood tests are back to normal) but I've gained lots of weight.

My illness has improved on prednisone, but I'm still not getting hunger or gaining weight as side effects.
Hi Spinnychick! I go into the hospital when there is a fever the isn't getting better, too much pain, or too dehydrated (which can happen if I get a small bowel obstruction). The first time I was hospitalized I was completely incontinent, in a lot of pain and had a fever even though I had been on Predisone for three months. The second time was one year later after my fever returned and would not go back down. Pain and fever are the two things that force me to go in.

I've never had a fever but my pain is very sporatic so never bother going in. How do you know if you are blocked?
I've been on and off a somewhat low dosage of pred for a few weeks now - 15 mg - and these are the symptoms I've experienced so far:

- night sweats - especially when first starting the pred.
- insomnia and disturbed sleep; I have difficulty falling asleep and also have weird vivid surreal dreams.
- acid reflux and a very acidic stomach/intestinal burn, which makes me nauseous.
- I'm hesitant to say it makes me moody, because I'm pretty moody to begin with :D

That's really about it. No increased appetite, no moonface. The pred isn't very effective at treating my Crohn's flare, but it does seem to at least ward off the very sharp extreme pains that bring me to tears.
Can I ask why you are on 15mg if you still have signs or pains with your flare? Maybe 20mg would be better and reduce the pain. What other meds are you on to help put it in remission?
I've been off six weeks and on remi now but the pain is daily and way more than ever. Don't want to go back on pred tho.
Can I ask why you are on 15mg if you still have signs or pains with your flare? Maybe 20mg would be better and reduce the pain. What other meds are you on to help put it in remission?

I started off at 40mg and have tapered down to 15mg where I've been maintaining it. There actually is very little difference between the effectiveness of it at 40mg vs 15mg (though when I went down to 10mg I felt the threshhold pain again, so I've maintained at 15mg). I've just started Humira - as Remicade failed after a year. I'm hoping the Humira will work well.
My 17 year old daughter is also on prednisone 40 in the morning, she started at 20 but that didn't seem to do anything so they put her at 40 she says she still doesn't see much difference in feeling any better, and we are not sure how it is even suppose to make her feel, she was diagnosed with crohns last month, so we are at a loss about everything happening.
They tried to put her on flagel but it made her sick and lose more wait she has gone from 127 lbs to 104 lbs in a month.
My happy go lucky daughter isn't so bubbly anymore and I am beyond myself with what to do. Will see a nutrienist on Wed with her food log, but it seems as if everything hurts to eat at some point in time.:frown:
Hi oreonut2004! What other meds is she on other than Pred? Sounds like she got pretty sick in real short time.

As for diet, yes everything she eats can hurt at times. That's quite normal. She may not be getting enough nutrients from food too- sometimes it seems our food just goes straight through without giving us any benefit so it's great you're seeing a nutritionist! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that things can turn around quickly!
My 17 year old daughter is also on prednisone 40 in the morning, she started at 20 but that didn't seem to do anything so they put her at 40 she says she still doesn't see much difference in feeling any better, and we are not sure how it is even suppose to make her feel, she was diagnosed with crohns last month, so we are at a loss about everything happening.
They tried to put her on flagel but it made her sick and lose more wait she has gone from 127 lbs to 104 lbs in a month.
My happy go lucky daughter isn't so bubbly anymore and I am beyond myself with what to do. Will see a nutrienist on Wed with her food log, but it seems as if everything hurts to eat at some point in time.:frown:

Diagnosed in May so mew right along with her. Prednisone alone didn't help me either and it has been an experiment with drug after drug for me. These forums help alot for information and also support. Wish her all the best.
Gi has her only on pred 40, was diagnosed after she had to be admitted last month, then when she came home they had her on Cipro & Flagel, came off that but flared back up so he put her on a lower dose of flagel but she has an intolerence to it apparently, so the started her with pred 20. But she still has alot of pain so friday he sarted her on 40, as of last night pain was so bad at times that she would just sweet and look like she was going to be sick couple minutes later they start up again. I am at a loss of what to do and doc doesn't seem to like to explain things so well, they say he is the best but i dont know
Gi has her only on pred 40, was diagnosed after she had to be admitted last month, then when she came home they had her on Cipro & Flagel, came off that but flared back up so he put her on a lower dose of flagel but she has an intolerence to it apparently, so the started her with pred 20. But she still has alot of pain so friday he sarted her on 40, as of last night pain was so bad at times that she would just sweet and look like she was going to be sick couple minutes later they start up again. I am at a loss of what to do and doc doesn't seem to like to explain things so well, they say he is the best but i dont know

I was up and down with the pred at first too and was on cipro. Tried a few others after that. From what my GI told me, the drugs are like a pyramid and he follows along until remission is found. It is hard to keep trying things but I hold hope that remicade will help me. If she is in pain you need to call him. They need to find something that will work for her. I usually bring a list of questions in also.
Hi guys, I found this thread and I have question for you, is it possible to have side efects from Prednisone like sore mouth and breathing problems? Thanks forever.
Hi guys, I found this thread and I have question for you, is it possible to have side efects from Prednisone like sore mouth and breathing problems? Thanks forever.

I'm new to CD, so learning along with you, but I know you can get cankers and ulcers in your mouth from crohn's for sure. Breathing problems ... dunno, but am interested as I've had frequent chest pains since this diagnosis.
I'm new to CD, so learning along with you, but I know you can get cankers and ulcers in your mouth from crohn's for sure. Breathing problems ... dunno, but am interested as I've had frequent chest pains since this diagnosis.

Hey Spinny, thanks to God I don't have those problems.

If you suffer from chest pain and if it is severe, you better check your self for Prinzmetal's angina, I have reed something about it somewhere, I know it can be caused by spasm, search on google for chest pain, you shouldn't play with that.
Hey Spinny, thanks to God I don't have those problems.

If you suffer from chest pain and if it is severe, you better check your self for Prinzmetal's angina, I have reed something about it somewhere, I know it can be caused by spasm, search on google for chest pain, you shouldn't play with that.

Thanks, I will google it. I've had a few lung collapses prior to crohn's, so think I just have bad lungs but also think the crohns has aggravated it. Am undergoing prelimary tests as of last week to see what's what. :)