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Pregnant & husband is on Mercaptopurine

I am just finding out via ept test that I am pregnant
my husband has had UC for a few years and has been on this new meds for the last 5 months I think.....

what are the side effects?? his dr said to not get pregnant......(well for me not him....)


Naples, Florida
Greetings :)

I assume you mean Mercaptopurine (I've edited the thread title for you) which you'll often see referred to here as 6-MP or its brand name, Purinethol. Women on it are at higher risk for miscarriage during their first trimester according to this study but I can't imagine you having anything to worry about since your husband is on it. But as always, bring up any concerns to your doctor just in case :)
thank you david
yes the 6mp drug - sorry he isn't home and doesn't even know YET..... OH my........ I am just freaking out about it .

thank you for getting back with me
Congrats! I am a woman on 6mp and I've heard it perfectly ok to be on 6mp during pregnancy, it doesn't really affect the fetus and you can also breastfeed while on it as well since it doesn't show in breastmilk...however these are things I've heard and being that you aren't on the drug yourself I doubt there's much to worry about, though as previously stated you should talk to a doctor for advice, or you can call a nurse hotline and ask if theres anything to be concerned about. good luck and congrats again
Thank you!!!

I will call my doctor on Monday and make an appt for tuesday with my obgyn

my husband was suppose to talk to his gastro dr about the meds and with me getting preg .... again we weren't TRYING.... lol