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Question on crohns

Hi guys, can crohns be a day to day thing hour by hour? Or its a full on for days weeks!
Reason i ask, the last 3 days i have not taken any metamucil or my other medications (for another issue). And i feel great best in a long time. So is it coincidentally I'm not taking this stuff that improves my symptoms. Going away fishing this weekend and feel great!
The disease may be silent. but if it is under control with long term medication, of course you can feel good for days, or weeks even if you suspend for a short term period your medications. I'd not quit a long term medication for too long
I am not on anything. Except for Metamucil and a creme if my bum gets sore. In the last 3 years i have taken 2 courses of nexium hp7. I see my specialist in 2 weeks time for biopsy results