Hi All,
so the docs want to start me on Remicade as a buffer until the 6MP kicks in, which they want to start me on as well. Currently on Lialda & entocort which dont seem to be getting rid of my inflammation (poos are still not right & i still have occasional tummy cramps)
Any one else totally freaked about all the drugs & possible long term affects
I am only 29 so i still have a lot of life ahead of me!
I am a runner (1/2 marathons, was hoping to do my first full this year but my docs ruined that dream for me), what if all these drugs make me too tired to run long distances or my joints become irritated so i cant run. Running is one of the few things that makes feel good these days (mostly mentally, i think it would be pretty tough if i had to deal with not being physically capable of running)
I live in NYC & all these drugs mess with your immune system..........do u have any idea how many germs are on the subway at rush hour???? there is no avoiding them!!! Will i just be sick all the time, ie, with the common cold or something similar???
I have been a little bit of denial trying to convince myself i dont really need all these drugs. Reading all the stuff about controlling your disease with diet only feed into my denial!!
Just wanted to put my fears out there - anyone have experiences with these drugs that may help me feel better or worse???
so the docs want to start me on Remicade as a buffer until the 6MP kicks in, which they want to start me on as well. Currently on Lialda & entocort which dont seem to be getting rid of my inflammation (poos are still not right & i still have occasional tummy cramps)
Any one else totally freaked about all the drugs & possible long term affects
I am only 29 so i still have a lot of life ahead of me!
I am a runner (1/2 marathons, was hoping to do my first full this year but my docs ruined that dream for me), what if all these drugs make me too tired to run long distances or my joints become irritated so i cant run. Running is one of the few things that makes feel good these days (mostly mentally, i think it would be pretty tough if i had to deal with not being physically capable of running)
I live in NYC & all these drugs mess with your immune system..........do u have any idea how many germs are on the subway at rush hour???? there is no avoiding them!!! Will i just be sick all the time, ie, with the common cold or something similar???
I have been a little bit of denial trying to convince myself i dont really need all these drugs. Reading all the stuff about controlling your disease with diet only feed into my denial!!
Just wanted to put my fears out there - anyone have experiences with these drugs that may help me feel better or worse???