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Remicade , joint pain and memory loss

I have been Dx with Crohn’s since 2008 and been on Remicade since 2015. It’s been working well for the intestinal issues. However, for the past year, I have been dealing with joint pain and inflammation as well as memory loss. Should I stop Remicade?

Lady Organic

Staff member
How old are you? I would also talk to a general doctor about those issues, especially the memory loss. Memory can be evaluated in doctors office.
Do not stop Remicade on your own or you risk a relapse of CD.
I have been on Remicade infusion for more than a decade. The last infusion I got, they switched to a generic brand and I have been having stomach cramps that come and go after I eat. I'm going to contact my GI tomorrow to see if I can find out what is going on. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this when they were switched to the generic version?