My doctor has prescribed by Remicade for my perianal Crohn’s disease. My Crohn’s is located in the anal area. I’ve had a superficial fistula that was cut open and is still not healing after 9 months. The anal area has ulcers and stricture. I feel confident the Remicade will help me and I’ve finally accepted that I have to start an infusion. I’ve been terrified and avoiding this for over a year now. I’ve researched Remicade and perianal Crohn’s for months and there is a lot of research showing Remicade to help my particular problem. However, I’ve been informed my insurance will not accept Remicade. It is only accepting Avsola (infliximab-axxq). It concerns me to take this because it is a “bio similar” that has not been on the market as long as Remicade. I believe the FDA approved it in 2019. Does anyone have an experience with Avsola? I don’t really understand the difference between Remicade and Avsola or what a bio-similar means. I just know I don’t see any articles or research proving that Avsola has helped people with my type of Crohn’s disease. I am willing to get off my job’s insurance and pay out of pocket for a different better insurance that would accept it. But I don’t know if that’s reasonable to do. I just am afraid to take something that is not the exact same thing as Remicade and does not offer any research that proves it’s helped people with my condition.