Resection Surgery tomorrow..just found out I'm pregnant!

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Aug 28, 2019
After 6 months of wearing an ileostomy bag, I am finally having my small bowel rejoined tomorrow morning.I missed a period last week, took a test today and lo and behold, I am pregnant. I must only be by a few weeks gone!I am not going to tell the surgeons as if i do, they probably wont operate on me. I am so scared for this surgery but have been looking forward to this for months. Theres no way anything will stop me from having it.What are your thoughts?
The docs need to know since a pregnant body behaves different medically than a non pregnant body
If something comes up during surgery you want the docs to have the right medical information so they can know what to look for and how to proceed
I think you should tell the doctors because:
1) they must know whether it's safe to operate and what risks they are facing if they do;
2) they should know what you can and cannot do before and after surgery to prepare and recover.
You shouldn't be shy about telling the truth no matter how scared you are. If you don't tell the doctors and something goes wrong, it will be your fault alone.
Tell them you don't want to do the surgery if you're afraid. They will probably find another specialist. You can calculate your expected due date and how far along you are as it may be possible to perform the surgery only during a certain period. It may really be dangerous for you to have surgery, not just for the baby. You can't be careless about your health; surgeons need to be aware of all the risks.
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If your hospital is anything like my daughter’s hospital they ALWAYS do a pregnancy test prior to Anesthsia. And this is a pediatric hospital. Urine test and if you can’t urinate they do blood test and hold the procedure until they have the result.