Hey leah131 Yeah, a lot of blood there can be very disconcerting. I've lost oodles, in fact so much so that at one time I was having difficulty getting the dr's to believe me... So I grabbed the digital camera, took some pix (nasty business) and showed them to the Dr's. I don't think anyone had ever done that to them before. It stopped their disbelief... Anyway, see the doctor, get it checked out.. Just wanted you to know that bleeding is (I won't use the term 'normal' - because it never looks or feels normal to see your body doing that - like I said, it can be very disconcerting) 'typical' at various stages of IBD... It could be any number of things. But I survived, and you have to know that you will too. You may want to cut back on fibre or ruffage until it settles down. Naturally, you won't want anything that's hard to digest contacting an area that is actively bleeding. And dividing what you currently are eating to smaller portions spread over time will help rest your system. i.e. Instead of 3 normal sized meals a day, divide it up so that you're eating 6 smaller sized meals. I'll keep you in my thoughts..