Good! I'd love to hang you
Would love to join this thread. Started the SCD 11 days ago. My only cheat is a Diet Sundrop more than once a week. Trying not to get discouraged but losing weight and having a hard time with the food OR my crohns is just worse when I decided to start diet. Believe I am not tolerating any fiber. Even chicken soap is reacting and causing lots of D (maybe puree carrots.) Would love to join and hear others response or what worked for them. Will not give up!! Need this to work. :rof:
Yow! :eek2:
That had to be autocorrect or the cat bumped "send'? Just teasing!![]()
Would love to join this thread. Started the SCD 11 days ago. My only cheat is a Diet Sundrop more than once a week. Trying not to get discouraged but losing weight and having a hard time with the food OR my crohns is just worse when I decided to start diet. Believe I am not tolerating any fiber. Even chicken soap is reacting and causing lots of D (maybe puree carrots.) Would love to join and hear others response or what worked for them. Will not give up!! Need this to work. :rof:
I'm not following any of these, but am extremely interested in the way that diet can affect health generally and, of course, Crohn's in particular. I have been following the Blood Type Diet since just after my proctocoloectomy in 2000 and am now in my 13th year on no medication.
When I am at home, cooking for myself, or in a restaurant that will adapt for me, I try to keep fairly strictly to my beneficial or neutral foods. Otherwise I try to avoid things that will be bad for my Crohn's (hard insoluble fibre, strong spices, nuts, etc) but don't get too fussed about other things. Chicken, for example, is one of my "avoids" but if it is put in front of me, I eat just enough of it to not call attention to myself. The Blood Type Diet allows a full range of food groups/types of food for each blood group - vegetables, fruit, meat, etc - but different ones for each, so it's not so much a matter of incorporating "regular" foods back into your diet.
I understand. Since starting SCD, I have had a similar experience. I was already eating healthy by baking, grilling, boiling, etc. most of my foods and eating plenty of fruits and veggies. However I was still having D and mild flare ups. Since starting SCD the only thing that has really changed in my diet is to cut out sugar, processed foods, breads, grains and stuff like that. I'm thinking that as long as I stay away from those things the majority of the time I should be fine. Maybe only have them once a month or once every two weeks. At least then I wouldn't feel so restricted by the SCD diet. I'm feeling so good right now...I just don't want to mess things up. I'd hate to go back to feeling miserable simply because I just had to have soda or a piece of bread.
Or maybe modern day chickens are a long way from what our ancestors would have eaten. Many people who are unable to cope with modern day wheat, which has been heavily modified, seem to be able to cope with spelt, the ancient ancestor of our wheat....Maybe our ancestors were poor bird hunters.
Or maybe modern day chickens are a long way from what our ancestors would have eaten. Many people who are unable to cope with modern day wheat, which has been heavily modified, seem to be able to cope with spelt, the ancient ancestor of our wheat.
What fattening foods do you eat to ensure a healthy weight? One if my reasons for stopping paleo was the incredible weight loss.
True, and the older grain products seem to be becoming more popular of late, stocked more often at stores I've noticed.
Different, but thinking about with out modern animal raising, that is one idea I've tried also, wondering if what the animal ate could effect my IBD condition. Unfortunately, range free chicken and eggs was not a help for me.
Thanks Ya noy. I agree.
I typically have not eaten eggs or chicken of late. It's been a food of concern. I'm thinking now I might have been wrong with what was going on. I guess I'll find out over time. I ate my first piece of chicken since at least January this morning, after working out. It was delicious! Always did enjoy chicken, even if it didn't like me.
Picked up some locally produced free range/ grass fed chicken and eggs yesterday from a local health food store. I remember you mentioning that you are of Asian ancestry - the store is owned by a Thailand immigrant. He's a character, fun to talk with. In the past he has let me know I should buy more of these local farm eggs, as the chickens feast on the Japanese beetles, along with other items, probably grass. Doesn't sound appetizing! I'm not thinking this to be a good sales pitch for most customers! But have to admit, the eggs and chicken are delicious, and the fewer Japanese beetles flying around the better as far as I'm concerned.
Same here. I recently made peanut butter fudge using peanut butter, coconut oil and another ingredient (that isn't coming to mind) and each piece is around 400 calories and I usually eat 3 at a time because they're soo good! lol
Just ordered some of that bread! Thanks!
If you get a chance, let us know what you think of the paleo bread! I'm hoping it tastes good and goes down well.
Just ordered some of that bread! Thanks!
Just ordered some of that bread! Thanks!
Looks great but if you are on the east coast then shipping is ~ wow! You have to ship 2nd day air and shipping alone for 3 loaves is $20 :eek2:
Is your husband allowed white spelt flour? It makes lovely bread and, being an ancient grain, causes far fewer allergies than wheat.We still make our own bread, but for now now, he's still only allowed to use white flour. Can't wait until he can go back to eating real (primarily paleo) food.
Is your husband allowed white spelt flour? It makes lovely bread and, being an ancient grain, causes far fewer allergies than wheat.
Happy to join this group! Am mom of a wonderful youngster, early teens, dg with Crohn's in June 2012 during traumatic hospitalization. Was on prednisone all summer, and as she tapered we started SCD. I probably won't share more family details out of respect for her privacy. But her bloodwork was totally normal in December so now we are treating this as a remission with diet.
Got absolutely NO support for this from doctors. Never expect most traditional doctors to do more than give you an amused smile and subtle signals that you are crazy. Even after completely normal bloodwork and symptom-free child after only 4 mos of the diet, the most I got was friendly, noncommittal congratulations and the gracious acceptance of the Breaking the Vicious Cycle book from my hands (I purchased two: one for the doctor, and one for the nutritionist in her office who DEFINITELY should at least have MENTIONED SCD to us).
Okay, I am a little bitter.
But we did it. We are doing it. You can too. It is a breath of fresh air to join this upbeat, positive group after slogging through all the depressing stuff on the boards "out there"
We continue on Pentasa, though it seems we might not need to do so. Better safe than sorry for now. Also we use a great probiotic and make a lot of smoothies with the yogurt. We do use raw cocoa, which technically makes us on the GAPS diet, not SCD, but whatever.
And also: I do not want to live in a world without pancakes. That was one of the first things we brought back -- SCD legal and delicious. Will post recipe when I have a bit more time. It's from Steven Wright's SCD Lifestyle Blog so you can just google "SCD Pancakes" and you should get it.
Hello everyone. On SCD since June 2012. Doing well on it, as long as I don't cheat, or I did recently, binge. This diet, when not deviating, makes a huge difference for me. I take no meds what-so-ever. I want to avoid them as long as possible. For those starting, make sure that you can handle the carrots, I couldn't. Once I eliminated them I began seeing results. This diet is not black and white. Just because the "legal" list says it should be okay, doesn't mean it will be for you, yet. It took me awhile to learn the queues from my body as to which foods are friendly, and which foods aren't. I'm looking forward to learning from others here, who are on the diet.
The subtitle of this post could just as easily have been: Feed your mitochondria right.
The two videos below pretty much tell the whole sad tale of doctors and nutrition. Taken together, they confirm the widespread notion that doctors, in general, know very little about nutrition and seem to be proud to keep it that way.
This first video has made the rounds on the internet. I’ve had it sent to me or recommended to me a dozen times, but I had never watched it until just a few days ago. I was put off because of its length, which, at a little over 17 minutes, seems like an eternity in internet viewing time. But I hope anyone reading this post doesn’t make the mistake I did and avoid watching because of the length. It is a spectacular talk given by Dr. Terry Wahls, a female physician who was struck down by a relentlessly progressive neurodegenerative disorder. She describes how she was able to restore her health by revamping her diet in in a way designed to properly feed her mitochondria.* The transformation is almost unbelievable, especially considering the disease she was battling. If you haven’t already seen this video – watch it. I guarantee you’ll be glad you did. And while you watch, pay careful attention to what her diet doesn’t contain much of.
After you’ve seen the above video, take a look at the one below. It is a little over 2 minutes long and was developed to give doctors – who, for the most part, don’t give a flip about diet – advice they can pass along to their obese or overweight patients. Watching the longer video above first will give you more context to better appreciate the one below and show you just how lame mainstream medicine can be.
This video came from Medscape, a subscription service for doctors to keep them abreast of all the latest and greatest news and updates from the world of mainstream medicine....
CrohniePilot is that the bread from the website? looks great!
Disappointing! Yesterday I stopped by two local stores that have alternative breads. One sells brand names, and the other bakes unique breads along with selling other brands. Neither had a paleo type bread. I might have to break down and order some over the internet.
Yeah... The coconut version. Considering it an SCD simulation of something that resembles bread, its really good!
if you are still in Chicagoland, well, there are stores all over that Sell Julian Bakery's paleo bread. There are 6 right within my immediate vicinity, but I do live in the Western suburbs. To find the closest retail store that sells it near you, just type in your zip code In this locator link:
I'm so glad you guys mentioned the Paleo bread and where to get it from. I put my zip code in the store locator and there are two stores near me 20-30 miles away. That's about a 30-45 minute drive for me but it will be well worth it. And one of the cities it's sold in my brother lives in so I can just have him or his wife pick some up for me and bring it when they visit!This is going to open up so many doors for me so that I can enjoy hamburgers again and hopefully I can find some SCD legal hotdogs too. Sandwiches and grilled cheeses here I come! Thanks again!!
90 % SCD except for rice ;(cheating I know) but I feel gooood
90 % SCD except for rice ;(cheating I know) but I feel gooood
Prefer sweet potatoes, they've been fine upon trying them, I actually tried sourdough bread today and was also fine, don't wanna make a habit of it though haha, and had spelt pasta for dinner (iv been really adventurous lately - within the last week)
I'm 3ish months on the SCD, I feel better than i have felt in 15 years, and am weaning off my pentasa and imuran.
I cannot overstate what this diet has done for me. I used to feel like this CD controlled my life. Now i feel like I am the one with all the control.
Thank you to all those who encourage people to try it. You've changed my life!
Care to share your daily menu? I struggled maintaining this diet due to the monotony of what I was eating, started losing my appetite for it![]()
I know EXACTLY where you are. I totally lost my appetite after going SCD. I posted on here about it actually. All I can say is, that once i realized it was WORKING, my perception shifted from something I had to do, to something I wanted to do.
I can also vouch for this diet. I've had to make some changes and alter the diet at the moment because of financial and time restraints for now but I even notice a difference from adding a few things in, but there's nothing I can really do at the moment so I can only stick to the diet as much as I can. Even after altering the diet, I've lost taste for things I used to love before. I tried a can of pop after going months with no pop and I didn't even like it because it tasted so sugary and fake. I pretty much only drink water and smoothies now.
There are still tons of things you can eat with the diet, you just have to get used to it and commit yourself to it. As soon it becomes possible I will be following the diet 100% again.