Should humira-ites avoid hospitals? - source of infection

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May 26, 2012
Hey, I am wondering ...

I am waiting for an ileostomy reversal and will probably have it done this fall. In the meantime my Dr wants to put me on Humira and I agreed (yesterday). Now it doesn't seem such a great idea and am thinking maybe I should wait until after my hospital stay is done. I mean, I hear about people contracting infections in hospital all the time, and with a supressed immune system it kind of doesn't make sense to be on it yet, especially since my symptoms are nil. He says its a no brainer to be on it, but I am feeling more cautious.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and whats the longest anyone here has been on this drug? Thanks guys...
Perhaps you could start it and have some time off taking it during the hospital stay. I was off it for in total a month after being in hospital for about a week due to shingles.....although I've got to be totally honest and say since being off it for the month I think its effects are starting to wane (having been on it for 7/8 months) - perhaps that is coincidence though.

Sorry can't be of more help!
While hospital acquired infections are a real risk for anyone, I understand your concerns. However, mydaughter and I were both on Humira while she was hospitalized this spring and neither of us suffered an infection; moreover, neither of us got sick any more frequently since being on it.
I don't know what is recommended, but I do know that I really honestly never think about infection and have been on humira since december. I spent 4 days in the hospital myself and visited various family members there on quite a few occasions. Perhaps I'm just lucky (and possibly not very smart. ha ha).
Thanks for the comments. We decided to put it off until after the surgery, I think the doctor is just reacting to my uncertainty. I'm not feeling badly at all anyway, so to me it's not worth the risk even if it is a very low chance of infection. Also, I'm having second thoughts about Humira because I sometimes go on vacation where there is no refridgeration and don't need the hassle to keep the drug cold enough yet not freezing when I'm camping or say in South America. Seems like a pretty important detail! So Remicaid might be it.

Still, I'm not quite confident that I NEED such a significant maintenance drug, especially when I'm not feeling bad. How do I know it's working? My expectation is that I will definitely feel some side effects from this and the Imuran - so what have I gained? A bunch of side effects for the possibility that the drug might prevent a future flare? Venting...