So I got osteoperosis and now diabetes on top of the Ulcerative Colitis. WTF.

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Mar 9, 2010
So my primary care doc told me today not only do you have osteosperosis but you are also diabetic. WTF. Will this ever end. Anyone else have osteoperosis and diabetes caused by most likely prednisone on top of Crohns/Ulcerative Colitis?
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Ouch! So sorry you are dealing with this and yes Prednisone can be the culprit, but I am assuming type 2? Which can be controlled by diet. I would not go back on Prednisone. It is a fear of Prednisone for us to get diabetes, unfortunately some get it some don't. Steroids is such a bad drug. I am going down to 10mg really soon. Does diabetes run in your family? Do you have to take insulin or diet? I can't imagine what you are going thru, big hugs!
Awww..this is certainly not good news...

I have something my gastro Doc calls Crohn's arthritis.

Sending comforting hugs your way.
Jettalady said:
Ouch! So sorry you are dealing with this and yes Prednisone can be the culprit, but I am assuming type 2? Which can be controlled by diet. I would not go back on Prednisone. It is a fear of Prednisone for us to get diabetes, unfortunately some get it some don't. Steroids is such a bad drug. I am going down to 10mg really soon. Does diabetes run in your family? Do you have to take insulin or diet? I can't imagine what you are going thru, big hugs!

Hello Jettalady, Yes type 2. We are going to monitor for 6 weeks then make the call if we hit it with meds. Going to see if the diet does the trick first. Unfortunately I have no choice but to stay on the prednisone due to nothing else working. Thanks for the post I will be strong and fight this.
Nancy Lee said:
Awww..this is certainly not good news...

I have something my gastro Doc calls Crohn's arthritis.

Sending comforting hugs your way.

Hello Nancy, Yes I got this also. It totally stinks. Thanks for the support.
The arthritis we have, I call it our own special Crohnie arthritis... yeah real special ;)

Good attitude the End.. good luck ok!
Aw poor you

this is just not on, it is beginning to piss me off now, why don't the quacks warn us about long term Pred use? Hey?
Ok, it's a fab drug for the short term in reducing inflammation, but we have enough **** to put up with, with being a Crohnie!
I'm on 10mg now and determined to kick it's sorry arse!
sending big hugs your way
take care
Astra101 said:
Aw poor you

this is just not on, it is beginning to piss me off now, why don't the quacks warn us about long term Pred use? Hey?
Ok, it's a fab drug for the short term in reducing inflammation, but we have enough **** to put up with, with being a Crohnie!
I'm on 10mg now and determined to kick it's sorry arse!
sending big hugs your way
take care

Yes I wish they would have warned me of the real issues you can have when using this drug long term. I am very nervous, whats going to happen if I have to use this another 2 years? I can only begin to imagine. I hope they can release something that will work for me soon.
Oh you are going thru alot a the moment you poor thing. It sucks when you get nasty stuff off of the drugs that are helping you get better. And yes your doctor should have told you of any long term effects. Did they ever mention trying to get you off Pred or just keep you going?
I remember when I was on it last year for 10 weeks my doctor kept saying we need to get you off Pred asap as its not good long term and can do some nasty stuff to your body. He never really went into it but was always monitoring me and getting me off it asap and onto another drug.
The worse thing for you is you have tried everything and it seems to be the only thing that is working. Im sorry you have to go thru all this on top of having IBD.
Yeah, pred long term is bad for you... so it could be the meds, or it could be the crohns... Mine did a couple of nasty numbers on my pancreas... which is why my docs are keeping a close watch on my sugar and insulin levels... and why I try to avoid sugar (or over refined food full of any form of sugar) whenever possible. Do it for two reasons... first, taking it easy on my poor old pancreas, and because the bad bacteria seem to just 'love' sugar in any of its forms.
Tan said:
Oh you are going thru alot a the moment you poor thing. It sucks when you get nasty stuff off of the drugs that are helping you get better. And yes your doctor should have told you of any long term effects. Did they ever mention trying to get you off Pred or just keep you going?
I remember when I was on it last year for 10 weeks my doctor kept saying we need to get you off Pred asap as its not good long term and can do some nasty stuff to your body. He never really went into it but was always monitoring me and getting me off it asap and onto another drug.
The worse thing for you is you have tried everything and it seems to be the only thing that is working. Im sorry you have to go thru all this on top of having IBD.

I pray for you to stay med free. This stuff stinks.
Kev said:
Yeah, pred long term is bad for you... so it could be the meds, or it could be the crohns... Mine did a couple of nasty numbers on my pancreas... which is why my docs are keeping a close watch on my sugar and insulin levels... and why I try to avoid sugar (or over refined food full of any form of sugar) whenever possible. Do it for two reasons... first, taking it easy on my poor old pancreas, and because the bad bacteria seem to just 'love' sugar in any of its forms.

Hello Kev yes they got me checking my sugar levels everyday and eating less sugar of any kind I hope I can get this under control with diet and then if I get off the pred I will be A ok. Fingers crossed.
Hi theend

God, I hope and pray you'll be ok
Have you tried to taper down to about 30mg? What happens? Do you flare badly?
big hugs