Definitely have an ophthalmologist look at his eyes to see if he has iritis, scleritis or uveitis. That is inflammation in the eyes and can be very harmful - leading to vision loss. Remicade actually treats that, though sometimes a really high dose of Remicade is needed to control eye inflammation (up to 20 mg/kg). They also often prescribe steroid eye drops for iritis or uveitis to control inflammation.
An ophthalmologist will use specialized equipment, a slit lamp, to examine the eye. If there is inflammation present, it needs to be treated promptly. Inflammation of the eyes causing red eyes is very different from red eyes caused by allergies - it truly can cause significant vision loss and even blindness. An ophthalmologist can definitely differentiate between the two. If it is uveitis, then steroid drops, increasing Remicade, adding MTX or trying a different biologic like Humira are all options.
Crohn's can affect the esophagus.
. Also because of proctitis and ulcers in mouth and throat they haven't done a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy in more than a year. Our new doctor said we can have a blood test which says what's the level of the medicine in his blood to. See if he's not accepting it anymore
I'm not sure why they're telling you this - scopes can usually be done even when there is proctitis. A gastroscopy would be useful to see what is going on in his throat which is causing so much pain.
I would ask his doctor how many milligrams of Remicade he's getting. Using that and his weight, you can figure out the dose.
Generally, if a child was not doing well like your brother, in the US they would do scopes to see where the inflammation was and how bad it is. They would also refer your brother to an ophthalmologist to determine whether he has inflammation in his eyes, because that would affect the treatment choices you make. They would also likely try internal rectal therapies for the proctitis - like suppositories.
It's important to figure out how bad the inflammation is/where it is before giving up on Remicade, since there are very few treatment options for kids with Crohn's - really only 4 biologics are used commonly (Remicade, Humira, Entyvio and Stelara). So you don't want to give up on Remicade if a dose increase or more freqeunt infusions might really help.
When he was on Remicade every 2 weeks, were his other symptoms any better -the throat pain or proctitis or bleeding?