Thank you so much in advance for reading this and sharing any thoughts.
Crohn’s dx 2014, humira now qweekly. About 5 weeks ago, I started having bad cramps all over my belly, sucks but isn’t terribly unusual, switched to liquids which helped the big rolling cramps, but not the burning, pulsing sharp pain in lower right quadrant. I’ve know of narrowing there all along, scope in July could not be completed.
Did labs which were completely normal.
Just did another scope 2 weeks ago, +dilation (stretched to a whopping 11mm), thought I would feel better but havent improved. Doc saw some small superficial ulcerations, exam was not completed because of narrowing. then started budesonide, still no improvement (except increase appetite). I’ve been mostly liquids, with few low residue solids. Just did another set of normal labs, still having the burning lrq and a full ache in upper rq. Still super tired.
I féel like an idiot for doing this whole work up. My doc ordered an mri but I feel like there’s no point - they keep telling me there’s no reason for me to have pain.
I would love to know if others have had anything similar with pain and normal labs and if you have any advice.
thank you dear crohnies!
Crohn’s dx 2014, humira now qweekly. About 5 weeks ago, I started having bad cramps all over my belly, sucks but isn’t terribly unusual, switched to liquids which helped the big rolling cramps, but not the burning, pulsing sharp pain in lower right quadrant. I’ve know of narrowing there all along, scope in July could not be completed.
Did labs which were completely normal.
Just did another scope 2 weeks ago, +dilation (stretched to a whopping 11mm), thought I would feel better but havent improved. Doc saw some small superficial ulcerations, exam was not completed because of narrowing. then started budesonide, still no improvement (except increase appetite). I’ve been mostly liquids, with few low residue solids. Just did another set of normal labs, still having the burning lrq and a full ache in upper rq. Still super tired.
I féel like an idiot for doing this whole work up. My doc ordered an mri but I feel like there’s no point - they keep telling me there’s no reason for me to have pain.
I would love to know if others have had anything similar with pain and normal labs and if you have any advice.
thank you dear crohnies!
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