Hello everyone! I'm 33 and was diagnosed with Crohn's about two months ago. My GI finally found a nutritionist who was willing to consult with us and I'm beginning EEN tomorrow using Orgain and supplementing with sublingual B12, fish oil, Vit D3 drops and iron capsules. I'm also permitted camomile tea and the occasional fresh-squeezed orange juice, piggy-backing off of research on the Crohn's Disease Elimination Diet.
I decided not to start right away with the CDED because I have four kids and I homeschool and the trouble of learning that diet is greater than just cracking open a bottle of Orgain while I finish our homeschool year. I also have spent the last couple of months learning as much as I can about the SCD (because I hadn't heard of the CDED until the nutritionist told me about it a couple days ago), and intend to begin the SCD after my 6-week course of EEN. It just seems like too much work to learn new parameters for a different diet. I'm also not sure if it would mesh well with my oldest child's special diet (he also has a GI auto-immune disease....a different one, of course
). I'd love to hear from anyone who has done EEN and then transitioned to the SCD and what their experience with that was.
I'd also love to hear about how people manage their stress and what sorts of things they do to down-regulate. My family already eats pretty healthily, so I'm thinking that a big component for me could be my very sensitive stress response. Has anyone read "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers?"
I decided not to start right away with the CDED because I have four kids and I homeschool and the trouble of learning that diet is greater than just cracking open a bottle of Orgain while I finish our homeschool year. I also have spent the last couple of months learning as much as I can about the SCD (because I hadn't heard of the CDED until the nutritionist told me about it a couple days ago), and intend to begin the SCD after my 6-week course of EEN. It just seems like too much work to learn new parameters for a different diet. I'm also not sure if it would mesh well with my oldest child's special diet (he also has a GI auto-immune disease....a different one, of course
I'd also love to hear about how people manage their stress and what sorts of things they do to down-regulate. My family already eats pretty healthily, so I'm thinking that a big component for me could be my very sensitive stress response. Has anyone read "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers?"