I'll be watching this thread closely. Right now for our 10 year old son we're just on Entocort and seeing a nutritionist. He was diagnosed in mid-February and other than poor weight gain and anemia, has thankfully not had any of the other Crohn's symptoms (no D, no pain, no food issues, etc.). Our nutrionist has told us to cut out all dairy, corn, wheat, gluten, carageenan containing foods and has him on some vitamin supplements. He really talks a good talk and I'm hopeful that this can help my son but I feel like after perusing these boards I'm sometimes kidding myself. OUR choice right now is to avoid the heavy duty meds until we absolutely need them but I've become more interested in LDN as a first step if something is required. We go back in May to the GI doc for our follow up and I know she'll be pushing 6MP as she was the last time.
Anyway, all that to say, Charleigh and Wendles please continue to report back on your child's progress (and any others that have children only on LDN). Thanks for sharing.