Suggest posting in parents group here
If you are a parent or guardian of a child who is suffering with any kind of IBD condition, please feel free to post in here.
So it depends on where his inflammation was at
Rectal inflammation is the hardest to treat and typically last to heal
That causes frequency and urgency
Also what color of blood ?
In the water of the bowl only?
On the stool outside only or mixed in ??
humira doesn’t increase frequency or urgency
That typically is due to humira needing help to squash the inflammation your kiddo started with
Most need things added like high frequency of humira (every week ) when inflammation is high kids burn through humira faster
Adding methotrexate which lets the humira hit the inflammation harder
Adding een (formula only no solid foods ) for 6-8 weeks or longer
Adding Uceris foam (rectal foam ) if rectum /sigmoid is the issue
Any or all of the above may be needed to be added to humira
How is his blood work?
Crp/esr ??
Can you get a second opinion at another university hospital with a pediatric Gi ?
Boston childrens ,cchmc (Cincinnati childrens ), chop (childrens of Philadelphia) ?
my kiddo has been on Stelara 90 mg every 4 weeks plus mtx for years
Insurance decided he needed to prove he needed the meds and couldn’t take it every 8 weeks
Gi didn’t agree
But had him try once at every 6 weeks
He flared mildly -fecal cal went up
Frequency/urgency went up
Even though he went back to every 4 weeks the next dose
It took months of Uceris foam to calm down the rectum in addition to the Stelara/methotrexate
the only thing that stops frequency/urgency /bleeding
Is getting inflammation under control