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Stopped Methotrexate ... maybe shouldnt have?

So, two years ago had emergency op then put on Methotrexate and regular Infliximab infusions ... six months ago, due to financial difficulties, decided to no longer take Methotrexate and just do the infusions. All seems fine but should I declare this to my doc? Does it matter if I am feeling somewhat better?

Anyone else done similar?

I'm so glad you feeling better. That's great to hear.
I would inform the doc of your choice to stop mtx.
Docs need to now that!
You never know when and emergency or flare will hit.
If the GI thinks you've been on mtx the whole time it might change his course of action for your medical care.



Super Moderator
You should never stop a medication without your doctors supervision, some of the meds we go on can have bad side effects if suddenly stopped. Luckily in your case everything was fine.
I would definitely let them know you aren't taking it anymore so at the very least they can update your charts
Its great that you are feeling better though!
So, two years ago had emergency op then put on Methotrexate and regular Infliximab infusions ... six months ago, due to financial difficulties, decided to no longer take Methotrexate and just do the infusions. All seems fine but should I declare this to my doc? Does it matter if I am feeling somewhat better?

Anyone else done similar?

My understanding is that the methotrexate is used to keep you from building up antibodies against the infliximab. SO... if you stop the Methotrexate, the infliximab COULD become useless down the road... For me, I've actually noticed more therapeutic response to my once a week methotrexate dose than I have with my remicade infusions for some reason... Anyone else with this type of response?
Mtx doesn't only help keep away the antibodies, it has its own purpose too in the IBD medicine family. We think the Mtx is actually doing more good than the Humira so I completely get it. Talk to the doc about checking your dug levels in your blood. It could be you aren't on the right dosage.
Just been in for my eight weekly inflximab infusion but following on from the below have been told white blood cell count v low. Is this because i have not been taking mtx or low count worse news as mtx not the cause?

Any comments welcome

So, two years ago had emergency op then put on Methotrexate and regular Infliximab infusions ... six months ago, due to financial difficulties, decided to no longer take Methotrexate and just do the infusions. All seems fine but should I declare this to my doc? Does it matter if I am feeling somewhat better?

Anyone else done similar?

I would be VERY careful and contact your doctor right away, Remicade/humira and MTX are both good treatments BUT they do act differently and more effectively when used together- thats originally why I started MTX, to help boost the Remicade and I can tell you from personal experience that the drugs used apart are different than when used together.
You have every right to not be on a medication if you don't want to or cannot for personal reasons, just please check in with your doctor!
You really do need to let the Doctor know about your choice to stop MTX. It was prescribed for a reason. In my case it does prevent antibodies, and used with Biologics (humira) it helps Humira pack a bigger punch. Meaning its 30% more effective with MTX. You must let the Doctor know. What if they see elevated Liver enzymes in your blood panels? But your not taking MTX?? Then that would be entirely a new problem. But if your physician did not know about you NOT taking MTX, he/she would probably lower the dose, because they think your still on it.

Have you even had a blood test recently?