I can relate a lot with what you're going through right now. I'm straight up scared of getting put on antidepressants. I deal with enough medications and don't want any more financial or side effect burdens. I also get scared to even ask my closest friends to hang out. I'll get nervous, bail out of plans and spend the night alone instead, which probably makes me feel even worse than if I had just gone out. Taking that step to ask someone to hang is really hard though, as silly as it sounds.
Try not to get too caught up in guilt either. I felt, and still feel, really guilty about dropping out of school when objectively there was nothing in my life keeping me from finishing. It's something so hard to put into words and express to others. I feel silly even when I talked to my counselor about it.
When I first told my girlfriend about my issues, I cried. I didn't want to talk to her about it because I knew I'd cry, and I never wanted her to see me cry over something I thought was so silly. But let me tell you, after I let it out a little I felt a lot better about everything. It wasn't a complete cure for my stress or anything, but I could find moments of relative peace and it was nice because I had forgotten what it feels like to be relaxed.
No doctor is going to force you onto anti-depressants. And if they try to you can go see someone else. But the one thing that certainly wont help is doing nothing.
It's hard. I take one step forward, two steps back, but sometimes it's three steps forward and one step back.
It helps me to know that there are others out there feeling similar to how I feel, so thank you for making this post. I've been rambling a lot, but even typing this out to you will help me feel a little better and maybe get to sleep easier tonight.