I'm new here, just hoping to find some guidance maybe, edification. I've had symptoms of Crohn's since 2004, diagnosed in 2010 (strong family history of colitis and Crohn's). I'm a more constipated person which is why I think mine has taken longer to get so bad. I'm at the point now where they want me to start biologics (colonoscopy showed 3 deep ulcers at terminal ileum where disease rests). I, however, do not WANT to take anymore meds. I am highly susceptible to side effects like prednisone which causes severe body aches (always need Vicodin or something stronger whilst on that med) and episodes of psychosis (I'm bipolar). All my life I've been more sensitive to medications. I would personally prefer a stoma for bowel rest. I'm curious if there are others who feel the way I do about the pharma end of things? Just looking for thoughts and opinions.
I return to the gastroenterologist the beginning of September and am researching as much as possible. I honestly never thought I would get to this point; always somehow thought it would just go away....Yes I know that's not possible lol.
I've read so many studies and blogs and research. I think I'm more confused because of it
I return to the gastroenterologist the beginning of September and am researching as much as possible. I honestly never thought I would get to this point; always somehow thought it would just go away....Yes I know that's not possible lol.
I've read so many studies and blogs and research. I think I'm more confused because of it
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