• Welcome to Crohn's Forum, a support group for people with all forms of IBD. While this community is not a substitute for doctor's advice and we cannot treat or diagnose, we find being able to communicate with others who have IBD is invaluable as we navigate our struggles and celebrate our successes. We invite you to join us.




Hi all,

I'm pretty new to the forum, I was diagnosed with Crohn's about a month ago and have been on Preds, Flagyll, Cipro and Remicade since then. I am doing much better and the steroids seem to be working really well (although the side effects are nasty), but I am considering getting surgery. I developed fistulas (in particular one between my intestine and my bladder...which can have disastrous results). I am 21 and other than Crohn's I am in pretty good health. Does anyone out there have insight/advice on surgery for fistulas? Does it work? Will i get a lot of relief?
