• Welcome to Crohn's Forum, a support group for people with all forms of IBD. While this community is not a substitute for doctor's advice and we cannot treat or diagnose, we find being able to communicate with others who have IBD is invaluable as we navigate our struggles and celebrate our successes. We invite you to join us.

Symptoms of a 14 year old girl

Hey everyone. I found this forum a couple days ago while googling something and have been lurking.

For over a year now I have been experiencing diarrohea and soft stools almost without a break. I remember every day walking home from school I would be desperate to go and it would always be D. I would also go (at least) in the morning and after eating a hot meal for dinner. Then I started to need to go, D, in school too, which is obviously embarrassing when there would usually be other teens in there, and I could not always have access to the toilet - I'm just glad I was able to when I reaaaally needed to go.

I started to take Immodium when I was having bad days, 1-2 maybe once a week during school. After a while I started to experience pain too but I just kind of brushed all of this aside as maybe a mild bug or eating something bad.

This has all progressed over the last year, to the point I have a dull ache in my stomach all of the time. Sometimes it is much less than an ache and more of a horrible pain, with some sharp stabbing pains or pains that make me double up. These wake me up occassionally too. Sometimes it also feels like my stomach is burning.

I also have constant soft stools. In the weeks that I am in school, I will take 3-5 Immodium a day for 5-6 days because I just have a fear of having to desperately rush to the toilet during school and there being someone else in there who has to hear and smell me. The school have made a card for me to flash when I need to go in lessons, or to show to teachers if I have to use a staff toilet should the student ones be locked (they do this often, blah). However I still feel embarrassed to use this. With the Immodium, though, I don't really need to go at school anymore, only after a hot meal still, or once in the morning. I don't ever really get D anymore but I still rarely have a normal stool, and if I need to go, I really need to go within the next minute or I will have an accident, frankly.

I also get occassional ulcers, that are huge. I get a rash in the crook of my left arm sometimes, I think this is linked to when I eat something I shouldn't, like too much cream, strawberries or too much tomato. Lately I have also had reaaaally bad aches in my lower back, and my knees and ankles are sore.

Regarding what the doctors are doing, well. About January time I went to my GP for advice and she just told me to continue taking Immodium when I need it and hope it will all go away. Then when I saw my other doctor for some other problems, I mentioned all of this and he told me he is no specialist but he ran some blood tests (although I'm not particularly sure what they were, one was to check the white cell count). My GP later told me all the tests came back normal and so this meant I could rule out Crohn's disease - I'm sure that isn't right, but anyway. My other doctor then referred me to another paediatrician(sp?) who had "a special interest" in these things, but then when I got there he told me it was all down to stress from school, and gave me some Colofac and sent me away. My mum then got me referred to another doctor who was ACTUALLY a specialist, only to wait 2 months for an appointment and then be told he didn't take outpatients anymore and my file was just sitting on the side somewhere.

Angry, my mum then insisted I be referred to proper specialist and I got an appointment for the month after. She is an adult doctor but her secretary said she knew she wouldn't mind because it is an adult's problem and I would need to have be mature to deal with it anyway. Well, that appointment was on Monday and she was amazing. She didn't tell me what she thought it was (maybe not to put ideas in my head or something?) but she said the symptoms I was telling her made her think it was more than IBS. She sent me for some blood tests, they took 6 vials - which I thought was a lot but I've heard on here people saying their record is 3 times that XD - because they were testing for Crohn's, Colitis, Celiac (not sure how to spell the last two) and a few rare diseases, just to rule them out. I am also being sent for a scope (not sure if it is a colonscopy or endoscopy but she said it was to see the whole of my bowel I think?) and I am having this under GA, as she said it would be more uncomfortable and it's not fair to put me through it because of my age.

So yeah. This has basically been affecting my school life, social life and everything else life for the last year, and I can't keep feeling like I'm basically living off of Immodium and Paracetamol. I just kind of wanted to vent, get my story up here and see what everyone else thinks this might be. I applaud you if you read all of this anyway. :)
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Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear you have been through so much :(

Some here with active, raging IBD have all normal bloods too, so don't be put off by that, even though sadly Drs will.

Hopefully the scope will find the problem, if not then Crohn's can occur from mouth to anus so don't be fobbed off after one normal test- I did and am now iller than ever. It can take a long time to diagnose IBD due to the nature, CD can often hide in the small bowel etc.

Sounds like you will be having a colonoscopy- which sees the entire large bowel, but only a tiny fraction of the small bowel. The prep is certainly the worst part, and as you'll be asleep for the scope, it'll be a breeze once prep is done.

Good luck and keep us posted! If you have any questions, then please ask away :soledance:
Thanks for replying. :)

Yeah, I just wish some of the doctors weren't so put off by it, especially my GP who I'm basically supposed to go, first, for everything.

Thanks for clearing that up, honestly I think I'd rather have it go in that way. :S Oh, I'm not looking forward to the prep. :( I'm also quite nervous about having it under GA, I've never had that before either. Guess this whole thing is full of new experiences! D:

Thank you! :)


Super Moderator
Hi and :welcome:

It's good to hear that you finally found a doctor that is taking your symptoms seriously and is doing something about it. I imagine the doc will most likely do a colonoscopy and a endoscopy, so they will be able to see up to start of your small bowel and down through your oesophagus, stomach and into your duodenum. That will still leave just about all of your small bowel untouched but there are other tests to help visualise that if need be.

In the interim it would a good idea to keep a diary of all your symptoms and keep a daily track. We have one here in the wiki that should get you started...


My daughter was diagnosed at 14 after going undiagnosed for 18 months. Do not be put off by normal blood tests or other normal tests results for that matter, Sarah's results always returned as normal. While ever you have symptoms fight for answers until you get them. Whatever the cause of your symptoms, and from what you describe IBD cannot be ruled out, they are not normal.

My son was recently diagnosed with Crohns and he had a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy under a GA, it was a first time experience for him as well but you know what, he did just fine and you will to hun.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Dusty. :heart:
Oh right, well I don't mind what they do so much as long as I get some answers. I actually hope they do both because my pain is not exclusive to one place, so if I cannot really pinpoint exactly where the pain is, I'm worried they won't know exactly where to look and might miss something. :/

Thanks for sending me that link, I'll check it out.

What were your daughter's symptoms like? It gives me more hope knowing other people's tests come back normal but are still eventually diagnosed because I thought that happened to me way too often; obviously with* Crohn's it happens to other's frequently too.

Ah, thank you for that. I'm sure it'll be okay. :)


Super Moderator
Sarah did not have diarrhoea, which most people do but not all, but she did have abdominal pain, mainly around her stomach, headaches, sore eyes, knee pain, nausea, vomiting at times and as it progressed weight loss.

Sarah went undiagnosed until she was operated on but she was an extreme case and she never did have a colonscopy/endoscopy. I think one of the things that kept her off the radar was no diarrhoea, unfortunately too many docs look to that as tell tale sign but at least they can't dismiss you on that count!

Dusty. xxx
Ah, I suppose it's even harder if you don't have the typical symptoms. I forgot to mention that I have also lost weight gradually, maybe around 15 pounds in the last few months, so not too drastic, but then my thyroid problems and insulin resistance contribute to weight gain too, when they decide to play up. I am also nauseous a lot, and have thrown up a few times for no reason.

Awh, poor Sarah. :/ Like I said, it must be even harder to diagnose if you don't have the typical symptoms. At least with me there are quite a few symptoms that point towards a diagnosis, it must be horrible feeling so bad and people not knowing what's wrong until it gets extreme. :(
I don't think they affect my immune system so much, but I'm not sure if having an upset in my hormones has anything to do with it. I've had an underactive thyroid and insulin resistance for 6-8 years now so I never really understood the science behind it. I'm not sure, honestly. :D

*I meant that because I got diagnosed with those two when I was quite little, I never really took the time to look up what they really did, so I'm not sure if they are related to my autoimmune system directly.


Super Moderator
If it is autoimmune, which it very often is, then you are going to be more prone to develop other auto immune disorders. This is something that the docs should be looking as a whole picture and not separate entities.

Also look to your family, are there others with auto immune disorders...thyroid, juvenile diabetes, IBD, rheumatoid Arthritis, lupus and so on.

Dusty. xxx
I've never made that link before, thank you, I think I'll ask about it next time.

A lot of people on both my parents' side of the family have thyroid problems, some of them severe. My mum has some of the same symptoms as me, diarrohea, pain, bloating etc and she has had a sidmoidoscopy where they took some biopsies and things but she hasn't been back because it is too painful for her too be examined; she has basically diagnosed herself with IBS. She also has arthirits, but I'm not sure which type.

*I just asked her what type of arthiritis she had and she told me they were questioning psoriatic arthiritis, and then I asked if she had any type of autoimmune issues and she said no because she's been checked. I find that surprising as I get most of my complications from her! I'm not sure about other family members though.


Hi and welcome to the forum!

I'm so sorry you are going through this at such an early age. :( I started having my symptoms at 15 years old, and I know exactly what you are going through. Doctors don't seem to take this seriously, especially with non-obvious symptoms like you said. When I was your age I was super shy so no one, not even my boyfriend or parents realized how sick I was. :(

As others have said, blood tests can not rule out Crohn's. Especially if they didn't actually check your CRP (my GP when I was a teenager never checked it!). It sounds like you are getting a colonoscopy, which is a great test to find IBD. But don't be surprised if it comes back normal! Lots of us here have had that happen. A doctor explained to me its because IBD in its early stages, when you are not in a flare, usually will not show any damage because it comes and goes so quickly.

I hope you can get a diagnosis soon! Don't let doctors brush you off, and make sure you show them exactly how you feel! Let us know how the colonoscopy goes. :)
Hey, thanks for replying. :D

I am pretty open about it with my friends and family, but I don't like to feel as if I'm always moaning, you know? Even though I know it better to tell them sometimes.
Which symptoms did you have?

I don't even know specifically what they checked for, but she said one of the things they were looking at were gut hormones? Idk. Ah right. I thought it would be a colonoscopy, but on my appointment card it says "endoscopy booking card" but I really don't know. Maybe I'm just being stupid. :/

Yeah, looking through this forum I'm actually quite prepared for my results to come back normal. Ugh. So if my symptoms are not so bad the week I have blood tests/the colonoscopy, and so I don't have inflammation, it will be normal? I actually came up with this theory when I had my first blood tests, but I wasn't sure if that was right. Thanks for bringing that up!

Thank you, I hope I'm one of the lucky ones and can be diagnosed relatively early on. Thanks for your reply and I will :)
Hey! Welcome to the forum! Another newbie from the uk :)

I hope you get some answers soon and a diagnosis and more importantly some treatment that makes you feel better, hang in there at least now you have a doctor that is doing all the right tests and once you have a diagnosis it'll be much easier to accept and learn to deal with :) good luck!!

Hannah xx


It depends on what they are looking for in the blood tests, but yeah they could come back more normal if you aren't feeling as bad. Fun stuff huh? :p

My symptoms include specific abdominal pain in the upper left quadrant (has never moved), D on average 8 - 12 times a day, skin rashes, multiple ulcers in my mouth at a time, chronic fatigue, cracked corners of my mouth, nausea, and blood and mucus in stool.

I agree, I hope they figure you out ASAP! :)
I had symptoms at you age as well. They were always written off as something else. Constipation, IBS, lactose intolerance. Eventually I just gave up and decided that this is just how my body works. I wish I hadn't done that. If I had been diagnosed and treated early on, it wouldn't be as severe as it is now. I'm glad you're having a scope done, and other tests. They might not show anything, but keep trying. The only reason I got diagnosed is because I went to the hospital while I was flaring really bad and had a CT scan, blood work, rectal exam, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies. Since I was flaring so bad, all the tests showed something. I consider myself very lucky to be diagnosed, even though it took years. Some people STILL don't get diagnosed after all these tests and more. IBD can be very hard to diagnose. Good luck with your tests, and I hope this doctor takes you seriously.


Samantha is so right!

I'm going to keep in mind what tests you had when you went to the hospital Samantha, in case I go and say "FIX ME!". I've been wondering if I went if there was some way I get diagnosed while I'm there...
It depends on what they are looking for in the blood tests, but yeah they could come back more normal if you aren't feeling as bad. Fun stuff huh? :p

My symptoms include specific abdominal pain in the upper left quadrant (has never moved), D on average 8 - 12 times a day, skin rashes, multiple ulcers in my mouth at a time, chronic fatigue, cracked corners of my mouth, nausea, and blood and mucus in stool.

I agree, I hope they figure you out ASAP! :)
Fun stuff indeed, ahaha. Oh man, it's so confusing.

Aw, sounds like a pain :( (literally, haha). I am also so so tired a lot, literally I could get my 8 hours of sleep at night, then sleep for up to 4-5 after school and still be tired throughout the day, every day. :/

Thanks :D
I had symptoms at you age as well. They were always written off as something else. Constipation, IBS, lactose intolerance. Eventually I just gave up and decided that this is just how my body works. I wish I hadn't done that. If I had been diagnosed and treated early on, it wouldn't be as severe as it is now. I'm glad you're having a scope done, and other tests. They might not show anything, but keep trying. The only reason I got diagnosed is because I went to the hospital while I was flaring really bad and had a CT scan, blood work, rectal exam, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy with biopsies. Since I was flaring so bad, all the tests showed something. I consider myself very lucky to be diagnosed, even though it took years. Some people STILL don't get diagnosed after all these tests and more. IBD can be very hard to diagnose. Good luck with your tests, and I hope this doctor takes you seriously.
It must be so frustrating, to have to deal with these symptoms every day for so many years and still go undiagnosed! Mine have only been going on for 18 months and I'm already so frustrated XD

Thank you. I am quite prepared for them to come back normal now, but I will take your advice, along with the others', to press on for answers, for sure. It's gotten me down a bit lately because I feel like an old person with all these aches and pains. I'm sorry it had to get that bad for you to be diagnosed. That's what I'm afraid of.

Thank you :)


Super Moderator
*I just asked her what type of arthiritis she had and she told me they were questioning psoriatic arthiritis, and then I asked if she had any type of autoimmune issues and she said no because she's been checked. I find that surprising as I get most of my complications from her! I'm not sure about other family members though.
Just saw your added text...psoriatic arthritis is generally considered to be an auto immune disease.

Dusty. xxx
Hi. Thank you for joining and posting. I am so happy you found a specialist to do more testing. Are you very fatigued too? My son is also 14, and we have lots of specialists testing things but still do not have an answer. Please let us know how you make out.
Hi. Thank you for joining and posting. I am so happy you found a specialist to do more testing. Are you very fatigued too? My son is also 14, and we have lots of specialists testing things but still do not have an answer. Please let us know how you make out.
Thank you! Aww, I feel for him. I read his story a couple days ago. I hope he ends up okay and with an answer.

Oh god, I am always SO fatigued. I'm so tired and have no energy, and for the last few days especially I've just wanted to sleep but can't because I can't get comfortable. Usually, though, I will have a fairly good sleep at night (about 7-8 hours occasionally waking up) but I will go to school for 7 hours and that takes all energy out of me. I come home and can sleep for 2-3 hours. If I have homework that will take the whole evening I won't sleep then, but the next day I will sleep for up to 5 hours because I didn't sleep the day before.

Thank you<3
Hey, just a quick update for anyone who wants to know.
Yesterday was the first time I slept without painkillers and a hot water bottle swapping between my back and tummy. I thought this meant I was getting a bit better but then I sat awake at 4 am this morning, in the bathroom, trying to vomit. Blah.
Anyway, mum got a call this morning from the hospital. I have my colonoscopy on Wednesday, and my assessment tomorrow afternoon. I'm quite glad :) Although I will miss my first week back to school, kind of a bummer D:
Hi. How did your testing go? Since you mentioned youhave thyroid problems, has your endocrinologist tested your adrenal glands at all? Some adrenal issues can cause fatigue and diarrhea. My son was tested a bit, but I would like more testing done in this area for him. (btw - your B12 and Iron levels are same as Danny's)
Hi. How did your testing go? Since you mentioned youhave thyroid problems, has your endocrinologist tested your adrenal glands at all? Some adrenal issues can cause fatigue and diarrhea. My son was tested a bit, but I would like more testing done in this area for him. (btw - your B12 and Iron levels are same as Danny's)
The day was fine, the worst part was the day before. They didn't really find anything apart from redness in my rectum which they thought was probably from the prep drink the day before. They took 8 biopsies, which I'm hoping will show something. My next appointment is on the 3rd of October. Thanks for asking :)

Uhm I haven't had any testing done really regarding my thyroid issues because they're pretty much under control (at least, they seemed to have thought so last time I got it checked). My next appointment with my paediatrician is in November, so I'll ask him about it.

Also, was Danny's B12 and Iron considered low by his doctors? I specifically asked the nurse on Wednesday if my iron was okay, and she said it was normal. :S