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Syringe didn't pick up all the liquid


I injected yesterday and kept playing around to get the medicine. This is my second injection and I should be able to finish the remainder of the vial.

I need to fill the entire syringe but kept finding the top .2 was not getting liquid. I tilted the bottle and everything but still couldn't get a full dose.

There was also quite a lot left in the vial (looks like more than .2 worth) and I'm confused as to how much I actually got and why it didn't work. I believe I got .8 so atleast I got something in my body this week.



Staff member
That's odd. You are holding it upside down right? Pulling the needle almost out will also help to get even small amounts of liquid. Does it seem hard to pull the syringe? It could be that there isn't enough air in the bottle so with the cap still on the needle pull a bit of air to around your dose or less, remove the cap and push the air into the bottle. Having a little more air in the bottle should make it easier to pull out the liquid by preventing a vacuum effect.


My first try I actually pulled the plunger out too far and got some yellow mtx on my hands. After breathing deeply and trying again I put about half a syringe worth of air into the vial. Still didn't work.

I'll try again next week and do what you say putting in a full airs worth. I'm not sure if the remainder in my vial now is equivalent to another dose or I should discard it. The plunger isn't the easiest to use but nothing terrible.

Humira and Cimzia were easy, no filling required lol.


Can't you ask to have pre-filled syringe? I never had to bother dealing with the vial, they would get .6ml (well my dosage was 15mg) syringe ready for me and I was glad I did not have to handle that medication actually.


I don't know if I like the idea of someone tampering with my meds and prefilling. I'm paranoid if the needles were sterile and the vial closed. They are expensive meds and people have been known to steal drugs and replace with sugar water.

I wouldn't want my local pharmacist doing that, maybe if it was direct from the company and sealed.
I have been doing the injections for a while now. My nurse and pharmacist showed me how to do it. I take the cap off the needle and pull the syringe all the way back to get air in it. Then stick the needle in the bottle and push all the air into it. The syringe should fill really easy. When you are on your second dose out of that bottle do the same thing but make sure you pull the needle out a little so you can get it all. It takes practice, but you'll get. Soon you'll be an old pro. Oh and make sure you turn the bottle upside down when doing all this. I hope this helps. Good luck. :)


Well, I guess things are different here. I don't think they require the technician to deal with that type of medication at the local pharmacy. I believe these syringe filling is probably done in adapted environment with specific ventilation standards and such. I actually believe the product is not available in vials for the patients here due to the additional risks associated with the manipulations because it remains a cytotoxic agent.
I have been doing the injections for a while now. My nurse and pharmacist showed me how to do it. I take the cap off the needle and pull the syringe all the way back to get air in it. Then stick the needle in the bottle and push all the air into it. The syringe should fill really easy. When you are on your second dose out of that bottle do the same thing but make sure you pull the needle out a little so you can get it all. It takes practice, but you'll get. Soon you'll be an old pro. Oh and make sure you turn the bottle upside down when doing all this. I hope this helps. Good luck. :)
My mom has to get injections for a blood disorder, and this is exactly how we do it with the vial and syringe.


Btw thanks Jennifer, I pulled the syringe all the way back putting air and got my full dose this time. At first I saw it trickling down and was like oh no but it filled up. Yay for suppressing my immune system fully today. Lol.