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Tell me your story of nausea

Hey everyone,

Nausea: how would you describe it?

I haven't been here for a while but it used to be somewhere that was so helpful for me when I was first diagnosed. My condition has moved on quite a bit now and I am talking a lot to people with Hickman lines etc.

I am looking for people to write a description of their feeling of nausea.
I am an artist and I have Crohns disease. Nausea has been my main symptom for over 15 years. I am making a video work with nausea as a theme but I am struggling to describe it.

I am looking for people to tell me of their experience of this symptom, how it makes you feel. What effect does it have on your mind and body? If it was like something what would that be? What makes you nauseous? This can be a creatively written as you want. It can be a line, something you bash out in five minutes or it can be an essay or an image.

If I get any submissions I would like to use it to make a zine (a low budget book) with your permission and for you to be an anonymous as you like. When I have made it I will contact you and send you a copy if you would like. I will only use your writing in this way, I will not quote you in my video without your permission.

There is no pressure to do this and be mindful that doing this task may be emotionally difficult.

For me, talking about how my symptoms make me feel is important. No one ever asks, they just want to fix it. It is an emotional life we often have to live alone for different reasons. I am at a point in my illness where the more I talk and listen about it the better for me but I am mindful this isn’t the same for everyone.

Please send them to me in a direct message or to my email address: lizzy@lizzyrose.co.uk or post in a comment here if you are ok to share.