Though B12 injection were meant to help

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Feb 21, 2012
Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.

I had my B12 injection done last friday the 19th oct and I though I would have started to have more energy by now but instead its given me the oppersite reaction, I feel more tired than before I had it done, yesterday I stayed in my pj's all day & did noting at all.

My B12 Blood results were 242, saying low-normal, Is that right ??

Has this happened to anyone else at all.

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Hi Fiona. I'm sorry the B12 injection didn't reverse your fatigue :(

As you're in Australia, I assume you have a level of 242 pmol/L. That means you are a bit lower than I like to see and yes, "low normal". However, there may be a variety of other causes of your fatigue. Have you mentioned the worsening fatigue to your doctor? If so, what did they say?

I hope you feel better soon!
I have regular b12 injections every 3 months. The 2 weeks before i start feeling tired and know i'm due my injection. Once i've had my injection i normally feel worse on the day, and the last time i had it (mid october) i felt rubbish for about a week or so. I've noticed now i'm much better so i think it just takes a couple of weeks to get into your system and have an effect.
When my B12 stopped making me feel energenic, I found out my Hemoglobin (iron levels) were super low bringing me down! Good thing to look into...
I have regular b12 injections every 3 months. The 2 weeks before i start feeling tired and know i'm due my injection.
If you're feeling poor prior to the injection, you need to increase the frequency of the injections. You should NEVER get low enough to have actual symptoms of B12 deficiency.
I have never noticed any effect at all from the injections. I was hoping for a burst of energy but never had one.
