Hi there Mike. I will give my answers based on my experience with my resection. However I did have family around to lend a hand.
I had my resection in March. I spent one week in the hospital and then a little over a week at home doing very little every day. I did go back to work just a little shy of 3 weeks from surgery date. However, my job at the time was one that I could sit at and not be doing anything strenuous. I also worked in a slower office. I doubt your surgeon will release you to go back to work that early if it's high stress. You can call and talk to him and his nurses about work and when you can return before even going in. They'll give you a ball park figure.
It does take a long time to get fully recovered. Obviously you will recover enough to function, but to be feeling 100% again will take a while. I know that I didn't have the stamina to do much every day. I would try and get up and move and get things done a little bit more every day, but you will pay for it by the end of the night. I'm stubborn though and wanted to get back to normal as fast as I could. heh It will take a while.
I think you can do it yourself, but I think you will need to pace yourself and be very careful. You'd be better off having someone there with you, but if you absolutely can't then I'm sure you will make it work. I would let your surgeon know as well that you will be doing it alone so he is aware. He might keep you an extra day or two at the hospital if you're going home alone.
My advice would be to make sure you have food already pre-made and ready for you. If that means cooking ahead of time and having it in the fridge or freezer so you can just re-heat it or having freezer food. You won't have the energy to stand up and cook for long periods of time.
I didn't have any restrictions on driving, but I know several others on here that have had resections did have some. I didn't drive until I went back to work, and family just drove me to appointments and such.
You will move slow and very gingerly for a little time, but you'll get there.
Good luck on it all and keep us posted how things go.