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Sep 16, 2011
Does anyone else hear having ringing in the ears? mine is constant. luckily it's not that loud and i've learned to live with it. if this is part of the crohn's, it was probably my first symptom.
Mine has really kicked lately. I always think of it as a symptom of inflammtion, because I hear it most when I am ill, but I am not sure. would love to if others hear it too.
I have it too. I don't notice it much when there is noise around me but when I read a book I consciously notice it ... so far it is not bothering me too much ... just a weird feeling (if that is the correct expression to use)
I've had tinnitus for years, much longer than Crohn's or any ramp up of symptoms. Mine gets louder with loud noises and sometimes 'beats' with rhythmic noises making for one hell of a racket.
Interestingly, or not, it's not so bad when I have my hearing aid.
Oh wow,

I have had the ringing for almost a year. Bothers me alot sometimes. I never thought it could be linked to Crohns....
my ent tried to tell me i have hearing loss. i'm 33. i don't go to concerts. i don't listen to loud music.

i have heard that inflammation can cause tinnitus. 2+2=4
Sulfazine and/ or tmj can cause this. Sulfazine and its family of medicine (which is given for crohn's and arthritis) builds up in the blood tinnitus is a sign of too much. TMJ is a joint issue in your jaw linked to inflammation
I have it too, I always figured it was a side effect of my antidepressant because that's what my primary dr told me. It being a symptom of inflammation would make sense too.
It mostly bothers me at night when it's quiet and I am trying to get to sleep.
Hi, My name is Mike I found the forum by way of this thread. I've just had my third flare up in the last ten months and my tinnitus is working overtime. It sounds like I have a nest of cicadas in my head.
I am undiagnosed, but over the past year I have come to believe I have Crohns's.
I am 46 years old and last november I had a severe flare. It reminded me of the pains I used to get when I was a kid, but had forgotten about over the last 20 years.
I have had tinnitus for years but this is the first time it has been so loud. It started as my most recent flare has subsided. It's weird because I get horrible back pains during a flare, and my right knee gets really bad when the flare subsides, but this is the first time I've noticed a change in the tinnitus.
I guess I'm learning something new after each new flare. Thanks for this resource. I would get diagnosed but I don't have insurance at this time, and it sounds like there isn't much they can do anyway.
ive had a hummmmm in my ear since january this year. went to the docs as i am on remicade and i thought i had an infection. turns out i have fluid in my ear. seen a specialist since and recently had an MRI of the sinuses. tis very rare for an adult to get glue ear.
can it be connected to IBD or are my hunces correct and its down to meds
Have looked for "inner ear" associations with CD with limited success.
I don't have much problem with tinnitus, but have had a couple of SEVERE episodes of vertigo, which is in the same disease spectrum.
My sister has a definitive diagnosis of Meniere's (genetic links, anyone?) She doesn't have CD.
Would be interested in any research links :)

When I have a "flare up" the tinnitus gets almost unbearable, my doctor and I have been looking into it possibly being Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED).
Hi, My name is Mike I found the forum by way of this thread. I've just had my third flare up in the last ten months and my tinnitus is working overtime. It sounds like I have a nest of cicadas in my head.
I am undiagnosed, but over the past year I have come to believe I have Crohns's.
I am 46 years old and last november I had a severe flare. It reminded me of the pains I used to get when I was a kid, but had forgotten about over the last 20 years.
I have had tinnitus for years but this is the first time it has been so loud. It started as my most recent flare has subsided. It's weird because I get horrible back pains during a flare, and my right knee gets really bad when the flare subsides, but this is the first time I've noticed a change in the tinnitus.
I guess I'm learning something new after each new flare. Thanks for this resource. I would get diagnosed but I don't have insurance at this time, and it sounds like there isn't much they can do anyway.
It has been a while, and a lot has changed. It turned out the tinnitus was an acoustic neuroma brain tumor, and I had that removed in 2019. I am deaf now in my left ear, but the blessed silence was worth it. When I started banging in to things because I couldn't walk straight, and people were accusing me of being drunk, I finally went to an Audiologist and they discovered the tumor.
While I was recovering from the surgery, the doctors discovered the reason for what I thought was Crohn's. When I was 19 years old, back in 1986, I had a pituitary tumor removed. The symptoms I was experiencing, that I thought was Crohn's disease, was actually due to the fact that my adrenal glands had stopped doing their thing. I guess it was similar to Addison's disease. They put me on Hydrocortisone pills and everything is much better.
I hope this update helps anyone dealing with what I had gone trough.

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