Tips for traveling with Crohn's Disease



Hi everyone,
On sunday I'll be on a long flight to Paris..For 3 weeks I'll be in Europe (its through a program called People to People). We'll be in France, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy.

To the point, do you have any tips for traveling? Anything whatsoever..Luckily I don't use the bathroom very often in a day, so I probably won't have to worry about having to stop a lot..
Lately my stomach can't tolerate food that I can usually have, probably because I'm kind of nervous..Any tips for eating?
I have all my mecication and prednisone incase I flare up while I'm gone (which i WON'T:D)
Anything even not related to crohns or anything...

Thanks, hope everyone is doing well ;-)
wow! sounds fun.. lucky you.
I was just in Ireland for a couple of weeks a couple of months ago, and I was pretty nervous about it as well, especially the flying part, and was having trouble eating right before I went.. I say bring your own big bottle of water on the plane, some times it takes forever to get a drink, and when you do, its a sip. lol and avoid the alcohol on the plane if you can!
I also tried not to depend on the food they gave me on the plane.. I brought a few things to pick at that I knew would normally sit well with me.
good luck! and have fun...
(maybe bring some baby wipes just in case! you never know.. but Im sure you wont need them)
I eat the fresh local food and nost of the time it helps me get perfect poops. Especially when I go to Europe. France, Switzerland, and Italy are very good places to eat and almost everything there is made fresh. I have only been to Ausria once while driving through it so I do not know much about that. When you go to Italy walk down the streets going Bom Bom Bom bom Bom Bom bom in the white stripes first hit sound. That is there new cheer. Also in France dont talk about the world cup or football or else. Trust me just a warning.

Have a nice trip
haha thanks for the advice
well i'm leaving tomorrow...
bye everyone see ya in three weeks :thumright:
Enjoy your trip!

I would recommend bringing some sort (or buying it) of food that you know will not upset you. Something like crackers. This you can always have around and eat if you can not find something that will go well with your stomach.
well on monday i have a 22 hour flight to deal with..with a 3 year old and no ciggies lol lord knows how ill cope
lol, poor Ellie.. maybe she needs the advice on how to travel with a parent?
hehe. kidding, Im sure she will take great care of you! :)