Two questions about LDN

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Apr 25, 2014
Hi all :)

1.Does anyone know where to get LDN in Europe without prescription?

I had Remicade which worked for me about 8 months and also I had Humira which not worked for me. I take long time Prednison and I would like to try something different.

2. Can I drive a car on LDN treatment?

I have 21year and for my healt I haven´t driving license yet ,so if LDN working for me can I make driving license? (I read on leaflet from Naltrexon where write can´t drive a car , but this is for 50mg dosage)

Thanks for answer
Regards Martin
There is likely no way to gain access to Low Dose Naltrexone without a prescription from a doctor and access to a compounding pharmacy. Even if you could somehow gain access to 50mg pills without a prescription that's over ten times the dose indicated for IBD patients and simply cutting up tablets will render them useless. They can also cause complications with opioid based pain medication so self medication is dangerous.

The typical 4.5mg dosage for IBD patients isn't associated with serious mental side effects but if your country says you can't drive then you shouldn't. You may have also misread the name as Naltrexone is sometimes confused with Naloxone, a similar drug.
Thanks Orchid , I don´t know who take me recipe for this drug ,probably no one doctor will not recognize this treatment method in my area :-/ Yes I know it must be given in 4,5mg capsules or diluted in water. I read leaflet from Adepend this is same drug like Naltrexon (active substance Naltrexon) and there write can´t drive a car ,but this is for 50mg dosage I don't know whether this applies to small doses. You're taking LDN? You prescribed Naltrexon by a gastroenterologist?
No, I haven't. My Crohn's Disease is controlled with Cimzia, another biologic like Remicade or Humira. JDTM and Kev are the only two I can remember offhand who took LDN for long periods of time, so they could step in and say something on any mental side effects. If you really want to take it, it can help to go in armed with studies. Note: they're both in English so I don't know how useful they'll be to you. And some basic knowledge about the opioid receptors in the immune system, so you don't come off as someone crazy, but someone who did serious research on their illness and possible treatments.
Ok I will wait for respond to my topic people what it takes LDN :) Meanwhile I go read the files what you posted. Thanks for this :)

OFF topic: How long do you take Cimzia , You in study with Cimzia or in USA is Cimzia already approved for the treatment of Crohn?
Cimzia is an injection, like Humira. Though unlike Humira the typical dose is monthly instead of biweekly. No, I don't take it as part of a study and it is approved for the treatment of Crohn's Disease.
And side effects same as Humira/Remicade? In Slovakia approved only Remicade/Humira for CD. You was treatment also Remicade or Humira?
Generally considered to be similar, with Cimzia considered to be more slightly more tolerable then Humira. No, Cimzia was my first biologic, my insurance and GI offered the choice between Humira and Cimzia and seeing that Cimzia often causes less side effects then Humira that's what I picked.
You have any study about less side effects from Cimzia? I look on leaflet Cimzia (in Slovakia approved for rheumatoid arthritis) and there are same side effects as Humira.
Hi martinsos,
In regards to LDN. My son took 4.5mg/nightly for about 1 1/2 years. Although not old enough to drive it would not have been in issue. It worked really well for him for about a year but then he had a flare we just couldn't get under control and had to move to remicade. Kev who has taken it for many years I believe drives a truck for a living and has been on LDN for many many years. (He should answer when he can as that tagged him to respond).
We were prescribed LDN by my son's GI doctor. I know others have gotten it from their regular doctor, or natropaths. Just be sure you keep your doctors informed about what medicines you are taking.
Good luck
Hi Jmrogers4,
Thanks for more info :) your son did not have any side effects from LDN?

And took LDN someone with prednisone? I would taking prednisone until LDN start work.
He did not. He had a headache the first couple of days. Some people have really vivid dreams for a short time.
He did take with prednisone for a while. LDN can take quite a while to become fully effective so taking along side something else to keep the Crohns/Colitis under control while it has a chance to work is not a bad idea.
Just like with every other medicine out there, it does not work for everyone. There is a percentage of people it does not work.
Yes I read LDN may start work from 12 to 24 weeks , this is long time for me without medicine (I must take Prednisone always ,Remicade/Humira failed and from Azathioprine i have bone marrow depression). I taking actually 10mg Prednisone , need find info about combination Prednisone+LDN. Also read with LDN have response 78% patients and 32 % achieved remision , I hope I would respond. :)
Hey there martinsos!

I am currently taking LDN, and up until now I think I've been doing really well on it -- although it took me a while to really notice a difference in how I was feeling. I can't offer any advice on how to how to get it in Europe, but I can say that it's had ZERO side-effects on me during the day, which is to say that it didn't affect my driving (or anything else) at all. When I first started taking LDN, I had some pretty weird, vivid dreams, but even those went away pretty quickly. You're supposed to take it at night/before bed, so it shouldn't matter or interfere with your daily activities in any way.

As an aside, my wife and I just recently came back from a trip to Slovenia, which is still kind of far from Slovakia, but it made me wonder... are you restricted to seek out a doctor in your own country, or can you look for doctors in other countries in the EU? Not sure how it works over there. I hope to visit Slovakia one day though -- Bratislava looks amazing!!
Hi JDTM :)

Thanks for inform me ,this is good hear about not LDN side effects. Short time vivid dreams is nothing compared to medicines for Crohn. How long you taking LDN? I can choose a doctor in our Republic ,for other countries need approved from insurance.
I have good doctor but probably will not be interested in LDN. In Slovakia are doctors only for officially procedures ,they do not recognize of alternative solutions generally.

Slovenia is great :) Slovakia also for trip , we have great nature and mountains. :) Bratislava is also good for visit ,I live about 120km from Bratislava in Nové Zámky. :)

I've been taking 4.5 mg of Naltrexone (LDN) every night at bedtime since November 2007. I work as a truck driver... drive a 26,000 kg truck... and had to take/pass drug tests. The dose of Naltrexone I take is so low, that it is gone from the body by morning, and the only side effect I ever experienced were some vivid dreams. Sadly that side effect passes.
Hi Kev ,

This is good hear, who prescribed it to you? gastroenterologist? what time it you started work , 12weeks? is for sale somewhere on network without prescription?
Thanks for answer :)
My GI prescribed it. I've always used a prescription. I kept a daily diary of my trial of LDN years ago, here... LDN and me... The posts are still on this website someplace. My memory is unreliable... so just check out the diary posts. I wrote them as it happened.
Ok thanks Kev , last questions. How do I know if I have Candida? Why can not candida with LDN? What happens if I have it and I take LDN?

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