Glad I found this forum, I've had diarhea everyday since I was 15. And it get's worse as i get older now 31. The stomach pain, joint pain, and all the other pains just aren't fun. I have a regular doctor that is pretty sure its crohns disease but want me to see a specialist to make sure. But with no insurance getting the final diagnosis is going to be near impossible seeing as how everyone wants the full amount up front. Very frustrating. My regular doctor won't prescibe anything till we know for sure. So I get to live with the 20plus bathroom trips a day. And pain. I can't even take a single advil anymore without throwing it up. So a lot of food doesn't stay down anymore either. I'm down to 98 lbs, hair has thinned out. I live off of homemade soups most days. Adult diapers have become my best friends when it comes time to leave the house. My back is killing me, and my hips as well. So until I can see the other doctor I'm at a standstill and not sure what to do.