Update - my pill cam

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Oct 28, 2009
Hi people!

Like I last told you, I got the results from my capsule endoscopy and took it to my GI doc. He asked for an upper gi tract endoscopy (to biopsy a duodenal ulcera), and told me that the lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal ileum means there is some inflammatory activity going on in my bowel. He said that doesn´t necessarily mean an IBD, and it could be some other things like food allergies and such. The thing is, he only got to see some pictures of the exam (the ones the doc who wrote the results thought were important). He said he would get the CD from the clinic where I had the exam, because he wanted to watch the full length of the video. He wants to check if he can find some kind of pattern, or some sign that can help him define what I´ve got.

He still thinks I have IBS on top of that inflammatory process, so now I kept my IBS medication (Otilonium Bromite and loprazol) and he prescribed me some mesalamine too. Let´s see if that improves my condition. Meanwhile I had the upper gi endoscopy, and the doc couldn´t see my duodenal ulcera. He said it might be out of the scope´s reach, further down the duodenum. He took some biopsies anyway. Last night was terrible with big D and puking waking me up, and now I´m feeling really sleepy. :(

Still have hopes that this doc is going to find out what I´ve got.
Good luck Luchita...There are a few others here that are still undiagnosed. Don,t give up hope.
Too bad they couldn't get a diagnosis NOW Lucitcha :( Hope they figure it out soon and that you feel better!