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Update- Starting Methorexate Tabs

I have just had my appointment with my consultant, I have been taken off sulfasalazine due to pancreatitis and have been put on prednisolone for 9 weeks and to go on methotrexate tablets . Hopefully this will make me feel better. I never see the same consultant but this was very good I went in 10 mins earlier than my appt time and he had loads of time to explain and I felt he listened to me. Has anyone had any experience with methotrexate tablets, I am having weekly blood tests with these.
Many Thanks
I have just had my appointment with my consultant, I have been taken off sulfasalazine due to pancreatitis and have been put on prednisolone for 9 weeks and to go on methotrexate tablets . Hopefully this will make me feel better. I never see the same consultant but this was very good I went in 10 mins earlier than my appt time and he had loads of time to explain and I felt he listened to me. Has anyone had any experience with methotrexate tablets, I am having weekly blood tests with these.
Many Thanks
Typical experience with the tablets is heavy nausea.

Many on this forum and their doctor's report the tablets are hard to handle.

Need to take folic acid along with it, at a minimum.

If the tablets cause unbearable nausea, you may switch to an injection. Typically injected MTX has much lower side effects, though, of course, you have to take the long needle and do a once weekly intramuscular injection, typically into your thigh.

I did injected MTX for nearly a year, but the nausea became unbearable. At the point I was puking in the trash can in my office the next morning after an injection, I knew I couldn't do it any more.

Good luck.
I'm on mtx tablets. Been on them for about 4 months. I actually switched from injections to the tablets. I found with the injections I got intense nausea (to the point where I was leaning over the toilet trying not to vomit before I even injected myself. I have been doin better on the tablets. The only issue I have is the day after I take them I am quite tired. I would reccomend taking them in the evening on a night where you have he next day off, in case you are tired or nauseous etc.

my little penguin

Staff member
They can give you rescue meds for nausea if needed (zofran ) and the like
Your cte results would be in the patient portal
(App on your phone ) or on the gi/hospital website where you had it done
Most Gi specialists etc .. will “talk “ to you through email in the portal
There you can see all your records /blood tests
Next appts and scans or images /results