Hi All
I am going to speak to my GI tomorrow morning after he suggested I could take park in a phase III study of Ustekinumab (Stelara) to treat my most recent crohns flare; in the large bowel and terminal ileum.
From searching the forum there is not that much info regarding the drug.
Has anyone used it to good effect? How is the drug administered and how often? Are there any bad side effetcs? Any further info would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
I am going to speak to my GI tomorrow morning after he suggested I could take park in a phase III study of Ustekinumab (Stelara) to treat my most recent crohns flare; in the large bowel and terminal ileum.
From searching the forum there is not that much info regarding the drug.
Has anyone used it to good effect? How is the drug administered and how often? Are there any bad side effetcs? Any further info would be much appreciated.
Many thanks