Vote for NACC

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Hi guys, I've copied and pasted this from Crohnszone as I feel it needs a little boost, my apologies if it's already been posted elsewhere on the site. But i think if we can boost this a little, it would benefit us all:

If you go on this website you can vote so that all royalties from the sale of a book called 'How to give to charity' by Jessica Williams will go to NACC.

So far NACC has only received 0.11% of the votes...this doesnt even put NACC in the top be in the top ten we need at least 0.91% of the votes.

The number one charity so far is is Scout association with 24.95% of the votes
Scout Association :blush: :eek: :sign0085: :(

I would of thought something with a bit more cause than the scouts would have been a bit better!!!!
I voted! NACC is now .25% of the votes, so it is growing. I hope everyone also votes and lets others know about this also.
I sent it to all my non-crohns friends too. If anyone is a member on another crohns/colitis website it might be handy to copy and paste this there too - we need all the support we can get!!
It sure is amazing how people power can achieve so much....

"There is no I in team, we are the team"