I recently came across a post by a member named, "SoiledShorts" here on the forum. His signature had the following:
I immediately became a little suspicious. In clicking through to his blog, "Ben" writes about how AloeElite has done absolutely amazing things for him. I then check "Ben's" registration information here on Crohnsforum.com and was provided the following email address:
Please note that we here at Crohnsforum.com take your personal privacy and information VERY seriously and do not share that information except under extremely rare cases or court order. But if we discover something like what I'm going to provide, you fall under rare cases.
Anyway, notice the email is CARLOS at Motoza. I checked out the company and they are a SEO (search engine optimization) and marketing company. Doing more research on both Motoza and AloeElite, I found the following:
Now, the funny thing here is that Torrey Rozycki is the president of the company that makes AloeElite.
In my opinion, AloeElite is preying upon people with terrible diseases by engaging in EXTREMELY shady and underhanded advertising practices. Torrey Rozycki, Organic Ease Inc (the makers of AloeElite), Motoza, and all employees of these companies should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Not only is what they're doing a terrible thing, in my opinion, they are opening themselves up to potential civil and criminal penalties.
Doing further research on AloeElite I found someone who had done testing on the actual product. I cannot verify these claims (and unfortunately the website is down, what I present below is a Google cache) so I do not present them as fact, only potential truth. But based upon what these companies have done here on this forum, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. I will post the results below.
1. AloeElite, Motoza, Organic Ease Inc. are absolutely terrible.
2. If you purchased AloeElite, I personally would demand an immediate refund.
3. This is a reminder that there are shady people and companies out there preying upon the sick. We should always use extreme caution when trying alternative (as well as traditional for that matter) treatments. We must do plenty of research.
4. The staff here at Crohnsforum.com will be discussing ways we can avoid issues like this in the future. We'll likely be limiting what we allow people to put in their signatures but will be discussing all potentials.
I found other potentially damaging information about these companies but I'll keep my cards close to my chest in case they decide to get stupid.
The lab results for AloeElite posted on the website that is now down:

I immediately became a little suspicious. In clicking through to his blog, "Ben" writes about how AloeElite has done absolutely amazing things for him. I then check "Ben's" registration information here on Crohnsforum.com and was provided the following email address:

Please note that we here at Crohnsforum.com take your personal privacy and information VERY seriously and do not share that information except under extremely rare cases or court order. But if we discover something like what I'm going to provide, you fall under rare cases.
Anyway, notice the email is CARLOS at Motoza. I checked out the company and they are a SEO (search engine optimization) and marketing company. Doing more research on both Motoza and AloeElite, I found the following:

Now, the funny thing here is that Torrey Rozycki is the president of the company that makes AloeElite.
In my opinion, AloeElite is preying upon people with terrible diseases by engaging in EXTREMELY shady and underhanded advertising practices. Torrey Rozycki, Organic Ease Inc (the makers of AloeElite), Motoza, and all employees of these companies should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Not only is what they're doing a terrible thing, in my opinion, they are opening themselves up to potential civil and criminal penalties.
Doing further research on AloeElite I found someone who had done testing on the actual product. I cannot verify these claims (and unfortunately the website is down, what I present below is a Google cache) so I do not present them as fact, only potential truth. But based upon what these companies have done here on this forum, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true. I will post the results below.
1. AloeElite, Motoza, Organic Ease Inc. are absolutely terrible.
2. If you purchased AloeElite, I personally would demand an immediate refund.
3. This is a reminder that there are shady people and companies out there preying upon the sick. We should always use extreme caution when trying alternative (as well as traditional for that matter) treatments. We must do plenty of research.
4. The staff here at Crohnsforum.com will be discussing ways we can avoid issues like this in the future. We'll likely be limiting what we allow people to put in their signatures but will be discussing all potentials.
I found other potentially damaging information about these companies but I'll keep my cards close to my chest in case they decide to get stupid.
The lab results for AloeElite posted on the website that is now down:
AloeElite defrauding the public with false advertising and product misrepresentation for Years?
Everyone who has ever purchased product from this company, may be entitled to a full refund, plus damages.
Has this company been getting away with Fraud, Misrepresentation, and False Advertising for years?
Under An Independent Laboratory Analysis from one of the most respected scientist in the Aloe analytical field, the actual polysaccharide content of AloeElite capsules is a fraction of what AloeElite is, and has been repeatedly claiming them to contain for years.
Under Independent Laboratory Analysis, the actual contents of these capsules do not even slightly resemble what AloeElite is and has been repeatedly claiming them to contain. According to the lab test from one of the most respected scientists in the Aloe analytical field, the revealed contents are nothing more than standard aloe powder and a filler.
My name is Mathew Devonshire. At my own expense, I have contracted an independent laboratory analysis test on AloeElite.
The test results clearly indicate to me, that this company is misrepresenting the contents within their capsule and thus, perpetrating Consumer Fraud on the suffering public. AloeElite has been in operation for approximately 5 years now.
I encourage anyone reading this site, to contract an independent lab to perform the same type analysis for their own review. If you have a bottle of AloeElite, whole, or as little as 5 capsules, you may contract your own lab test using Custom Analytics, LLC., or any reputable independent lab capable of performing a Size-Exclusion Chromatography Analysis.
I would also recommend, that anyone who has ever purchased product from AloeElite (from its inception), should demand a refund and/or contact an attorney if you feel you have experienced damages, including but not limited to; damages due to lost time, in relationship to the misrepresentation of AloeElite product content.
Independent Laboratory Analysis Date:
The following analysis was preformed by Charles Metcalfe, Founder and Chief Science Officer of Custom Analytics, LLC. Mr. Metcalfe is an active member of the International Aloe Science Counsel and considered the most knowledgeable scientist in his field. He performs analyses for the pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries. He brings an interest and enthusiasm in improving upon the methodology used for characterization and standardization protocols for aloe raw materials and products.
The method used is Size-Exclusion Chromatography. View the full Analysis.
(Size-Exclusion Chromatography determines both polysaccharides present, and their “molecular weights” or chain-lengths.)
Non- elationship: Mr. Metcalfe is an independent third party & scientist, contracted to perform his profession, a scientific product analysis.
Mr. Metcalfe has no personal relationship, knowledge, or affiliation with this investigation.
Summation of Results:
Actual Percentage of polysaccharide content found in AloeElite: 5.93% x 375mg = 22.24mg Actual polysaccharide content.
AloeElite CLAIMS: 334mg Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide
From their Website: AloeElite: “What concentration of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP) is found in AloeElite™?
· 375mg of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides
· 125mg of L-Glutamine.
Under Independent Laboratory Analysis, the actual contents of these capsules contain less than 7% of the polysaccharide content claimed by the seller. See the full Analysis
1. The polysaccharide content in an AloeElite capsule is shown to be: 22.24mg
The AloeElite website CLAIMS: “375mg Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides per capsule.”
The lab results clearly indicate these claims are Fraudulent.
In light of these findings, in comparison to the misleading verbal methodology used within their promotional website literature outlined below,
I conclude that AloeElite may be committing Premeditated Consumer Fraud with Purposeful Intent.
The question therefore becomes; How Long has the suffering public possibly been deceived, and how many persons affected?
AloeElite has been in operation for approximately 5 years.
My name is Mathew Devonshire. [email protected] In my search for a natural solution for my mother’s condition, I discovered several companies marketing products which claimed to be of great assistance for many diseases. After reading and comparing several websites, I suspected this company, AloeElite, of fraud, misrepresentation, and false advertising. I have a background in chemistry and biology, thus much of the unprofessional promotional material I was reading on the AloeElite, website had a distinct ring of fakery and non-scientific claims.
A person, such as myself searching for a solution for disease reads and understands the independent science behind the polysaccharide fraction of Aloe, and desires to gain the benefits. The injury may occur from the lost time a suffering consumer experiences while taking a charlatans mixture, thinking he or she is obtaining the advertised concentration, and on the right healing track, while potentially missing out on or rejecting other treatments which could alleviate suffering, and/or save life and limb.
The following quotes are obvious, and in light of the lab report, apparently Fraudulent statements which have been cut and pasted verbatim from the AloeElite website in October, 2009.
Should the AloeElite site change, I have records, electronic and printed, of these facts. I also suggest that you retain records of the the AloeElite website so that any attempts for a future company denial of these facts, may be defeated.
From their Website: AloeElite: “What ingredients does AloeElite™ contain?”
From their Website: AloeElite: “AloeElite contains two powerful and effective ingredients, the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides from the Aloe Vera plant and L-Glutamine, which is added for increased absorption.
Note: They are indicating here, as they do below, that the product is solely the Polysaccharides Fraction of Aloe, and L-Glutamine.
The lab results clearly indicate this claim is Fraudulent.
They Persist:
From their Website: AloeElite: “Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP) is an extract derived from the Aloe Vera Plant. Through a cold filtration freeze-drying process, we obtain the highest quality & concentration of AMP.”
The lab results clearly indicate this claim is Fraudulent.
They Persist:
From their Website: AloeElite: “How does AloeElite™ work?”
From their Website: AloeElite: “The main ingredient in AloeElite™ - “Research has shown that Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides have a remarkable ability to: …”
Note: They are stating here, as they do above and below, that the main ingredient is Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide.
The lab results clearly indicate this claim is Fraudulent.
They Persist:
From their Website: AloeElite: “What concentration of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP) is found in AloeElite™?
· 375mg of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides
· 125mg of L-Glutamine.
Note: They are stating here that the main ingredient is 375mg of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides.
The lab results clearly indicate this claim is Fraudulent.
Here is their invitation to you, the potential deceived disease sufferer, found on their “Health and Wellness” page;
From their Website: “We hope these suggestions prove useful to you!”
“Please call us with any questions or concerns whatsoever.”
“ At AloeElite, no question is too small.”
“We’re in this together, healing from the inside out.”
Wonderful. Here are a few small questions you, the reader, may wish to ask the folks at AloeElite:
1. Why are you people selling 375mg of a standard aloe vera powder in a capsule, and telling the suffering public that it contains 375mg of Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides? (AMP)?
2. How many years have you been perpetrating this campaign of Consumer Fraud, False Advertising, Deception, and Misrepresentation upon the public?
3. Do you know the difference between the polysaccharide portion of Aloe, and the remaining components? Do you care?
4. Do you believe the public deserves to know what is truly in your capsules?
5. Why do you claim AloeElite contains the highest concentration of Aloe polysaccharides, and that those polysaccharides were “extracted” from the Aloe vera plant, then on the same page, you admit that the process is freeze-drying?
6. Do you have any knowledge of science or the process that you are claiming to orchestrate?
7. Do you think we consumers are stupid? Do you think no one is watching and you will not be caught and prosecuted?
8. How can “The healing AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide) molecules in AloeElite™ benefit every cell, tissue and organ in the body.” … as you state, when you hardly put any Polysaccharide in the capsule, while you tell us it is loaded with 375mg???
9. Are you aware of the penalties for consumer fraud and the accumulation of funds through fraudulent advertising related activities?
10. Are we still “in this Together?” … Or are you headed out of town at this point?
According to public record:
AloeElite is owned by:
Florida Profit Corporation:
Registered Agent Name & Address:
1844 N. NOB HILL RD., #192
Address Changed: 04/03/2006
Changed 01/19/2009
Mailing Address:
Changed 01/19/2009