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Oct 12, 2010

My name is Andrew, you can call me Andy.

I am a gymnastics and ball hockey coach and an aspiring personal trainer. I am in my third year of Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa. I have been living with Crohn's for the past 9 years of my life. Which is just about half my life (I am 20).

The first 2 or 3 years after my diagnosis were rough while I was trying to find a medication to put me into remission. After 2 flares and an absurd number of tests for a scared 10-13 year old my doctors discovered Methotrexate. I have been taking MTX for the past 7 years and have mixed feels at this point.

In the past year I have started to have rough periods again (damn remission was sweet) and I am scared I may be beginning to flare. My digestion and Bms are scattered at best. Being in the 3rd year of my undergrad this can make life embarrassing and hectic but I try to keep on moving forward.

The gym is my temple and my release. 6 years ago I discovered my older brother's (who also has Crohn's although he was just recently diagnosed) weight set and slowly but surely began to lift. 6 years later I have found lifting, running, rock climbing and just about any other physical activity gives me an escape from this disease. Also gives the added bonus of putting on a bit of weight that seems to stick even when I have a bad week or weekend.

I discovered this forum at the beginning of summer and check it almost everyday or at least any time I need guidance. My hope is to find a support network in which only fellow Crohnies can help. I have great friends but at the end of the day no one can understand unless they have been there.

I hope to give/receive a lot of useful advice and support while we continue to fight this battle.

Hi Andy! Glad you decided to join us! :bigwave: Fellow Canadian too. It is very hard at your age whilst being in school. The stress is hard and others either don't understand or want to. Support mean alot to us and it is very hard to discuss personal issues with others. Hardly campus talk.

I was in remission once for almost 10 years and I wished I looked after myself better at that time. Stress doesnt cause the disease but sure gives it a wake up call...

My Daughter went to Carleton for one year but now has changed and is in Kenesiology. She has many friends that went to Ottawa U.

Crohns/UC runs heavily in our family, so you probably had the gene and something makes it active although at 13 I would wonder. Glad you are here, lots of people to help you. Welcome aboard!
:welcome:Welcome Andy and glad your here. You sound like a very busy guy which has to be hard at times with everything you do. I've only been dx since 2007 and cannot imagine having this disease half my life at age 20. Has your GI ever suggested anything other than the metho?
I hope you enjoy the forum. Lots and lots of great people here to help and listen. I agree that only a fellow chronie can truly understand what your going thru. Hang in there and hope you stay around.
Funny story about my GI... basically in total for the past 3 years I have spoken with him for for a total of less than an hour. He is not very social and is not concerned with anything but test results but since up until recently I have been OK I haven't really worried about it. My next appointment is in December (right before exams wooo!) so I will ask him about it and hopefully force a discussion in which I can maybe switch to Remicade or add it to my treatment or at least have a CT scan. He has never had a look for himself on my condition since I was transferred from the children's hospital at 18. I really would just like an update and to get ride of my symptoms during the day because that is when im most busy.
Write your questions down and don't let him out of the room until he answers them. Tell him up front you have questions that you need answers to. Good Luck
Hi Andy and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here. I hope you can get things sorted with your GI and get things fully under control again. I hope to see you around the forums. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Welcome Andy!! I'm sorry it's come back but I'm glad you've joined us!! You've got a wealth of experience!! Good luck!!
Hi Andy
and welcome

I'm glad you found us too, loads of young uns just like you on here!
I think I'd be looking for a new gastro, one who practices adult services, one who'll listen and treat you like an adult, not the child you once were when he last saw you!
And I'm all for writing tons of questions too, and document all the answers too!
Keep a journal from now on to take with you, all your history and symptoms, food, meds etc, reactions, good days, bad days and so on.
good luck Andy
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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