What alcohol do people with crohns drink?

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I was worried about drinking while taking metho - since my liver is getting tested every month, I thought maybe putting extra strain on it from booze would be bad....

I just got the green light from my doc today for drinking "occassionally and in moderation." He said, "Dude, it already sucks to have Crohns, I'm not going to take booze away from you, too." This was after he had already dropped two F bombs during my exam. Nice!
alcohol and crohns

I may be the senior member here so my take on alcohol could prove informative. Just one glass of iced vodka rocks before and into dinner makes the evening just beautiful.. Then water with whatever is left on the plate. Lots of water basically. Now, who out there has side effects on remicade like I? :painful arthritis in the hands.. almost debilitating at times and it prevents good stuff from happening...Tennis. playing my saxohone, ...Has remicade ever given any of you young'uns the same side effects.....anything herbal to recommend........

ted in Los Angeles

PS an old guy needs some guidance for a change...
Drinking is never wise with crohn's. I don't do it anymore. However if you do find yourself drinking, just remember to drink a LOT of water before you go to bed. Alchol is a diuretic, and pulls water from you, leaving you dehydrated. That is why you get a hangover in the morning. Having crohn's, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated as it is, so make sure to get that water in, before bed, post drinking.
Drinking just gives me extra diarrhea the next day while in remission. But since I've been in a flare, I can't stand the thought of alcohol. I'm nauseous a lot and have no desire to drink. Kinda sucks when we hit the club. I never realized how boring it was sober. LOL
I have UC, and even the smallest amount of alcohol (a beer) causes bleeding, so I try to never touch it. From my experience, if I actually get properly drunk my disease comes out of remission or flares up horribly.
I am reading about how everyone feels so bad drinking...I actually have the opposite happen. Even if I am in the middle of a flare...if I go out to dinner and have a cocktail (beer, wine is usually it)...I don't go to the bathroom at all...maybe when I get home but usually not much at all! I don't drink often and I am sure it is because my system calms down. I keep telling my doctor to give me something for anxiety. Maybe that would help. He won't do it. I don't know why. If this is how I react to alcohol...I don't see why not. I don't drink often because I have 2 kids and I know eventually it will do more harm than good but...I wonder sometimes...
I have CD, have had for about 13 years. I have always been a bit of a drinker, I used to drink rum and coke, that was the only alcoholic drink I had. I have gone off that now and I drink Southern Comfort and coke. Lately, however, I have been getting asthma whenever I drink (this could be a side effect of the humira but my gi said possibly 'alcohol induced asthma?). Also, the next day is not pretty, many trips to the loo and sometimes blood. My goal at the moment is to cut right back and possibly find something else that won't upset my crohns so much (don't like my chances there tho!). :(
Ive found that Lager, any light coloured beer etc that isnt produced along the lines of the european purity rules is really bad for me. The darker and better prepared the beer then the better it is on me.

I do drink Guiness occaisionally but the main drink i have found that has absolutely no affect on me (that is not a recommendation, just an observation!) is Gin and Tonic thats pretty much all i drink now if i drink coz ive really reduced the amount i do since having my last flare. I prob only have 5 drinks if i go out now and thats less than once a week but i seem to be able to stomach a G&T ;)

im really suprised no one else has mentioned it.
I haven't noticed anything with regards to drinking, well -- before the surgery. Since then I haven't had a drink but I sure miss a small beer (Coronita) once in a while. Surprisingly enough I could handle Long Island Teas very well.
And, for the hangover we have ResQWater here in AZ which really helps with the headache and queasy stomach after drinking too much. I actually just tried it for the headache that wasn't drinking related and it worked. Love that stuff and am sorry that it still isn't available wide spread. They do have a website though: www.resqwater.com
LOSTnut, perhpas I should PM you since this isn't related to the thread but i am just curious. You had failed colostomy/resection and they are doing another one? How did this one fail? Because you have symptoms again? It hasn't been that long...curious how they can tell so soon its failed... and what are they doing differently with this next one? You poor thing. If this is a recent photo of you - you look really good. At least in AZ you don't have to worry about low vitamin D!!! We are on the same meds. I am going to have to check out that resqwater!!!

I've done some of my best drinking since I had my ileostomy in place. I turned 21, and started drinking. I still drink to this day and now I'm 28. I drink probably once to twice a week. I don't drink till I'm drunk, but I will have about 4 beers each time I drink. I don't notice anything the next day, or even during the moment for that matter. What is the risk? Being dehydrated is something that happens to anyone that drinks. I drink about 64oz of water a day to begin with.
I think I can handle most alcohol fine. Of course I get hung-over the next day, but anyone without Crohns does that as well. There has been times that beer has given me D, but sometimes alcohol have the opposite effect on me. It calms my stomach or something, and I don't need to go to the bathroom until the next day. I have a couple of glasses of red wine every friday and that seems just fine to me.
I drink a tiny bit every now and then. Before I was diagnosed I found that drinking caused my joints to flare up and stiffen. So not drinking was worth being able to walk the next day. So when i was feeling good i drank a bit every now and then. And that was fine. Now I'm on drugs that may hurt my liver so drinking is out.
Hard Liquor does not bother me at all (huge JD fan), but beer gives me all kinds of problems, mostly gives me lots of gas and fills my stomach up...since I play hockey a lot and gotta go with for the boys for at least 1 drink after playing, so when I have beer, I pour some Salt in it, this takes away most of the carbonation and this way I can handle a pint of beer with not many problems.

It's an oldie again!! Once-upon-a-time I loved JD and coke just loved it but now, I'm a non drinker as I'd look awful and feel like .............. Everything in moderation you young ones out there, keep it under control for the sake of your health in the short and long term. Don't undo the good that the doctors have done for you and for those who care deeply about you, your family and friends and us lot who care about you too xx
i drink lager mostlyor if im in-house i'll have red wine and im generaly okbut the hangovers due to the meds can be a right blinder.sometimes i feel like ive been been on a 2day bender and only had 3beers and when ive drank loads i feel ok(so i drink loads lol)i have the odd whiskey to or sailor jerry rum and coke,but due to having a 3 year old i have to get up at the weekends with her so its no fun at 7 in the morning with a hangover.........
I seem to be ok with ciders. Have tried quite a few different ones with no problems. Beer not so good though I haven't tried any of the dark beers. Seem ok with vodka and soda and sometime ok with red wine and sometimes not.
I learned the hard wat tonight that an untreated flare plus alcohol iis a NO-NO :X. Have barely been able to sleep and have almost vomited twice already during the night from pain :/.

So my tip for all others flaring without any meds is to NOT drink!

Yes I have Crohn's and yes I like an occasional drink. I've always enjoyed real ale (dark beer), but to be honest there are few if any that I can drink without paying for it the next day with diarrhea. Cider seems to be much better.

These days I tend to stick to drinking a glass of wine with a meal or an occasional scotch. In fact, I would go as far to say that I find this a definite benefit after having spent a day at work in pain most of the time!

I had to give up having a beer following right sided hemi 13 years ago.I had a real battle with dreaded D due to the op',i found having a beer made it even worse so i've never had a beer since.
As a young man in my 20's (single) it knocked my social life dead ~ but then you find out what other people are really all about.All these years on i think i am a much better person for that experience
As a young man in my 20's (single) it knocked my social life dead ~ but then you find out what other people are really all about.
I'm 20 now and I know I wouldn't even have a social life it it wasn't for alcohol. It worries me a lot that I might have to give it up if my crohns gets any worse :(
I wouldnt be bothered if i never drank again, to be honest I've grown out of it, started too early anyway!! Naughty me!! Only thing is, none have my friends have grown out of it!! lol x
I'm 20 now and I know I wouldn't even have a social life it it wasn't for alcohol. It worries me a lot that I might have to give it up if my crohns gets any worse :(

Honey there is more to life than just alcohol. You will know this some day...and if it makes you ill then maybe you do need to cut alcohol out entirely :/
Honey there is more to life than just alcohol. You will know this some day...and if it makes you ill then maybe you do need to cut alcohol out entirely :/
Indeed there is but as well as crohns I have Aspergers so socialising with no alcohol wouldn't really be possible for me.
Alcohol is so over rated. I hate how it is the main focus of British society. I've had my days drinking but there is definitely so much more to life. Besides, hangovers suck lol
Alcohol is so over rated. I hate how it is the main focus of British society. I've had my days drinking but there is definitely so much more to life. Besides, hangovers suck lol

I agree, drinking's overrated. There's always my old girlfriend MJ! :lol2:
"Last dance with Mary Jane, one more time to kill the pain . . ." Sorry Nytefyre, I had to. LOL!

I was born and raised in a religion that forbids the use of alcohol; so what did I do when I left home for college? I partied with my friends. I was a typical college girl. Alcohol didn't affect me badly in my younger days. I used to attribute it to my Irish and Russian heritage. Everybody knows that there's a lot of drinking that goes on in those countries. It caught up to me, and I started feeling too lousy to even want a sip. I'm back to church and have given up alcohol in any form. It's not worth the pain to me.
Soda and lime??

I'm 20 now and I know I wouldn't even have a social life it it wasn't for alcohol. It worries me a lot that I might have to give it up if my crohns gets any worse :(

I know what you mean here. It is frustrating to go out with friends and everyone is drinking and you can't. I'm a bit older- 26- but my friends still drink on the weekends and may of my friends are getting married so there are bachelorrette parties, weddings, etc.

The good news is, I've been doing pretty well and have been able to add alcohol back into my life with the okay from my doctor. (Read below for a funny story.) But when I couldn't handle alcohol I would order tonic water and lime when I was out or at someone's house. This kept my hands occupied, tasted a little fancier than water, and looks like a drink so it keeps people from asking "Why aren't you drinking?" or "Would you like a drink?" and then you having to answer awkwardly.

I actually met my doctor (who has been a life saver) through a family friend and I see him at social events from time to time. This past weekend we were at a wedding and we ended up in the bar line at the same time. He was standing in front of me and asked me what I was drinking to get it from the bar. We both had to laugh given the situation.
This is a strange one, but does anyone ever get a red face rash from drinking? I have gotten this only maybe 3 times in the years before I got sick, but in the last few weeks I have drunk twice (2 ciders the first time, 2 beers the second), and my face went hot and flushed and broke out in patches of red (really unattractive!) It went away both times within about half an hour, has this happened to anyone else? It may be ingredients in the alcohol, or the fact that I've increased my Pred from 20 to 35mg recently. That it's happened to me on rare occasions before I got sick makes me think it might be a slight intolerance to certain types of alcohol. I have been laying off the booze since my diagnosis as I've been in a flare ever since, but I have been feeling a lot better on the increased Pred so thought I'd give it a go. Tummy-wise, I did feel a bit off the next day (more bms and feeling sluggish and tired) so maybe I'll just stick to virgin mojitos* for a little longer.

*I know they're full of sugar, but the virgin mojito is just the greatest. Thing. Ever.
Rarely drink now but my hubby made some slow gin over the winter & had my 1st glass last night for a treat.
It was Delicious!!!!
I have to say alcohol doesn't affect me at all. I usually drink vodka with soda water, white wine, and jager. The next day i have a typical hangover, but thats it.
This is a strange one, but does anyone ever get a red face rash from drinking? I have gotten this only maybe 3 times in the years before I got sick, but in the last few weeks I have drunk twice (2 ciders the first time, 2 beers the second), and my face went hot and flushed and broke out in patches of red (really unattractive!) It went away both times within about half an hour, has this happened to anyone else?

Lizzy, I get this too. I hate it SO much. I get it when I am taking the Pred also. I think because the Pred stops your blood vessels from constricting (is that right?) and so when you go red is stays for longer. I'd get it if I laugh too much and the room is really warm.

I can't drink red wine, for the above reason and also because one glass will mess up my stomach for a whole day. I seem to be ok with beer, thank goodness, and the occasional Scotch or Sherry.

I don't drink vodka based drinks, never really been a fan. Love a G&T.
I don't drink alcohol at all.
Drank plenty when I was younger.
Out of the habit now.
I'm also concerned about how it might effect my CD. I'd rather not risk it.
Sitting in a room full of people getting drunk was enough to make me never want to drink. I never saw it as adding anything positive to my life. Then I was diagnosed with Chrons. I have to put enough in my body I can't control. I physically can't control the way I feel alot of the time so I never saw a reason to anthing more to my body I couldn't control.
Beer/lager is a definite no no for me! It makes me feel dreadful the day after with bad, aching guts and an increase in the amount of times I go to the loo.

I went out one night over the Easter break and drank nothing but gin & tonics (yes, very masculine i know) and felt absolutely fine the next day and was even in the garden before midday doing bits and bobs?!

Hit the booze hard during my younger days where I would go out thurs,fri,sat and Sunday but now I simply don't have the energy, time, money or real need to drink and/or go out.
Well I experimented this weekend with a few glasses of white wine on Friday night at home, and a few (okay, four!) gin and tonics out with friends on Saturday night - no red face rash thank goodness, maybe beer and cider brings it out in me. Anyway I do have D today but that's to be expected, drinking two nights in a row I wouldn't be able to completely get away with it! But at least there's no hangover, just a few extra trips to the "office".. All in moderation though. I like drinking "virgin" drinks because it's a cheap night out!
I have drank since a teenager. When first diagnosed, I quit drinking, well and eating for a long time.

Humour, theory, call it what you will but as Alcohol is an immunosupressive and Crohn's is a disease of the imune system going crazy, if ur gut can handle alcohol it is probably better then methotrexate...that drug is SCARY. (NOT A RECOMMENDATION TO DRINK) I have 18 years of remiision 8 with no drugs other then alcohol, two years without alcohol due to diabetes not crohns.

This is a strange one, but does anyone ever get a red face rash from drinking? I have gotten this only maybe 3 times in the years before I got sick, but in the last few weeks I have drunk twice (2 ciders the first time, 2 beers the second), and my face went hot and flushed and broke out in patches of red (really unattractive!) .

Yep, it happens to me too. With sparkling wine I go red on one half of my face and the other half stays white. On red or white wine I go red in the whole face. Beer and cider I am ok on. But the best drink for no reaction for me is bourbon and coke zero.
About the only alcohol that I cannot tolerate is red wine. Sad really because I enjoyed a decent drop of Aussie plonk!

I am a moderate drinker and brew my own beer. Commercial ales are not my cup of tea and at least I know what ingredients go into my own ale. Home brew is also a cost effective exercise

Generally, I find that a couple of beers and a glass of white wine have no impact on my condition. I also find glass of the turps works as a relaxant in stressful times.

But that if my two cents worth and others may have a different view.

Bottoms Up!
I love my craft beers, and mixology, and was a bar manager for two years, specializing in craft beers and spirits. I even was a rep for a distributor. I find they my problem is that since I do have some Crohn's in my tummy, that I alcohol likes to come up as soon as it goes down....if it manages to stay down, the next day I pay for it miserably. I have zero idea how I survived being in a sorority in college, but then again this was before my Crohn's diagnosis...I just thought I couldn't handle my liquor hehe.

At this point I'm more of a taster.. I have a sip or two to satisfy myself then donate the drink to a friend haha
My doctor doesn't want me to drink any alcohol. He explained that it causes loss of various minerals and vitamins and because I already have trouble absorbing them, I'm just making the problem worse. Makes sense but I sure do miss my nightly glass of wine (or three).
Has anyone been told not to drink if on Humira or other Biologics?

Since being on Humira I stopped drinking just from fear of drug interaction to the liver.
Not sure of actual crohns effects on me since i just didnt want to take the chance. But seems many here can handle rum and coke or something on the lighter end and not do beers instead. And if it is a beer, than either a blonde light beer or a gluten free if available.
My doctor doesn't want me to drink any alcohol. He explained that it causes loss of various minerals and vitamins and because I already have trouble absorbing them, I'm just making the problem worse. Makes sense but I sure do miss my nightly glass of wine (or three).

Over the years I have never been cautioned about alcohol intake. Seems that you have a Doctor that might be a bit of a wowser! Really I think that it comes down to a commonsense approach, unless there is evidence of liver problems.Frankly, I would continue with your evening tipple or change your doctor!:smile:
Has anyone been told not to drink if on Humira or other Biologics?

Since being on Humira I stopped drinking just from fear of drug interaction to the liver.
Not sure of actual crohns effects on me since i just didnt want to take the chance. But seems many here can handle rum and coke or something on the lighter end and not do beers instead. And if it is a beer, than either a blonde light beer or a gluten free if available.

While I was on Remicade, I did ask about drinking alcohol and was told there would be no adverse interaction with those two.
I find that a super light beer like Michelob Ultra, or a glass or two of cabernet are fine, as long as I don't over-do it. I usually don't have any alcohol close to bedtime, and that helps too. Of course I'm not as young as I once was-haha
Cant drink at all now . really miss having a pint now and then . Beer really makes me very nauseous even after a glass. Would love to know just why that is . As I can remember the very day that I first noticed that the beer wasnt happening. : (
Can have a glass of wine as long as its with a meal ,but on its own ; (
Anybody actually know why this happens with alcohol.
So in general, seems the majority who asked were informed there might not be any issue as long as the individual can tolerate the alcohol?
And of the picks:
Light beer
Gluten Free Beer
A glass of Wine
Mixed shot - 2 max (rum/vodka)
I'm finishing a glass of orange vodka, orangecello, juice and seltzer...over did out the other night though, just 2 tonight!
I have stopped drinking completely. I used to drink quite regularly, mostly beer, and I could kick myself now, because though I didn't know I had crohn's, it was clear how much beer bothered me and yet I accepted it.

It is enough for me to hear that alcohol an be a main trigger, and knowing the way is makes me feel(terrible) and also I am taking Remicade and Imuran, I don't think I should add alcohol to the mix!

At 41 yrs old, I have done enough drinking and really (mostly) don't miss it. I get a whiff of delicious beer sometimes though and then mourn it for awhile lol Summer will be a big trial though!! No deck beers? lol

My step brothers both have crohn's and they both indulge. One says it really bothers him but I guess he just does it anyway, and the other-I am not too sure if it bothers him.

My philosophy is we can't expect Doctors to gives us their help and family and friends their support-if we don't take the steps to help ourselves!
I've recently had some new findings...

Wine - NO, never again. I drank some (a fair bit) and suffered from the worst heartburn I have ever had. It woke me up at night for at least 4 nights after.

Spirits - This weekend I was on spirits. Handeled them quite well, bit of a funny stomach Sunday morning:poo:. Then experiencing a bit of mucus (sorry).

Cider - Love it but it makes me bloat and is very uncomfortable. If I drink cider it is just when I fancy one on a night in.
Beer is the worst for my system. I have been in remission for a couple years, with only the occasional flare up (right now ouch) and clear liquor is a safe bet for me. Def no-no's are any hoppy beers. The next morning is agony, even in remission for me...
I drink every day before dinner. usually a couple of glasses of wine. it doesn't seem to make a difference, and i certainly don't want to give it up!
It's been about 6 months since I last posted about this topic, now when I'm in remission I can handle alcohol - Gin and Tonic is the best for a night out, a few beers is okay (especially light or blonde beers which don't bloat as much as full strength), and wine is good in small amounts, say with dinner. I always make sure to eat something if I know I'm having a drink and also drink plenty of water.

When my Crohn's flares up obviously certain foods make me feel worse and I will stay away from alcohol - I took a bottle of "fake" shiraz (alcohol removed) to an engagement party at the weekend and no-one noticed the difference, then stuck to soda water and lime at the pub afterward. Just had to put up with how annoying my mates get after a few drinks and think, "Gosh, do I really sound like that too??"
Yes. I still drink. And I drink whisky. There is no right answer. Regular Coca Cola gets me sick, half a bottle of Jack Daniel's does not.
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don't do alcohol because I don't need anything else to harm my liver or seriously interact with my Crohn's medication. Cranberry juice, 7 UP, tea, water....stuff that's good for me.

Why drink something that's harmful anyway??
I don't drink alcohol at all any more as it's easy for me to give up anyway as I've never been much of a drinker. For the record it makes me feel awful anyway and usually always makes me throw up so drinking alcohol is the last thing I want to do.
The last time I drank was in March had 2 drinks and was drunk lol ended up getting sick on the way home coming out of both ends this was before I knew I had Crohn's I have not had any thing to drink since kinda of scared. I have a gluten allergic so wont be drinking beer I think that I would have a glass of red wine.
Beer always seems to disagree with me, usually ok with a few pints! But I tend to be okay on liquors! I don't really drink too much my self anyways, I never intend to get drunk anyways!

Beer always killed me too! When I quit beer, my Crohn's got way better! I stick with vodka and mix. My current fave is raspberry vodka with raspberry lemonade!:wine:
Anyone else have a freaky tolerance to alcohol? When I first started drinking I could down a 5th of tequila or rum in one night without passing out, getting sick, or even getting hungover. My brother drinks a lot and has been for years and he still gets hangovers and doesn't seem to have that much tolerance.
I used to drink but recently quit. I just finished my 3rd year in university andwould go out mostly just on fridays, sometimes saturday nights for drinks with friends. Some nights it would get a little excessive, but for the most part i'd just have a nasty hangover and the D for a day or two after. I stuck to white wine and vodka + soda or cranberry juice. Decided to change my life around this summer and started eating gluten free/dairy free and cut out alcohol completely while taking some more natural remedies along with my entocort.
I have had maybe two drinks in the past two years. Beer would cause probkems he bext day and exacerbate both my Crohns and arthritis. Three days of severe back pain was not worth a two hour buzz from alcohol but It kills me not to have a cold beer after playing in my men's hockey league every Monday, but I know I will feel better by abstaining. IF I drink, and I may start sipping a few now that Humira has everything under control, it will only be top shelf tequila - Don Julio 1942 or Jose Cuervo La Familia. No reason to drink crap if I'm only drinking very occasionally.
UGH I was really hoping after I figured out my diet I would be able to drink, but after reading through this I feel like that might not happen! My drink used to be either hard cider or a mai tai.... both of which are probably too sweet from what I read! Maybe if I get EXTRA EXTRA dry cider I will be OK LOL....
It may not be the sweetness that affects you. I can drink cider (I like it dry and cloudy, but can drink the sweet stuff) and also white wine. I find its the beer and whisky that really plays me up (guessing its something to do with barely, wheat or malt)

My dad brought home a couple of bottles of Mai Tai and I loved it, unfortunately I can't seem to get it in the UK :( so I have Sake instead
I find lager is horrible,but alcopops,vodka,gin,mojito,and the odd whiskey is fine but like everyone else I know before I go out if my insides are up to it.
Specific Carb Diet says occasionally Dry Wine, Gin, Rye, Scotch, Bourbon and Vodka are ok. I had to quit tho. A lemon drop martini blew up my stomach and put me in the hospital for the month of January :( no joke. I might have some wine again in a few months but now I am just scared!
Alcohol doesn't do anything bad to me... as long as I don't drink too much of it, that is!

I definitely don't drink as much as I used to, but I do drink a little. Beer, the odd Captain and Coke. Would hate to give it up!
Ok so I am new to taking methotrexate and my doctor has not yet advised me to stop drinking. I told her I drink 2-3 drinks/week and she didnt' say anything. I also have found on occasion I do get stuck in the bathroom the next morning but only if I consume a lot of alcohol and sometimes even if I consume a lot I am just hungover the next day no rushing to the bathroom. If I stay at the lower level of drunk for the night and stick to beer/wine I am totally fine. But am I totally fine? There so much we don't know about whats going on inside atleast for me because I don't have much symptoms but apparently have a moderate-severe level of crohns... I realize drinking alcohol esp on methotrexate is damaging to the liver... but what about consuming fake sugars in zero calorie products while on methotrexate? those are hard on your liver too and I haven't heard any doctors mention this before.
I actually just found out that any kind of alcohol can trigger crohn's problems, so I am officially bummed :/

maybe I need to move to Colorado LOL
I actually just found out that any kind of alcohol can trigger crohn's problems, so I am officially bummed :/

maybe I need to move to Colorado LOL

I'm not going to get into that topic too much as the last time I brought that up here it wasn't a welcomed discussion at all, but I will say I have managed extremely well in the past. The Indica strains have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can work wonders on a troubled flare up.

As for alcohol I rarely drink it but my experience is:
-Hard alcohol - not good on my stomach at all
-Beer - I enjoy a good dark beer, it doesn't seem to bother me at all.
-Wine - I love wine, but I imagine if I drank too much my stomach wouldn't agree with it. I rarely have more than 2 glasses.
I drink angry orchard hard ciders every weekend without any problems.

8 yrs with crohns
Anything gassy like lager is out, but spirits non-bubbly wines and ales and stouts are ok for me.
Dry (non-sugary) wines and ciders are okay for me. Never go for anything described as fruity, it's not fruit, it's sugar/fructose. Spirits are okay for me to drink at the time, but the next day I pay for it with D. Lager/beer, just NO.

I do think my drinking days are a huge factor in my gut problems. But like you said, you're 18, I'd definitely try to enjoy it and have plenty of nights out and then perhaps keep it at a sensible/social level.

Right now, I still drink, but I've cut down a lot compared to how much I used to drink at your age. If I'm diagnosed with IBD, I'll probably stop drinking alcohol altogether. It seems like I'm slowly becoming unable to tolerate it anyway. In my head I want to drink, and I do, but then I pay the price.
I really enjoy a glass or so of wine with my dinner and find that it doesn't have any negative effects. I can't drink anything bubbly any longer - I think that my shortened bowel can't cope with it and I end up with so much gas in my ostomy bag!
hi! bubbles are brutal ~ I have best results with dry wines with food.
but like Lewis said, alcohol causes problems :(
I have recently been diagnosed and have started treatment. My little sis is getting married this weekend, so I am sure I will indulge at least in the wedding toast and possibly one or two vodka and OJs later on. I will have to play it by ear and see how I feel I think.

Last month for her Hen Do I just couldn't drink anything and we did a cocktails class! It was great fun though and I made it through it. Just wish I could have been in better health then to make it a more fun experience for her and to be able to have a bit more to drink than I did. A few sips of the welcome drink, a shot and a small amount of the Long Island Iced Tea I made was all I could manage.

I don't really want to drink to any kind of excess, but it would be nice if I can tolerate a drink or two now and then. We will see, I guess!
Jack Daniels and coke, can't go wrong.

Doesn't give me any problems, beer usually does.
I now can't drink any carbonated drinks without severe gas!!! I did have a craving for pop recently and left the cap off of a bottle of rootbeer - it took a long time to get flat lol
i stick to white wine/ gin/ vodka with a non sweetened mixer and i don't seem to have any problems. AVOID beer at all costs!
Every body is different trial by error . Stick with one drink the entire evening . If it gets you sick. Eliminate that drink next time . So on and so forth.
Well, I seemed to have coped perfectly fine with the alcohol. Probably drank more than I should have, but I was head bridesmaid so I got a lot of drinks given to me. But I stuck with drinking wine and had one vodka and OJ at the end of the night.
im 20 years old got diagnosed with crohns about a year ago and had a foot cur out of my intestines a week later. my GI told me i have one of the most severe cases of crohns hes ever seen. I drink every single night and get hammered every friday and saturday night. I have never had one problem sense. when my doctor told me that the leading thing for flare ups was stress i figured out that know one knows a thing as to why flare ups happen. it would be hard to find someone thats not stressed in this economy. so do as you want and dont let anyone tell you what you cant do.

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